
The Burden

~Sitting between Changjo and Zelo couldn't be any worse! Those jerks put tacs on my seat this time... I would have prefered the glue.~

"Jun put down that tablet and pay attention!"

"Yes Ms. Kim." You frowned clicking your pink tablet off before Changjo or Zelo could read it.

"So were you writting another fan fic about us." Changjo smiled knowing that you kept your diary in your pink tablet and your fiction in your blue one.

"Just drop it." You hissed shoving the tablet in your bag.

"Jun please come to the board and solve this problem." Ms. Kim angrily growled as you slowly found your way to the front and solved it in seconds.

"See Jun all it takes is some disipline and you can join the early graduate program." Ms. Kim smiled as you scowled at her. "Jun Hong please come forward."

"Nerd." students hissed on your way back causing Zelo and Changjo to glare at them.

~I wish he knew that I stayed behind just to be closer to him.~ you typed into your tablet before hiding it from Ms. Kim again. After a few minutes you got thirsty and reached for the coffee you keep on the right side of your desk. *as always it's half empty, I really should bring a bigger container he's been staying up way later recently.* You thought taking a sip before putting it right back where you picked it up. ~his lips taste like honey and the sweet scent of his cologne filled the air as he spoke in that soft tone...~

"Miss Choi if you insist on using that contraption of yours then please leave while the rest of us actually do our work." Ms. Kim hollered as you packed up making sure to leave your coffee container to the right of the desk before exiting.


"Hey oppa." You smiled taking a seat next to your brother Seunghyun.

"So you got kicked out again." he shook his head. "Appa is going to be mad."

"Let him, I know what I'm doing and besides I wouldn't want to spend any extra time in there with her." You giggled kicking a rock.

"Jun you have to remember I took over as Headmaster in Appa's place so that you wouldn't have to marry anyone until you decided to do so."

"I know and I'm sorry." You looked away sadly.

"Jun if this happens again." Seunghyun frowned.

"i'll do my best, I promise."

"That's what you said last time." He chuckled walking back towards his office.


"You know where to find me." He hollered back while folding his arms behind his head as you pulled out your blue tablet.

~If only time would allow it she could stay in that sweet embrace hearing those lovely words over and over again until she faded away, as long as it was his arms.~ You smiled as you saved your progress before heading to class.


"Choi jun?" Ms. Moon questioned as you walked into Advanced Chemistry a few minutes late.


"Miss Choi, you have more job offers on your desk." She said not looking up from her role sheet.

"We already filled them out for you." Zelo and Changjo chuckled.

"Let's see what my name is this time." You grumbled flipping through the pages. *I can see that they don't agree with any of these offers, leave it to them not to leave a single one blank. I wonder when these companies will stop offering me jobs just to make me pick their son.* You grimmaced at the look of one of the boys in his picture. *Aish is he a serial killer.* you thought.

"I really liked that one for my noona." Changjo whispered leaning towards your desk.

"I thought that one was too positive for your negativity and yness.." Zelo did the same.

"Whatever, it's not like I'd marry any of them, they aren't my type."

"Then what is." Zelo asked almost immediately. "for future avoidance purposes." He popped his gum before spitting it in your  hair.

"I won't ever tell either of you." you grumbled pulling the gum out before picking up your now empty coffee container. "I need to keep track of how much i'm drinking of this stuff." You made a pout before putting it in your bag. "Green tea time." You smiled pulling out the container and placing it to the right of the desk.

"Geez, what don't you have in that bag." Zelo chuckled with Changjo.

"Hmmm, well I don't know but I think I'm missing the kitchen sink." You smartly replied.

"Choi's get to work or I will send you to headmaster." Ms. Moon pointed to the papers on your desks.

"Yes Ms. Moon." You all replied in unison.

~I'm glad Ms. Moon let's me use my tablet in class thank heavens I'm her top student. I'm suprised Changjo and Zelo are doing they're work normally they just copy mine.~ You smiled turning off the tablet screen before switching it with your blue one.

~As he wrapped his arms securly around her waist she let out a soft gasp not used to the sensation.~ You again smiled switching them out when you noticed you had an email from your father, but as soon as you clicked it Ms. Moon called out your name.

"Jun you are needed in the headmaster's office." She apologettically handed you the slip once you arrived at the front of the room.


