To be Exquisite

To the Place Beyond the Universe


  Su Ji was exquisite. It had been a habit for me to mouth beautiful every time she acted in her counterfeit grace. The way she purposely stared at me and how she ignorantly placed her hands on my shoulder, for me was nothing but a dance routine which never failed to take my breath away as I described her as breathtaking.

  Saying love for her was as easy as urging man to love her which she usually did by playing innocent, pretending to not know a thing while I knew all had been scripted in that intelligence mind of her.


  “I love you,” she said and I lost the ability to list everyone that got the privilege to be flattered by those meaningless words from her.

  She said it, loud and clear, and often and always with smile. People knew how it was nothing but her trick and yet they never mind. People including me. Oh, Su Ji, you could treat everyone for granted and we all would still felt honored.

  I, myself, willing to be one of the stars who admired the-moon-like Su Ji. We glowed to attract her, making ourselves looked like we were worth for her to use, while she was only a dull object that didn’t have the power to emit her own light. Just like the moon, Su Ji, was nothing without the sun.

  And what right do I have to mock her while I was not the one who gave light for her? What right do I have when I was only one of the lovestruck stars which craving to be her sun yet kept failing for I had never been good enough? What right do I have to despite the exquisite Su Ji?


  Su Ji, the pale, restless girl who would pretend to know the meaning of love, why don’t you give up? Why can’t you realize that the sun is leaving you? Look how weary you are now. People would notice that you are nothing but a desolate rock, and I don’t want that. It has always been a secret which I manage to find out by myself.

  Why don’t you stop, Su Ji? Why don’t you pick me and we’ll leapt through time and space to the place where we can be exquisite without pretending.


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bhadra001 #1
Chapter 17: Why are you so good?!!!. I love your stories so much . I'm soo glad you write suzy stories.
Thank you for writing these beautifully written drabbles. :')
vrendezvous #3
Thank you :D
Chapter 17: That was beautifully written.
louieistrash #5
I'm so happy that the Myungzy ship is blessed with one great writer like you. Thank you for everything.
Chapter 15: These are all so good that it's hard to choose a favorite. But since you asked, my favorites are Fifty Steps, Fantasy, Librarian Letter, The Sound of Solitude, Hazel Cottage, Remember Me, she takes promise wholeheartedly, and I could stay awake just to hear you breathing. :3
Chapter 16: One word: beautiful.
Chapter 15: This... is just sad. :'(
Chapter 14: Um... Is she gone?
louieistrash #10
That hazel cottage. T____T It made me sadder.