Second biggest mistake in my life.

This is my story...

~Junhyung’s POV.~

I touched my forehead and smiled to myself when Hyunseung left the room.

He still likes me.’ I though

I opened my eyes and looked around the room. His room sure were more tip-top than my. And it had a special smell. I really liked it.

I stood up from bed and put my clothes on.

“Junhyung needs food.” I mumbled and went to the kitchen. I stopped before entering living room and looked at Hyunseung and that girl.

“Let’s GO!” she almost screamed, grabbed Hyunseung’s hand and pulled him out of the dorm.

How dare she!

I palmed my head.

God, Junhyung… you broke up with him! He isn’t yours anymore…

My eyes become teary. How could I be so stupid to let someone so special go.

It’s not that my heart was breaking when I broke up with him. I just though everything will be still like before. But I was damn wrong. Hyunseung was becoming more un-social. He did talk to other members, but when it came to me, he just couldn’t talk. Like his body would be under someone’s else control. I found him gazing at me many times. And everytime like that, his eyes were full of tears. I hated him. I really did. Special because I still loved him with all my heart. And because I wanted this to end, I found myself a girlfriend and started to ignore him. I was really rude to him sometimes. But don’t think it was easy for me! I wished I could turn back the time and wouldn’t say those stupid words “We can’t date anymore. We have to stop our relationship here…”
Now… I decided to make things back right. I hurt him a lot and I know he won’t forgive me that easily. Maybe he even won’t. But if he does that… I don’t know what I will do. For the start, I want to get his attention back. Like I did this night, sleeping in his room. I tough he’ll kick me out, but he didn’t. Cheer for me!

At the point, I won’t let his girl win.

“Gee gee gee gee, baby, baby, baby, gee gee gee gee~” I turned my look on the table next to me. My phone was ringing. My girlfriend was calling.

I sighed and picked up.

“Morning, my beuty prince!” I made a –yuuck- face and sighed. I hated that ‘nick name’.

“Morning.” I said in deep tone.

“Oh Oppa~ something wrong?”

“Ne, you.” I kept my tone in same line.

“Ahhh?! Wayee?!”

“Look. I’m sick of you. Okay? SICK.OF.YOU.” I sighed.

“Oppa? You drunk again?!”

“I’ll came over your place in 10 minutes.” I mumbled and hang up.

“Gosh how I hate woman!” I said to myself.

Yeah.. today was a day of dumping a biggest mistake I ever made in my life. Beside leaving Hyunseung.

I made my way to my room and changed my clothes.

I hang to hers place and dumped into hers apartment.

“Oppa~” she ran to me for a hug. I stopped her by grabbing her shoulders.

“Look. We can’t date anymore. Our relationship doesn’t exist anymore. It never did. Clear!?”

Her face became pale in a second. I smiled.

“Great. So, delete my txt messages, number, throw away all gifts I gave to you and forget me.” I turned around and walked out.

That wasn’t actually so hard.  

I sighed from relief and smiled at myself.

Let’s go home now, to my sweet Seungie.




So so so... made some things clear with this?

Hope i did >.<


Thaanks for all commmeents <3 Do comment more <3

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mastermind #1
Miss b2st :(
Chapter 32: And me Kpoplover4ever4321
Chapter 30: I don't like Hara
Chapter 29: Hope Hyunseung heart will not break
Chapter 27: AISHHH this is so making me angry because Hyunseung is always sad
Chapter 26: Teach it to love junseung
Chapter 25: TIME TO FIGHT FOR HYUNSEUNG /kills Hara/
Chapter 24: IMMA kill hara