"Yeah Seung?"

"Jun, appa wants you to choose." He replied not making any eye contact.

"What? Why now?"

"He recieved a phone call from Ms. Kim." Seunghyun rubbed his forehead. "That snitch, if she wasn't one of the best teachers I would have canned her by now." He grummbled snapping his pencil in half.

"It's okay oppa. How many days do I get after deductions." You frowned looking away as he grabbed a new pencil.

"Today's the second so you have till the twelveth that makes it ten days." He counted out loud.

"Ten days! Appa promised two months! He probably wouldn't even like me back before then." You huffed.

"Let's hope he does or you'll have to marry the old man.." Seunghyun hissed snapping another pencil.

"Let's hope." You frowned exiting the room. "I'll see you later oppa." You walked back to class in a saddened mood.


"So what did hyung say." Zelo and Changjo asked in unison.

"I have to look over these job applications again." You frowned looking at the growing stack. "Appa's giving me ten days." You whispered picking up your tablet to read your email.


I'm sick of this bad news about your character, your professors deserve more respect, especially Ms. Kim.  I am giving you til the middle of the month to find and marry someone who will benefit the family name and teach you to be a proper young woman, or you will marry my business partner. If you don't comply say goodbye to everything. Permanently.


You began hiding your teary eyes as you shut down you tablets. Ms. Moon who was watching noticed the expression on your face and couldn't help but feel sorrow. She knew Seunghyun since high school and she knew your fathers plans since the first batch of applications came. She treated you like family and vice versa, too bad she wasn't just yet. After the work sheets were done she released the class to lunch early and held you back to talk.


"How many days did he give you?"

"Ten... I don't think it'll be long enough for him to love me back." You sobbed a bit.

"Jun he drinks your coffee everyday and your green tea too, he marks up more of that stack then you do. I'm telling you its not habit, he definately feels something for you." She spoke pulling you into a hug. " Jun, I'm switching your seat."

"What why?" You practically yelled in disbelief.

"I want him to realize just how much he needs you. So you will now be sitting at the end of your row near the window during your classes." Kyungmi smiled widely.

"Thanks Unni." You smiled hugging Kyungmi tightly.

"He loves you." She whispered almost inaudibly. "I know it Juniel." She mummbled pulling away. "Lunch time?"

"Will you go with Seung in my place, I don't feel too hungry."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes i'm sure, have fun Unnie." You smirked wiping your eyes 'tiredly'.


"Jun what are you doing over there?" Changjo questioned coming in from lunch.

"Ms. Moon said my applications took up to much walk space between the desks, so she asked that I move over here." You replied.

"Oh." He shifted uncomfortably as Zelo enterer the room.

"What are you doing over there Niel?"

"Too many applications." You pouted kicking the stack over.

"Hmmm. There's also these one's." Zelo chuckled tossing a stack at your new desk.

"Thanks." You whispered placing your head down to hide your tears.  

"Hey Juni, why aren't you looking through the applications?" Changjo questioned pulling some onto his desk. "Look this one has blonde hair." He chuckled attempting to show you the picture. "Oh wait this is a girl. Hmm maybe she might be your type."

"This one looks like a real job offer." Zelo said scanning the blue folder in his hand. "take a look there's no male profiles or any facts pages, hell it looks legit." He smiled clicking his pen closed before handing it to Changjo.

"I'm not going to mark up this one either it is legit." Changjo smiled after handing you the docier Zelo agreed on as well.

"What that's impossible, my father would never let this slip through." You questionably took the folder scanning it. "Omo, its a real job offer from C Tech industries!" You excitedly smiled. "I sent in an early application over a month ago, I didn't think I'd ever get a reply." You smiled scanning the pages describing your possible job title.

"Well are you gonna turn it in." Zelo questioned noticing your excited expression.

"I am, with this I won't need my fathers support after ten days."

"Ten days for what." Changjo questioned awkwardly.

"Your dad is giving you ten days before getting married huh." Zelo looked down and away.

"Yeah, but with this offer I don't have to." You smiled widely as Mr. Yoo came in for advanced placement history.

"Hey Jun why are you over there, really?" Zelo whispered.

"Kyungmi didn't really specify." You frowned a bit hoping he'd believe you.

"Oh" he replied before turning to the front.

