
This is my story...

Doojoon clapped loud at us.

I sighed and forced a smile. All I hoped is that Hyewa got my joke about us dating. So far, I’d only use her for some stupid plan of Doojoon I didn’t even know.

“Are we going to practice or not?” Junhyung spoke up, looking away from everyone else.

Something was wrong. Even thought he hates me, since Hyewa is here, he’s acting strange. I shook my head drag Hyewa to sit next to me.

“Will you call me Oppa too?” Dongwoon asked Hyewa with his puppy eyes.

“Wonnie!” Kiki almost screamed.

“I’m ignored.” Junhyung mumbled.

“Whaa?” annoyed voice came from Dongwoon’s mouth. Everybody knew that Kiki loves Dongwoon and he wants him for himself.

“You’re making me jealous!” he pouted and looked away.

“Awhh Kiki~ my love~” Dongwoon quickly his lovely mood and hugged his Hyung tight and gave him a kiss on cheek.

“Gross! Do that in your room!” Yoseob puffed his cheeks innocently.

“Guys!” I sighed.

They turned their eyes on me.

“I think Hyewa wants to get to know you better…” my eyes stopped on Junhyung again.

“I’m Yang Yoseob and I’m the cutie of this group~” Yoseob puffed his cheek again and blushed alittle.

Hyewa giggled.

“Nice to meet you~” she almost singed.

“I’m Lee GiKwang~ with the most honey-abs from all around the world. And this is my love, Son Dongwoon~my maknae” Kiki messed Dongwoon’s hair and hugged him tight.

“Awwwwwww~~” Hyewa could hold back from all their cutness.

“I’m Yoon Doojoon. The leader.” Doojoon said with a bit cold voice.

Hyewa gave him a little bow.

“ Yong Junyhung. Rapper. ” He looked at Hyewa with a glare.

Hyewa smiled at him and looked at me. I nod my head and sighed.

“I think we better start with your new songs~ I’d need my oppa, Doojoon hyung,Yoseob hyung and GiKwang hyung. Others don’t really need to be here.” She smiled brightfuly.

“I’m off to bed than~ keep on good work hyungs!” Dongwoon said and quickly disappeared out of the room.

I felt someone hugging me around waits. First I thought it was Hyewa, but when I heard

“Don’t run on couch tonight.”

whispered in my ear, my body froze.

“Junhyung get out.” Doojoon pulled Junhyung away from me and pushed him out of the room.

My eyes were wide open, full of tears.

Why was he such an idiot?! Why was he giving me attention all of sudden?! Was it possible… that he still loves me? That he’s jealous on Hyewa? …. No no, that’s impossible…

I facepalmed myself and smiled.

“I’m such an idiot.” I mumbled out louder than I wanted.

“You aren’t an idiot, oppa~” Hyewa hugged me and wiped my tears.

“When are you going to start dating?” Yoseob asked little annoyed.

“Are you jealous?” Doojoon hugged Yoseob from behind and smiled.

“Chh no! I just want to know when I should start counted your days till break-up as I did for Junhyung.” He smiled proudly.

“And how long is Junhyung in relationship already?” Doojoon asked surprised.

“Thex were in relationship for 2 years 7 month and 25 days.” Yoseob told even more proud.

“H-how do you mean… were?” I whispered.

“They broke up today.” Yoseob smiled.

“So let’s start with our music!” he added and walked from Doojoon hug.

“Hyunseung?” Doojoon wishpered.

“S-start without me.” I said and quickly went to search for Junhyung.

I found him gazing through window.

“Junhyung?” I slowly placed my hand on his shoulder. He turned to me and sighed.

“You scared me.” He looked back outside.

“I’m sorry… Ano… What’s with you and your girlfriend?” I asked. Honestly, I was afraid of his reaction.

“Nothing…” she answer with a calm voice and smiled.

“Junhyung… how can you do something like this?” I got tears in my eyes.

“W-what?” he looked at me surpised.

“You’re breaking hearts of the ones that really love you. You don’t know how much that hurts! How could you do that to that girl?!” I started punching his chest while crying.

I didn’t know what obsessed me. I was really mad at him. I didn’t mind him doing this to me, but to that girl who was completely innocent. How could he? He really didn’t know how do someone, who’s left behind from a person he truly love, suffer from all pain in his heart. He didn’t know how hard is to live without being loved.

All of sudden he pulled me in his hug and petted my head.

“Hyunseung… I ... I just didn’t love her.”

“BASTARD!” I pushed him away.

“Why are you suddenly on hers side?” he asked with a little angry voice.

“Because… Because I know how does she feels… I know how heartless your words can be and I know… I know how is to live, seeing you everyday but not getting love back. I know how much that hurts!” my tears just didn’t stopped, they’ve gotten even bigger.

“I-I’m sorry…” he whispered.

“YOU’RE NOT SORRY!” I turned around and ran out from the dorm.

I’m going somewhere, somewhere nice. I’m going far, far away from you and our hearts. I’ll stop, when you’ll repeat your words. I’ll come back, when I’ll hear those three words from you. Just once again, make me feel special. Make me feel yours.



Hyewa finally gets to know everybody, but the day turns into a nightmare.. for now...?

AAANND JunSeung got tottaly apart.. And somehow i lost myself here XD I honestly don't know how to continue...


Write your ideas in comments or on my wall or anywhere.. i just beg you to help me cuz i'm lost *whiteflag*


Thanks for all comments~ <3

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mastermind #1
Miss b2st :(
Chapter 32: And me Kpoplover4ever4321
Chapter 30: I don't like Hara
Chapter 29: Hope Hyunseung heart will not break
Chapter 27: AISHHH this is so making me angry because Hyunseung is always sad
Chapter 26: Teach it to love junseung
Chapter 25: TIME TO FIGHT FOR HYUNSEUNG /kills Hara/
Chapter 24: IMMA kill hara