
The Burden

"Good morning." You cheerily bowed to everyone when you entered the living room.

"Your Kwon Juniel correct."

"Yes, who are you?"

"I am your fathers estate attorney. May I ask to see your birth certificate and you claims papers?" He questioned as you reached into Changjos livingroom desk for them.

"Here you go."

"I have found the right girl. " He sighed in relief. "I have been looking for you since your father passed away, I never thought you'd be right under my nose the entire time." He sniffled a bit. "I'm so happy I can go into retirement now, this is yours." He handed you a blue folded packet of papers. "This is your fathers will. It names you as his sole benefactor. Miss Kwon you are the missing choi heir, your cousin, Jiyong told me you were staying with these young men and I just had to hope he wasn't playing a trick on me again. I will gladly tell you about your fathers will but for now we need to call the police and you back to your rightful place." He smiled widely as you opened the will.


"You are not allowed on my property!"

"You mean my property."


"Mr. Choi, we have to legally ask you to vacate the premises." One of the police stated walking towards your father.

"This is my property."He replied angrily.

"Mr. Choi it states in your brothers will his daughter inheirits his estate and seening as she has shown proof of who she is and we have documents to prove it, you must oblige by the laws and turn everything over to her."

"But I am her guardian."

"Actually you renounced her as your child, there are also current negotiable emancipation papers in her pocession, and witness who can back up the story."

 "Mr. Choi please vacate before you lose anymore dignity."

"What is all this noise." Miss Kim came out of the house looking horrible and angry.

"Well Miss Kim.." you were saying  before she cut you off.

"It's Mrs. Choi now." She smiled flaunting the ring.

"Well Mrs. Choi, Mr. Choi isn't rich at all, which means you married a poor man." You smugly smirked.

"Shut your trap you little tramp" she hissed. "Jonghoon, tell me she's lying.." Mrs Choi waited for an answer but grew impatient. "I'm leaving!" She shouted slamming the front door behind her as she went to get her things.

"You burden, this is all your fault!" He hissed at you.

"Sir, please collect your belongings." The officer from earlier stated ushering your father to the front door.

"I will do no such thing, this land is rightfully mine not the bastard child of a poor dead woman!" he hissed slapping you across the face.

"Officers I want to press charges for assault." You hissed from the ground as the lawyer helped you to stand up.

"Yes Miss Kwon." The nodded and began hand cuffing your former father as the new Mrs. Choi lugged her bag out your front door.

"Mrs. Choi, I suggest you empty your bag of my valuables." You hissed causing the woman to freeze. "Excuse me officers I believe she has stolen valuables from my home and if I open the front door I can point out a few decorations that I assume are now in her bag." You smiled when she dropped the bag in her hands and attempted to run.


"Can you believe this, I own all of this." You smiled twirling around the livingroom with Sulli.

"Noona that's so awesome but what do you plan to do with it all." Sulli asked her face showing concern.

"Well I plan to figure everything out, enroll us both into Jaekyung and keep all of the staff." You smiled as she confusedly looked at you. "Sulli, I can't let my favorite dongsaeng go to a dangerous school, nor can I let you struggle out there while your umma's sick."

"You knew?"

"i've known for awhile, only now am I able to do something about it." You smirked hugging her tightly. "Let's go tell the others that they are all keeping their jobs!" You cheered running to the servants recreational room.

"They aren't there." She frowned.

"What." You skidded to a stop.

"Mrs. Choi fired everyone, the only reason i'm still here is because your father likes my coffee too much... oh and Mrs. K quit.

"Wow, that I would never expect."

"Apparently she loved your father and he was too stupid to notice." Sulli rolled her eyes.

"I could call most of the workers back but a couple like the chef and chaeffurs have already found replacement jobs." She pouted.

"Well, call back who ever you can, we can hire new people over the next few days." You smiled widely as you took down Mr. Choi's portraits.

"So what's it like over there with your lover boy." Sulli giggled as she began taking photos down.

"It's wonderful, wait who told you?" You asked shocked realizing you've never mentioned who you liked to Sulli before.

"I'm dating Daniel, well I have been for awhile now." Sulli blushed crimson.

"And why didn't I know this?"

"Well since you never talked about who you liked I left out that I was dating someone for fear it might have been the person you liked..." She trailed off. "So has he asked you to be his girlfriend yet." She swiftly changed the subject.

"Actually no not yet... hopefully he does." You forced a smile. "I have to place a few calls so i'll be back, but please call back the staff if you have time." You smiled heading into the office downstairs.

"Hey Juniel." You gasped as hands suddenly encircled your waist.

"Changjo, what the hell, you scared me." You pouted hitting his chest lightly. "How did you get in here."

"Window." He pointed to the study window that was wide open and missing it's curtains.

"Oh, so..." You trailed off as he gently pulled you in for a kiss.

"Just wanted to see where my girlfriend wants to have dinner."

"Let's go to To Sok Chon...." You traiiled off. "Did you just say..." You studdered out shocked.

"Well I thought I test it out before you say yes tonight." He smirked.

"What makes you think I will say yes?"

"I was your first..." His voice was muffled through the rest of his sentance as you covered his mouth.

"Gross." You shrieked as he your palm.

"Bet you won't think this is." He said kissing you while holding your face gently. You melted into the kiss and didn't pull back but willingly parted your lips when his tounge ran across your lips asking for access. The kiss was wonderful and left you feeling like you were on cloud nine but of course all good moments come to an end.

"Seriously, get a room, or at least close a door when you her face off Changjo." Neil chuckled with the rest of Changjo's cousins as they carried pizza and american take out into the livingroom.

"I guess we should go eat?" You asked unsure.

"Hmmm." Changjo smirked as you walked behind him towards the door. "There we go." His smile widened as he shut the door before pulling you back for another round of kissing. "Why was I ever so stupid as to let so many years without this happen." He pouted a bit holding you tightly. "Come on you need to get ready for dinner." He smiled opening the door, only to have his hyungs fall face first through the door way.

"So did you aske her yet." Ricky giggled from the top of the pile.

"Our secret." Changjo smirked pulling you in and nuzzling his nose against your neck.

"Ugh, ricky move I can't breathe." Neil hissed.

"maybe if you stood up it'd help us down here." L.Joe whined.

"C.A.P. stop stepping on my leg." Chunji hissed.

"Uh window?" Changjo questioned as you stared at the group on the floor.

"Okay." You smiled clutching onto his arm.

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Broken_angel99 #1
Chapter 14: i really loved this fanfiction ~
thank you so much <3
Chapter 2: AW!!! I feel so bad for Jun. She deserves to be treated better. I wonder who's the guy she been trying to get feelings for. ^^ Can't wait for more! ^^