I still smell some love!

This is my story...

*3th person POV.*

GD reached the hospital and ran to doctor.

»What happened to Hyunseung!?« he breath in and looked through window in Hyunseung’s room, where he was sleeping like an angel.

“His body was overworked and without any power.”

“Can I go to him?”

“Sure but he’s sleeping.”

“Thank you!” he bowed and quickly went into room. His eyes stopped on person who was sitting next to Hyunseung’s bed, holding his hand.

“Ya Junhyung! What are you doing here?” GD asked annoyed and went closer.

Junhyung turned around and looked at GD.

“Waiting him to wa-”

“Get out.” GD cut him off and glared at him.

“But I-”

“Get out!” GD raised his voice up.

“But I too-”

“Are you depth?! Get out!” GD pulled Junhyung’s hand away from Hyunseung’s and made Junhyung stand up.

Junyhung was just looking at him in shock. His heart was in horrible pain at the moment.

“Are you still here?! I told you to get your out.” GD keep his glared on Junhyung.

“I took him here! I have all rights to be h-”

“Aniya!” cut him off again.

“Who are you to be telling me that?!” Junhyung finally got his words be spoken.

“None of your business. Out!” GD pointed at the door.

Junhyung looked at Hyunseng and sighed heavily.

“I’m sorry Seungie~” he whispered, turned around and walked out.

“Aish I hate being evil…” GD sighed  after Junhyung closed the door and looked at sleeping Hyunseung.

*Knock knock*
May I come in~?” a soft, girly voice was heard behind the door.

“Come, come.” GD looked at the door and expected a nurse.

A girl peeked in the room and then ran to Hyunseung and hugged him.

“Oppa~ I’m so sorry for leaving you alone!” she said with crying voice.

“You must be Hyewa…” GD was looking at the girl and gently placed his hand on hers shoulder to move her a bit away from sleeping angel.

She followed GD’s hand and looked at him with a small, worried smile.

“Aye~ awhhh! GD!?” her smiled became more bright as she bowed.

“Oh you know me?” GD smiled back and offered her a chair.

“Nee~ Hyunseung told me about you.” Hyewa giggled and sat on chair.

“Ohhh… good or bad?”  GD asked suspiciously.

“Good!” Hyewa giggled again and looked at Hyunseung.

“He told me about everybody. And all he was talking about was positive… sometimes I came to think that he sees only good things about someone. I mean, that good ne, but… that doesn’t always make him happy…” Hyewa sighed and hers eyes become little teary.

“Are you pointing on Junhyung?” GD asked carefully.

She nod her head and sighed again.

“I know I’m officially only a teacher to him, but he became an older brother to me in so short time and it hurts me to see him suffer because of an Junhyung.” Right after that she covered with hands.

“I didn’t meant  like a really… .” She blushed and looked at the ground.

GD tapped her shoulder and smiled.

“I keep my mouth shout for you. Can I tell you a small secret?” GD came closer to her and giggled.

“Nee, Hyung!” Hyewa looked at him.

“I’m playing trick on Junhyung. I want him to know how did he make Seungie sad.” He smiled.

“How can I help?” Hyewa smiled back.

“Just stay at Hyunseungs side.” GD messed her hair.

“I’ll… but I want to help with your plan! I want to make Oppa happy again… I want to make him be with Junhyung again!” she pouted.

GD’s eyes widen.

“I don’t think that possible…” he blinked faster.

“They will be together again. I tell you! Even thought Junhyung was so evil and stuff to Oppa, he still has strong feelings for him.” Hyewa smiled and looked at Hyunseung.

“How do you know?” GD blinked even faster.

“Before woke up oppa last time, I went in his room and found Junhyung in his bed.  When I was about to leave, he started to talk in sleep… Wait I recorded him…” she took out her phone and sheared for a tape.

GD was only looking at her with dump expression.

‘How can be so young girl so brave and smart?!’ he thought to himself and bite his lip.

“Hyunseung… ahh I’m sorry… Don’t leave me. S-saranghaeyo~ Seungie…” a tone stopped.

Hyewa was giggling at GD surprised face.

“This isn’t fake?” GD kept his face same.

Hyewa shook her head.

“Than… we shall make them back together.” GD smiled brightfully.

“Can I help now?” Hyewa pouted.

“Sure! Make Junhyung sees me everytime I’ll be with Hyunseung, okay?” GD grined.

“Okay~” Hyewa smiled.

“Mwhhmm….” Mumbling disturbed GD’s and Hyewas smiling and made them looked at the boy on the bed.

“Hyunseung!” they both shouted and hugged poor angel.


Don't hate me for a random chapter please~~

I just wanted Hyewa to give some help XD

Anyway~ Hyunseung wakes up! awww ne? :3

Please do update! And ask if there is any question!

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mastermind #1
Miss b2st :(
Chapter 32: And me Kpoplover4ever4321
Chapter 30: I don't like Hara
Chapter 29: Hope Hyunseung heart will not break
Chapter 27: AISHHH this is so making me angry because Hyunseung is always sad
Chapter 26: Teach it to love junseung
Chapter 25: TIME TO FIGHT FOR HYUNSEUNG /kills Hara/
Chapter 24: IMMA kill hara