
The Burden

Sunday was a bright and beautiful day the sun was shining and you were content until you realized you were not in your room. All your missing decorations were here scattered around and you were somehow on your fluffy big bed but this room, it wasn't yours.

"Niel, wake up." You heard soft tapping on the window.

"Zelo, Changjo where am I?" You questioned as they climbed in.

"Your in your pool house." Zelo answered softly.

"Then why didn't you use the door." You pointed.

"We like waking you up the hard way." Changjo said laying across your bed.

"I'm confused how did I get out here."

"Seunghyun carried you. Apparently your father has given you this space in which to live from now on." Zelo hissed.

"Juni, I want you to come with me and my cousins, we can make room for you." Changjo pleaded sincerely.

"It's okay, once Ctech replies I'm as good as gone." You smiled.

"Niel, they may take awhile, it took them a month last time and that didn't even include anything but a simple application." Zelo tried to argue.

"Yeah but they chose me which means they've looked into my background already right?"

"It doesn't mean they picked you above all the candidates though." Changjo sighed loudly burying his head under your pillows.

"I can only hope then." you said running your hands across your dresser.


"Finally we're done!" Changjo smirked ploping onto the bed while you and Zelo looked around the finished room.

"Hey Niel I've been meaning to ask, what's your mothers name?" Zelo asked abruptly.

"I don't know why?" You questioned back puzzled.

"Why don't you know?" Changjo asked a little confused by your reply.

"Well, I was only four when appa came for me, I don't remember her name since I only called her umma. Even then I only have a few memories of her, the one I remember the best is how pale her face was the night before appa picked me up."

"Juni your umma was she alive when you last saw her." Changjo questioned seriously.

"I don't know, I assume she was otherwise i wouldn't have been sleeping with her." You began to think heavily.

"It's possible she was, usually a child can't be stripped from their mother unless the parent is a danger to the child." Zelo answered looking out the window.

"I never thought of that before." You frowned.

"Juni if your real name is Juniel why are your documents under the name Choi Jun?" Changjo questioned rolling to the foot of your bed.

"Appa changed my name when I was little, My birth name is Kwon Juniel." You pouted.

"How do you know." Zelo asked rapidly turning to face you.

"I have a bag from when I was little my name is on the inner tag, clearly written as Kwon Juniel not to mention that Seunghyun used to call me Juniel when I first came here." you said digging in the closet for the bag. "See right here Kwon Juniel. But I can't read the other writting, it's too faded." You frowned handing it to Zelo.

"Can I borrow this?" He asked tossing it into his bag before getting your answer.

"Be careful with it, it's all I have been able to save from my childhood." You pouted watching Zelo sling his bag onto his shoulders.

"I have to go I'll be back with dinner later." He smiled.

"Come on Juni we're having breakfast and lunch at my house." Changjo pulled you behind him.

"Let go my appa will be angry, I have rice in the fridge." You pleaded as your father watched from the house. "Changjo please let go, he is going to be mad." You said motioning to the window.

"Good morning Mr. Choi. Have fun with your writting girlfriend." Changjo hollered to him as he continued to yank you towards his house.


"Changjo he's going to be furious when he finds out." You pouted nibbling only on the rice in front of you.

"You should eat you look a little thin." The boy with big lips pointed to your bowl.

"Noona can I have it if you don't want it? Yah!"

"your older than she is." Changjo growled smaching his cousin.

"Hey be nicer to your hyung Jonghyun." The shortest one hollered.

"Isn't it your job to discipline us?" The most feminie one pointed to the one at the head of the table.

"Eh, L.Joe is doing fine."

"Thanks man." L.Joe replied grinning evily at Jonghyun.

"So your names L.Joe?" You questioned him.

"No, It's Byunghun but I prefer L.Joe." He smiled.


"Damn that's right we haven't been introuduced properly to you ever." The head of the table spoke hitting the table with his palm. "I go by C.A.P." He smiled bowing a bit.

"I'm Daniel, call me niel." The big lipped one smiled while eating his soup.

"Ricky!" The one who called you noona pointed to himself.

"Call me Chunji." The feminine one said while he put on eyeliner.

"Choi Jun, but I prefer being called Juniel." You smiled. "It's nice to meet you all." You bowed slightly from your seat.

"Wait your the girl that hyungs always.." Ricky was saying before changjo covered his mouth.

"Uh, may I ask for the time." You questioned.

"It's ten forty five." CAP said looking at his watch.

"Oh, no. I have to go!" You hollered standing up and rushing to the door.

"Juni, it's okay. You don't have to run your daily miles, you're safe here, now please eat." Changjo said gripping your arm lightly.

"He's going to punish me." You sighed.

"Let him try. There isn't anything else he can do to you he hasn't already done."

"I have to go." You frowned finally heading to your fathers house.


"Have you chosen a husband yet?" Your father questioned as soon as you crossed the threshold of the door.

"No, The applications have stopped arriving." you sighed dejectedly.

"It is because they think you are no longer pure, and I am begining to agree." your father hissed.

"Appa, I swear I haven't done anything remotely like that."

"Jun, we will see, get ready I am taking you to a doctor."

"What? Why?"

"So that I have proof."

"Isn't my word good enough?" you questioned feeling hurt that he wouldn't believe you.

"You do not dare speak against me on this matter." He began walking towards you angrily. "Get out of my house! Get off of my property! Have that boy take you in, you burden!" He screamed pushing you out the door before slamming it in your face.

"Appa please believe me." You tearfully replied banging on the door.


After half an hour you were still lightly hitting the door hoping he'd believe you. No matter what you did you didn't want your father to think you had done something you weren't ready for.

"Juni come on." Changjo softly spoke picking you up bridal style as his cousin C.A.P followed behind him holding a few suitcases.

"He doesn't believe me." You whispered into Changjo's chest before sobbing again.

"Why do you put up with him, from what Jonghyun said he treats you like dirt."

"Seunghyun and appa are all I know." You cried trying to hide your face some more.

"Juni we're here, we've cleared our guest room for you, it's not as big as your old room but still it's yours." Changjo cooly said putting you down as C.A.P. opened the door.

You remained quiet as Changjo led you through the house and to the guest room. Once he opened the door a smile broke out onto your face.

"It's perfect." You smiled staring at the room in awe."But my appa let me stay in the pool house and even though he said get off his property he can't really have meant it." You tried to think of the positive.

"Niel, please just stay here, at least I know you will be well fed and sheltered." Zelo said entering the room with Ricky behind him.

"Well I have to go I have a date with Chanseul and Hanuel noona." Ricky smiled widely earning a smack from C.A.P.

"Those girls are going to murder you one of these days.." Niel said walking into the room with a basket of toiletries. "Here umm changjo said you use these ones so we got you some so that you have stuff for when you shower, the bathroom for this room is right across the hall so we'll put a sign up so you know which door it is." He smiled walking back out.

"Well um bye." Ricky cheerfully bounced out of the room.

"How long are you staying here." Zelo questioned as you began to explore the room.

"That reminds me, C.A.P got your clothes and a few momentos." Changjo said sliding the suitcases over to you. "Let's unpack okay.

"Alright." you grumbled. "Zelo, I'm not sure how long i'm staying, it all depends on when appa will let me go back." You frowned.





Shoutout time!!!

MilesLee ('Chanseul and Hanuel noona')

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Broken_angel99 #1
Chapter 14: i really loved this fanfiction ~
thank you so much <3
Chapter 2: AW!!! I feel so bad for Jun. She deserves to be treated better. I wonder who's the guy she been trying to get feelings for. ^^ Can't wait for more! ^^