Four: Part 2

The Burden

"You will do as you are told and pepare for marriage!"

"I will not marry that old man, I will marry the man I love."

"You have three days you will be prepared." You cheek stung from the hand that flew across it yet again.

"Let us in."

"Open this damn door."

"Leave her alone!" 

"Don't bruise her!"

You could hear the people outside pleading and banging on the locked study door.

"Go away this is between me and the burden."

"If I am a burden then let me have my inheritance and I will leave this family." You hissed.

"What inheritance? You think your father left something for you. He left everything to appa." Seunghyun hissed striking you again. "You will marry the old man, I will leave my post and I will marry my fiance. I could careless what happens to you, I've waited long enough to be happy and now that I can be you will not take it from me.." Seunghyun was cut off when you used all your strength to slam your fist into his nose.

"I am not some burden and I am not some object you can sell." You spat at him finally opening the door.

"You will pay for breaking my nose!"

"And you will pay for helping him cover up the truth." You hissed pushing past your former father who was rushing to examine Seunghyun who now hunched against the sofa arm clinging to a blood soaked cloth.

"Jun!" Mr. Choi hollered before you reached the door.

"You have no right to address me in such a way. You lied to me about everything. You knew my father and mother were dead and hid it from me. You knew my claim papers were altered. Why? Why would you lie to me for so long!" You tried to attack him but the boys and your own injuries prevented it.

"You were supposed to be my daughter, I was the marriage your mother ran from, but you.. you're just like her... Everything you do you're her exact replica... She ran away and had you with my brother, she didn't even know he came from a wealthy family!" He exploded in anger. "Imagine her face when she found out she married into the family she ran from, and when she found out she was pregnant they were so excited... but then she was depressed once you were born and left him, he died because of that woman!" He sobbed a bit. "Spending everyday looking for his princess and their butterfly. He never found you."

"Leave me alone, I refuse to hear anything from you without my lawyer present." You hissed exiting the room with the boys and then the house with a slam of the door.


"Juni, what exactly did you find out." Changjo questioned as he held you bridal style.

"He knew everything." You sobbed into his chest. "Everything." You trailed off.

"Let's go home." He said placing his head on yours. "It will all be okay." He tried reasuring but you could hear his heart pounding in his chest.

"Niel what happened." Zelo raced to you and Changjo when he was heading home.

"Zelo we'll tell you later, for now she needs rest." Changjo whispered.

"I'm going to go call a doctor, sleep well dongseng." L.Joe whispered ruffling your hair lightly before you passed out.


"She's fine for now, just some bruising, I'm suprised her bones weren't broken the bruising indicated that he was very forceful, is she going to press charges?"

"No I'm not." You sat up tired of the doctor talking as though you were comatose.

"Miss Kwon may I ask why not? He could have done serious damage had your bones been directly hit." The doctor wailed.

"I've had broken bones before, and he didn't do it to damage me considering the old man wants a pure, untouched, clean body." You hissed.

"But your not.." Changjo almost blurted before you covered his mouth.

"I'll be fine doctor, I just need a good nights sleep."

"Well don't forget to eat dinner." He frowned gathering his things.

"Allow me to show you out doctor." Minsoo smiled ushering him out once he packed up.

"Come on Juni, let's go get dinner." Changjo said after your hand.

"Gross." You said wiping his spit back onto his shirt.

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Broken_angel99 #1
Chapter 14: i really loved this fanfiction ~
thank you so much <3
Chapter 2: AW!!! I feel so bad for Jun. She deserves to be treated better. I wonder who's the guy she been trying to get feelings for. ^^ Can't wait for more! ^^