Chapter 5: The spark

SMTown Light

Sulli's eyes fluttered open slightly as she raised a hand to protect her sleep ridden eyes from the rays of sunlight pouring into the room. She slowly sat up before being pushed back down. “Don't move. You're comfy.” Sulli pushed the sleeping form off of her and glared at Krystal, who was attempting to go back to sleep. “Wake up Krystal. We've got chores to do.” The sleepy girl remained on the floor and Sulli nudged her with her foot before there was a gentle knock on the door. “Come in.” The door opened and Jessica skipped into the room while holding a cup before glancing at her sister who had been asleep on the floor. “Don't worry. I got it.” She put her finger in her drink and slowly stirred as the room grew colder. “Krystal. Wake up now or you're getting a block of ice to the back of your head.

Krystal hopped up quickly before bumping into her sister who dropped her glass that broke to show ice in the cup. “You were going to hit me in the head with ice?” Krystal's eyes had grown to an enormous size before Jessica shuffled out of the room without any interest as to what was going to happen. Sulli shuffled to her closet and pulled out sweat pants before heading to the bathroom for a quick shower. The other girls had been socializing with each other until they noticed Sulli walking down the hall and their conversations had grown to a silent whisper.

Sulli made it to the bathroom, after walking up two flights of stairs, and went to grab the handle before it swung open on its own and a guy stepped through. “How did you get in here?” She glanced around to look for help on the somewhat abandoned floor as the mysterious guy laughed. “I'm not a guy. We haven't had much interaction but I'm Amber.” She held her hand out and Sulli reluctantly shook it as she examined the female's neck to check for an Adam's apple. “You have excellent taste in bathrooms.” Amber moved past Sulli and went into one of the rooms that had been on that floor.

Sulli quickly showered and changed before scurrying back to her room where Victoria had been sitting on her bed. “Don't be alarmed. I just simply wish to have a word.” There was a faint smile on her face but the sunglasses over her eyes barred her from knowing what she had been thinking. Sulli sat on the bed as worry began to fill her mind. “I wish to talk to you about what happened yesterday. This has been coming for a long time and I don't want you or Krystal to blame yourselves. Taeyeon followed you and Krystal after seeing the look in her eyes. But just know you are still free to see your brother.”

Victoria stood up and walked to the door but stopped when her hand was rested on the handle. “There is a storm coming Sulli. And when it arrives. Be careful.” With her ominous message said, she exited the room before Krystal rushed in. “Come on. We have to start our chores.” Sulli had been shocked twice in one day. An ominous message from Victoria and Krystal being excited about working. The two girls had rushed off to do their chores while they received glances from the other girls had been working also.

Sunny had stayed by them and helped them out occasionally. Sulli went into the kitchen to grab something for her, Sunny, and Krystal but saw Jessica and Taeyeon and had been forced to have a picnic with them. Everything went well until Jessica tried to cool the potato salad down and froze it. Taeyeon tried to help the mood by chucking it through the air but it landed in the windshield of Tiffany's car. From the time Sulli had been here, she had noticed Tiffany loved pink but she loved her hulking monster of a car. The girls silently ran off leaving Taeyeon to stay around to deal with the angry Tiffany.

Sulli had bumped into Amber, Sooyoung, Luna, Sunny, and Hyoyeon who had been laughing and giggling about something. “Hey. We're about to go into town. Would you like to come with?” She held her hands together mouthing please but Sulli shook her head as the others walked past her and she went into her room before taking a nap. It seemed as if she had blinked before she had been woken up by someone violently shaking her. “Sulli!! Wake up!!! Taeyeon is looking for you!!!” Krystal, who needed to learn how to wake people up, ripped her from bed and was dragged into the living room where Taeyeon had been pacing back and forth.

Tae. Calm down. Who knows what's going to happen? Nothing bad is going to happen.” Jessica attempted to calm the girl down but she turned to Jessica and almost hissed at her. “Do you know who spotted them? Amber and Sooyoung. Do you remember what Sooyoung did to that guy who broke into our house that one time? I'm pretty sure he had his arm in bent in ways an arm shouldn't bend. And don't get me started on Amber who practically abuses her power whenever someone upsets her.” Sulli cleared and Taeyeon looked up at her before walking over to her and Krystal. “We need to go. Now. I got a text from Sunny. Amber and the girls spotted Lay and Luhan in the park. We need to go stop Amber before things get out of hand.”

Without asking any questions, Sulli and Krystal followed them to one of the black SUVs and hopped in before Jessica sped out of the garage. The tension in the car had been filled with a thick silence till Jessica stomped on the brake pedal as a group of citizens rushed pass. “I guess we're on foot from here.” The four girls got out of the car and walked in the direction where everyone had been running from. After turning a corner, Amber had been yelling at Luhan and Lay about something until she pushed him as Yunho and the boys arrived. Chen blasted her with lightning sending her flying into a building. Sooyoung, who had been watching the events unfold, pulled out her phone and called Victoria.

Victoria we have a situation. Please hurry.” Sulli watched as the other girls rushed to see if Amber was okay before she pulled herself out of the hole and returned fire on Chen. Shortly after Chen and Amber started fighting in the middle of the street, Sulli noticed Baekhyun attempt to help his friend but was blasted down the street by a laser beam. Sulli glanced to see reinforcements had arrived and Seohyun had been standing in the open through the sun roof. Baekhyun growled and quickly hopped up before blasting her with light sending her flying backwards out of the sun roof.

The car stopped abruptly and the girls scrambled out of their cars and Victoria made her way through the crowd before shouting at Yunho. “Yunho! Stop this senseless fighting now. Call your boys off.” Yunho glared at their leader and laughed condescendingly. “ She started this.” He gestured to Amber, Chen, Baekhyun and Seohyun ,Who hadn't bothered to stop fighting, and raised his eyebrow emphasizing his point. “We will end it. You think you are better than us. These powers shouldn't belong to you. You're weaker than us but were obviously itching to fight us. I've been waiting for this day Victoria. What good is power if you don't use it?” The boys had seemed visibly excited for this fight.

Victoria slowly advanced on Yunho as she completely ignored Amber flying in front her with electric burns on her skin before hopping up and charging at Chen. Victoria simply wished to reason with him and yelled at Amber to stop. Amber didn't pay attention to her leader as her battle lust has grown into an all out rage. Sulli stood by the cars as she bit her lip nervously while Victoria attempted to get closer to Yunho before Changmin stepped out in between them holding his hands up in case he needed to fire. “Not one more step.”

Don't forget to read the other half: SMTown Dark

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