Chapter 7 - Their Parallels

Starting Today

Chapter 7: (Their Parallels.)


He liked how everything felt so exciting and wonderful. When he finished his breakfast, he brushed his teeth, took his wallet, key’s and cellphone than was ready to go out. He first went to a flower shop before stopping at her home. After all he still did have an hour before the set time they would meet and he shouldn’t come empty handed. He bought a bouquet of lilacs, the color yellow and pink. Sweet innocent colors that reminded him of the new relationship he was starting with her.


Now that he thought about it, it was pretty amazing that he felt the same way now even in different circumstances. Onew seemed happy at that time, much more happier than now but that same feeling of excitement seemed to bubble up in his chest whenever he relieved the moment. This memory was dear to him and the feelings still vivid in his mind. The sun was shinning brightly that day, that it almost blinded his eyes and if he had not put on those sunglasses he would have become blind. The flowers were a bloom and they sky was clear and blue.


He had taken a taxi to her house, in the car he had been thinking about what to say to her and how to say it. At first he thought of just saying hello and leading her out after all they were close. But this was their first date and he couldn't just do that, it seemed lacking. He than decided to give her lilacs and tell her that he had waited for this day for a long time. He thought it would make her heart flutter and he was right it did.


She was dreaming a pleasant dream at that same moment her was reminiscing, the day was bright and the wonderful dream seemed to be going great. She was preparing herself to go on a date with Onew; though she did not remember how it came to the arrangement she still was going. Surprisingly she wore the same thing she wore on her first date with him, it was intriguing where the dream was going. She wore dark blue skinny jeans and a light blue shirt that had Elmo on it. Her shoes were black flats with little bows at the tips. She had left her hair out and just put a small white butterfly decorated clip on the right side of her hair.


This excitement she was feeling was one of anticipation of what the day would bring and she was happy. The doorbell rung and she had anticipated Onew to be at the door. She looked at the video monitor next to her door and he seemed like he was hiding something behind his back. She opened the door enthusiastically and looked over at Onew trying to look at what he had hidden.


“What is that?” Se had asked out of curiosity and Onew just smiled at her. Slowly revealing what was hidden behind his back, and there it was a bouquet of flowers. Lilacs that were pink and yellow scattered around the bouquet. She smiled and politely took the flowers he offered away from him. She took off her shoes and invited Onew in (who had close the door for her) and delicately put the flowers in a vase. She displayed it in the middle of the living room on a glass coffee table. Onew was proud he had bought her the flowers. “Thank you for the flowers Oppa.” She was really thankful and content that he had thought to come to her not empty handed.


“No don’t worry about that, I wanted to give them to you. Thanks for having me here.” Onew rubbed his hands together nervously and his face turned serious, he didn’t want to have to talk about it but all the same he didn’t want her to be unaware. “You know that from now and onwards you’re my girlfriend and it will be a difficult road to embark on especially if it’s with me. This will be dangerous and we’ll be keeping this a secret. I know that you want it I’ve warned you a thousand times before we even started. I’m not trying to tell you to end our relationship before it even started because I want to try but if you want it to stop I’ll always be listening.”


He watched for her expression. She was listening well and looked understanding of the situation. “Just remember I’m always here with you.” He was solemn but at the same time a look of worry crossed his face. She sighed, knowing what she had signed up for. Dating someone famous as him had its drawbacks but she thought love could pull through. But it didn’t.


Onew had took her out of her apartment soon after, taking her hand and pulling her through the streets of Seoul, no one knew who he was because he had a cap and sunglasses on to hide his face. Also he was dragging a girl behind him as he walked, which more or less made it less suspicious to bystanders. As a lot of people thought that Onew would be more careful with girls but they also didn’t bother looking at the couple twice, thinking it was just another way to show affection. They were walking at a fast pace and didn’t stop for anyone. She had followed him in a pace that almost matched his, and no one would have thought it was suspicious at all. They were another couple trying to get to a destination fast and didn’t exhibit an unordinary aura.


Onew remembered how he had picked out a nice secluded park in Seoul. It was isolated and there fore it was okay for them to date freely there. He remembered picking it out on the way to her house when he was still unsure of what to do. The park was only a walking distance for her house and it was easy to get by there without being spotted by paparazzi. He felt sorry for her whom he was dragging because she had to endure all these unconventional dates and once in a while meetings. Onew felt blissful when he was around her though and that pushed him to take the chance. He had taken her hand hurriedly and went to the park in case of any cameras capturing her. He could careless if it was he but he needed to protect her privacy about all else. This was one of his troubles that day but the elevated feeling of her hand in his felt unnaturally wholesome. It seemed like a fairy tale, a dream that wasn’t meant to be. 

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