
To the Place Beyond the Universe


  Their love ends long before it grows in their heart. No one knows who the suspect is, maybe it’s their hands, as they were the one who sign the paper which on it is written their promise of letting go each other. But it could be their body too, as it’s the one who bear the pain of killing their old self so they could be the star who shines bright on the sky. Then again, there is their heart; after all it’s the one who choose one self as the last one standing, right?

  They stop questioning it after realizing that no court could do them any justice. Those prosecutors manage to convince them that prison is the sanctuary that they are longing. All they need to do is just to be there, alone, with beauty and pretense, and they will give them a new world inside the box.

  L and Suzy think that they will not appeal for the rest of their live, until they rot there alone with their obsolete beauty. It was perfect. They could have been perfect. If it’s not about that one particular moment, when they find each other existence and make each other as their flaw.

  They should’ve leaved it there; neglected until it gradually vanishes, when they realize it’s the only difficulty they have among the comfort they have been possessed. Only in the darkest night, when the moon is too conceited to show itself, when the stars are getting farther and farther, only then they could sneak in the dark, hand in hand, whispering love to each other.

  No one ever question how long they could last, after all there has never been a time for them. The barrier between them is asking to be crushed so the pieces could land on their skin. The witness would let out a deafening joy while they are bleeding in pain. Ah, of course, they are after all, an entertainer.

  As ridiculous as they should be, it’s one stupid habit of them to refer each other as Myungsoo and Su Ji. It’s delusional, they know, but for them those lousy names sound perfect with another lousy word such as love. But don’t fret; those names also happen to be constant reminder whenever the crowd gathers screaming L, screaming Suzy, they will admit,

  ‘Myungsoo and Su Ji’ is never a secret. It’s a fantasy.


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bhadra001 #1
Chapter 17: Why are you so good?!!!. I love your stories so much . I'm soo glad you write suzy stories.
Thank you for writing these beautifully written drabbles. :')
vrendezvous #3
Thank you :D
Chapter 17: That was beautifully written.
louieistrash #5
I'm so happy that the Myungzy ship is blessed with one great writer like you. Thank you for everything.
Chapter 15: These are all so good that it's hard to choose a favorite. But since you asked, my favorites are Fifty Steps, Fantasy, Librarian Letter, The Sound of Solitude, Hazel Cottage, Remember Me, she takes promise wholeheartedly, and I could stay awake just to hear you breathing. :3
Chapter 16: One word: beautiful.
Chapter 15: This... is just sad. :'(
Chapter 14: Um... Is she gone?
louieistrash #10
That hazel cottage. T____T It made me sadder.