*I hope Kyungmi was right.* You thought as you kicked your green tea container over towards your old seat 'by accident'.

~The distance between their hearts was unbearable and when they were finally together as they planned no one could seperate them again.~ You smiled at your finished fiction before turning back to the subject at hand.

~I think Kyungmi was right, he does miss me, he just gulped down my tea like always. I should bring and 'accidentally' leave brownies again like last month.~ You smiled putting both tablets away.


"Have you made any progress in choosing a husband." Your appa questioned as you waited for dinner.

"No, I haven't." You answered back monotonously.

"I suggest you take this matter seriously. I will not continue to support a burden." He spoke with authority. "Server take back her meat and vegetables she is only recieving rice tonight her figure is getting a little rounded." He pointed to you with his fork not looking up from his plate.

"Yes sir." She bowed, she even took the piece that was in your chopsticks before you could place it in your mouth.

"Nor is she allowed dessert or a second helping. Jun you are to run one mile after dinner." He said stuffing meat and vegetables in his broth.

"But appa, I will just be hungry again." You tried to reason with him.

"Then your body can feast off of your fats." He hissed motioning a server to him. After he was done whispering the server removed half the rice from your bowl and took it away. "Two miles." He ordered as you slowly chewed the rice.


"Niel!" the ever so familiar voice rang out.

"Hey Zelo." You smiled while jogging in place.

"Why are you running at such a late hour he said jogging next to you.

"Appa said I've been gaining weight again."

"What did he remove from your diet." Changjo grumbled joining you both.

"I'm only allowed to eat rice and one-eighth cup of meat or vegetables at meal times. He already phoned Seunghyun about it." You frowned.

"I can't believe Seunghyun goes along with it." Zelo grimaced.

"It's okay, I know if he could go against my appa he would but.." You were saying before Changjo cut you off.

"Cars and a house mean nothing if you let your little sister starve to death."

"I'll be fine he only does this once in awhile." You smiled hiding the growing pain in your stomach.

"Niel, you need to eat properly." Zelo frowned pulling you to a stop. "We've run a mile already it's time to go back."

"I was give three miles." You continued on without Zelo and Changjo determined to hide the tears threatening to fall from the intense pain you felt. You were glad they didn't follow but you felt empty with out them near you.

~Miss Choi, Mr Choi said you may turn around now.~  your walkie talkie rang out as you dropped on the soft grass below you to catch your breath.

* I hope C Tech responds soon.* You huffed out standing up and limping back home. Your muscles felt like they were ripping apart and your stomach felt like it was burning your insides. When you returned home you wanted to take a shower but you knew that if you did your father would punish you for wasting his resources and being his burden, so you did the next best thing, you asked Zelo to stretch his window bridge out for you to go shower there.


"Niel you have ot hurry it's only three minutes until nine forty five." Zelo jumped nervously in place.

"I'm done, stretch the bridge." You said rushing out of the bathroom and over to the window.

"Be careful, I'll sneak you some food tomorrow morning." Zelo smirked as you climbed out the window.

"Thanks Zelo." You smirked back on the way out.


Once safely inside you shut the window and hid your dirty clothes in the back of your closet so no one would find them. After all your homework was finished you blew out all the candles that had provided you with light and crawled into bed. It was hard to fall asleep at first because all you could think about was food and possible plans to sneak down to grab something, but knowing your father he had the maids take count and weight of all the items in the pantry and fridge. It was right when you were about to force yourself to sleep that your eyes shot open.

*Maybe Sulli might have snuck something into my underwear drawer like last time* You thought as you got up to look.

~I know you may not like day old bread but I was able to sneak a piece into my apron before the measring of our dinners, I'm sorry I couldn't get more.~

You smiled down at the neatly wrapped slice and cried a little nibbling on it as if it were your last meal. Once you were finished you burned the traces left behind and used a piece of tape to pick up an crumbs that might have escaped your hands. You then settled back into bed and finally fell asleep.







Author's Note:
Little shout out in this chapter to an authors who's stories I'm reading.
Goddess (Jaekyung Prepratory Academy)


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Broken_angel99 #1
Chapter 14: i really loved this fanfiction ~
thank you so much <3
Chapter 2: AW!!! I feel so bad for Jun. She deserves to be treated better. I wonder who's the guy she been trying to get feelings for. ^^ Can't wait for more! ^^