Chapter 13 - Deduce

Starting Today

Chapter 13: (Deduce.)


Key looked relieved as she opened the door and got out of her car. To her he seemed all too happy but at the same time curious of what she was doing. After all she was avoiding them all. So why come to SM entertainment and undoubtedly open the door to him? He was supposedly the enemy, well that was what she made him believe. She knew he thought this, but yet she couldn’t help but beam him the biggest smile in a while. She would be lying if she said she didn’t miss him and she was not thinking about their predicament not to long ago.


Now was the time, it was as good as ever to put what she had practiced in action. She had just realized what a great opportunity this was for her. She told herself to go out there and fight them head on and now was the chance. So why was she wavering? She had thought that this would happen too, but she never expected it to be with Key. She never expected it to be this hard to see him, her emotions was less then stable. It was not supposed to be this way. But she was happy, and thinking about that just made her confused. She determinately straightened her thoughts however and told herself to just go with it. Like she had always done in life, she would just do it as herself.


Key was shocked when she opened the door; he had seen the number plate from the building and hurriedly ran over. He knew it was her car and he had seen her silhouette that was when he decided he was going to talk to her, not for himself but for Onew. With what was happening nothing was going right anywhere, it was time for the mother to interfere with their musings and games. It was time for him to be mediator, yet he didn’t expect it to be this easy. He looked her up and down right after she left her car, her style didn’t seem to change. Though he noticed something almost immediately. The way she moved changed, she wasn’t as confident in the way she moved as she was before.


He guessed he was right; she was suffering as much as Onew was. The problem was he now had confirmed his thoughts as to why she had cut ties between them. It was because of their Hyung but Key could never hold that against him. It was her choice, but he wouldn’t hold that against her either. He loved them both equally; his Hyung was someone so bubbly and nice. She was too just not as pumped as Onew usually was but a bit more truthful in her words, she was the ideal type of girl Key went on and on about in interviews. Onew and her had complimented each other and Key sometimes thought that they would have married each other already, if not for their careers.


Before she could even think about running away Key took her hand and forcibly put her in her own passengers seat. She seemed to still be in shock but once she got over the shock, she had started shooting questions at Key a hundred miles per hour. Mostly about why he was doing it, he had just told her to shut up and got into the drivers seat. Then drove off to a place he knew they could talk in private. He was glad that the paparazzi didn’t seem to catch wind of him doing ridiculous things right now. If they did SooMan and Onew would kill him. But, who knew anymore? Onew had been in an unpredictable state of mind when she had gone. Key then snapped back into the gravity of the situation. What he did now could be make or break for this couple. He tried not to think about the different possibilities that could occur as he drove to SHINee’s apartment.


“Key! What do you think you’re doing! Stop the car now!” She was screaming by now, while he seemed totally uncaring of what was going on. “I could sue you for kidnapping you know!”


Key smirked, “You wouldn’t though, you know. You were willingly dragged into the car. Video would show that you willingly got out of the vehicle too.”


She gritted her teeth in frustration, she didn’t regret opening the car door and getting out, surprisingly. Though he was being really irritable right now that she couldn’t even enjoy his company, didn’t he see that she was in inner turmoil. Still, it has been a while since she had seen him and enjoyed anyone’s company for that matter. She decided to just let go of her guard, even just for the journey. “So where are you taking me, Key?’


“To SHINee’s apartment.” She froze. (Just when she thought of getting a break.) What? She couldn’t possibly go there, more then likely the others would be there too, since Key was out. Although really if Onew was there she didn’t think she would be able to get a confession out of him like she had planned. She panicked, what was she going to do?


Key seemed to notice her panicked state even though he was supposed to be concentrating on the road and just chuckled at her reaction, even when he was expecting it. There was still hope for her after all, but he could not say the same for his leader. At least she could still show emotion but he wasn’t sure about Onew. “Don’t panic now, there won’t be anyone there. It’s the safest place to hide from the paparazzi, and all the managers are gone too. They had a meeting on our Japan concerts, we’re leaving for it soon. Did you know?” She was still fiddling with her hands, she badly wanted to ask where Onew was. What he was doing and who he was with but then that would seem like she was a stalker, but not that she wasn’t considered one already. She was in front of the SM building, staying inside a car and well just staring. 


Key, of course, notices her actions and understood, he wondered how she even survived when she was still as in love as she was before he left. He knew for sure how Onew survived (if you could call it surviving, even) and he wished that it wasn’t the same for her. That Onew’s fantasies that she was happy and safe were true. However judging from earlier Key might have to cross out happy, even though he wished otherwise.


“If you were wondering about the members, Jonghyun and Minho were in the SM building with me, they had wanted me to get details about their next schedule since they lost them. Really, you’d think that after all this time they would save it on their phones.” Key rolled his eyes for good pleasure and watched as she anxiously waited for Onew’s name to come out of his lips. Even though she never said anything, he knew. “I was supposed to meet them with papers but I saw you and thought that going with you is better then meeting up with them. Taeminie is at a variety recording, his watching over Onew.” He saw her shift in her seat and sighed.


Key realized that their Hyung’s worries were not all based of nothing; Onew seemed to have calculated everything right but at the same time wrong. Onew knew yet he didn’t want to believe that what he thought was right, and that was all Key needed to know that just like Onew, she didn’t want to think and yet she did. Both of them were in denial.  

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