Baby, please... pick up...

This is my story...

*menwhile, Junhyung’s POV*

“What was that?!” I looked at Doojoon and than at Dongwoon.

“Well... you forgot that paparazzi are everywhere.” Doojoon coldly answered.

“W-what?!” I looked at with. I felt like a dumb.

“He saw the news about you and Hara. How come you didn’t tell him before? I thought you are dating…” Dongwoon sadly  sighed and looked at me.

“WHAT?! WHAT NEWS?! THAT WASN’T SUPPOESD TO COME OUT FOR A NEXT WEEK!” my face surely turned completely red from all anger.

“How do you mean… wasn’t supposed to come out..?” Doojoon’s eyes widen.

“IT’S A FU*KING FAKE DATE JUST TO GET ATTENTION! DO YOU REALLY THINK I’D DATE HER?!” I was really pissed now.  Not at Doojoon or Dongwoon… or Hyunseung. But on myself ‘cause I didn’t told about that before.

“…. And why didn’t you told him that before?” Dongwoon slowly asked.

“I was planning to! But… but I was afraid…I just couldn’t. And I know I should!” I sat on the ground and covered my face with my hands.

“Junyhung… you still have time to explain the situation to him.” Doojoon kneed next to me and hugged me.

“It will sounded like an excuse.” I sighed.

“But you still can try, right? If you really love him, you won’t give up that easily.” He smiled and pated my shoulder.

“I hate that you’re always right.” I mumbled and stood up.

“I know! That’s why hyungs are for!” he smiled proudly and passed me my phone.

*Noone’s POV*

Hyunseung was already at Bigbang’s dorm, lying on GD’s bed.

His phone was ringing over and over again, but Hyunseung just didn’t pick up.

“1,2,3,4…” he counted quietly as phone rang again.

“What if you pick up?! He won’t stop and you know that.” GD said annoyed already.

“ I’m not talking to idiots, specially not to those who are named Yong Jungyung.” Hyunseung quietly answered, which made GD roll his eyes.

“But you love him!” GD sighed.

“I’m trying not you, okay!” Hyunseung glared at him.

On the other side, in BEAST dorm, Junyhung kept on clicking ‘call’ button.

“Please baby, pick up…” he was whispering in the phone with hope God will make this come true.

“Yoboseyo?” finnaly, after his 75th try, someone answered.

“Seungie listen! Don’t hand up! Please! Let’s talk! Let me explain you!” Junhyung rushed talking.

“Wait I’ll put you on speaker.” GD said.

“I’m not going to listen!” Was heard from background at GD’s place.

“You can start speaking Junyhung. I’ll leave you alone now.” After that a loud closing door was heard and than silence.

“Hyunseung?” Junyhung slowly asked in the phone.

On answered he got just a voice from moving sheets.

“Listen to me… I’m sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t told you before. I’m sorry that you found out in the most awkward way. I’m sorry. I really am. But it’s nothing! That day, after out goodbye stage, when manager came to talk to me.. you remember? Well that time he told me that I’ll have to date Hara for some time. He said that BEAST didn’t get enough attention and that we need something more than just wining. I’m sorry for not telling you but… but I was afraid. I know I’m stupid! I dunno what was I afraid of… maybe thought you’d not accept it. I dunno. I’m sorry! Please, Seungie, forgive me! I love you! I love only you and nobody else… please Seungie…”

Junyhung’s cheeks were already wet from tears that started rolling down his cheeks. His voice was about to crash down and all he hoped is that Hynseung will understand him.

“Junyhung…” Hyunseung whispered after some time listening to crying Junyhung.

“Yes, Seungie?” Junyhung made himself to say that without sobbing.

“I forgive you… and I’m sorry to be such a fool.” older whispered and hand up.




I forgot that i promised to cook a dinner for my family so a rushed to make it. I'M SORRY >.<

So here is the update~

What do you think Hyunseung will do now? Go back to Junyhung? Or Do something else? :D

I donno if i should make story any longer or just end it in 1-3 chapters >.<

Any ideas? Please do share!

Beside.. I'm writing a new story: 10 day's summer Diary.

Yeeep it will be about B2ST again XD  I'd be glad to get a co-author! If there is anybody willing just TELL ME!


Hope you like the chapter ! :D

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mastermind #1
Miss b2st :(
Chapter 32: And me Kpoplover4ever4321
Chapter 30: I don't like Hara
Chapter 29: Hope Hyunseung heart will not break
Chapter 27: AISHHH this is so making me angry because Hyunseung is always sad
Chapter 26: Teach it to love junseung
Chapter 25: TIME TO FIGHT FOR HYUNSEUNG /kills Hara/
Chapter 24: IMMA kill hara