Three: Part 2

The Burden

"I would never skip out on you." you blushed a little.

"Good." Changjo whispered near your ear sending shivers up your spine. "You look beautiful." he whispered again pulling away. "Are these happy tears." He smiled cutely wiping your eyes with his sleeve.

"So why are we wearing red?" You smiled noticing his suit had splashes of red.

"I want us to be noticeable together." He smiled leading you to the dance floor.

"So what is this gala for?"

"My company."

"What?!" You asked shocked.

"Kwon Juniel, I am Choi Jong Hyun owner, founder and CEO of Ctech industries." Changjo bowed. "My board of investors and directors you already know." He pointed towards his cousins.

"Are you kidding me."

"No, I just figured you'd like to know." He smiled widely.

"Is that why you were always disappearing."

"Yes, This is why I was never reprimanded." He gestured to the elaborately decorated room.

"What do you mean?"

"I created most of the companies that work with the other Choi industry groups, mainly yours." He looked at you with a passion in his eyes as you swayed along to the music. "Your father would have been bankrupt a long time ago if I hadn't. It was all because of you that he was able to live and strive."

You couldn't answer all you could do was hope you didn't lose eye contact, something in his eyes gave you hope that your feelings were going to be returned that it was all worth it and most importantly your heart would be spared. Finally you mustered up the courage to ask him where Zelo was. He merely pointed to another end of the hall where Zelo was exciitedly chatting and hugging a group of guys.

"His hyungs have been away for years because of their parents jobs and such, I've hired them to work alongside Zelo in the new devolpment section of  Ctech." He said placing a hand on your chin for you to face him. "Tell me who do you care for more, me or Junhong?" Changjo said leaning in to capture your lips.

He kissed you passionately but gently, it made you melt and lose a bit of your self control as you continued to sway to the now ignored music. Changjo pulled you closer tightly holding you as if he'd lose you if he didn't and you held his face with the same feeling. When you broke apart for air, he nuzzled his nose against yours staring into your eyes with a passion you'd never seen before. "This is the most amazing first passionate kiss ever." He whispered placing his lips to yours again. The moment of bliss was interupted when you finally analyzed what he said.

"First passionate kiss?" you asked shocked.

"just because I had girls on my arm didn't mean that I was with them physically, emotionally or mentally for that matter." He huffed out pulling you in again. "no matter how many times it looked like I was intrested, believe me they didn't compare to ours." He smirked as he kissed you again.

"Aish, get a room you two." You recognized Ricky's voice causing you to pull back a bit and hide your face from on lookers.

"Ignore him." Changjo smiled kissing your forehead. "Dinner's about to start let's go take a seat okay?"

"uh, I just have one question."


"Why is Ctech looking to hire me? Isn't that a bad idea? I mean wouldn't I be a distraction." You huffed out as he pulled you behind him.

"I need a new secretary, someone I trust and since Zelo switched to the developement team I don't have anyone else willing to take that job, that I trust." He whispered in your ear while helping you sit. "Besides your going through the screening process anyways so if you were horrible we wouldn't have sent out a contract. " You felt him smile as he kissed just below your ear.

"And you guys think i'm bad when i'm dating a girl." Ricky hissed when you noticed just how close Changjo was to you.

"Wait you all knew." You questioned shocked, while Changjo sat upright.

"Pretty much." Minsoo chimed in handing a waiter the menus.

You were too stunned to speak to them at the moment but you did react to the delicious looking food that was placed on the table. You grabbed a small bowl of rice and a few pieces of meat to eat out of habit before the boys began stacking your bowl with food.

"You don't need to eat so little anymore, he isn't here and he won't be taking you from me." Changjo whispered in your ear.

"Neil, you look amazing, I hope i'm not interupting but i'd like you to meet my cousins youngguk, himchan, youngjae, daehyun, jongup and youngnam." Zelo listed as each boy bowed

"It's nice to meet you." You slightly bowed from your seat.

"Hmm, Zelo wasn't lying, you are very pretty." one of the boys mummbled.

"Back off you hounds." You were shocked to hear Chunji voicing his thoughts.

"We aren't hounds." the guys whined.

"Then why are you staring at my dongsaeng like she's a piece of meat."

"yeah yeah yeah. We're going back to our table now." Zelo smirked. "Niel, I dropped off your backpack back at your house, Consider the white dress my wedding gift.." He smirked as his cousins pulled him in different directions or ruffled his hair.

"Thank you." You smiled turning back to dig into you meal.


The rest of the night was amazing, Changjo spoke about the direction of the company and their plans for the upcoming years, he even introduced you to some of the most notable technology companies aside from his. You then got to meet the current appointed cfo of Kwon industries, Kwon Jiyong.

He offered a lot of information about your mother that none of the files had. It turned out your mother ran away with her fathers blessing and was allowed to return to her post at any time. Jiyong also said that he was appointed cfo by your father when he was about twelve. He even offered to send you images of your father from his working days, which you happily agreed to.

The ride home was pretty much a blur you were falling in and out of sleep but your hand stayed locked onto Changjo's the entire time. Even though nothing had been said about the passionate kissing, or the work offer you hoped that everything would go the way you expected. It was just to perfect to go any other way.

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Broken_angel99 #1
Chapter 14: i really loved this fanfiction ~
thank you so much <3
Chapter 2: AW!!! I feel so bad for Jun. She deserves to be treated better. I wonder who's the guy she been trying to get feelings for. ^^ Can't wait for more! ^^