
The Burden

Good Morning I'm Mr. Yoo and ill be substituting for Miss Kim today I can see by her seating chart who's here, so please treat me kindly and start page three fourteen in your workbooks."

"Changjo." You whispered trying to get his attention.

"Hmm" he humed back from his desk.

"Uh, L.Joe's coffee container I can't find it do you know where it is?"

"You left it in the cafeteria during breakfast." He whispered putting his head back down.

"Excuse me, your Miss Choi right?" Mr. Yoo whispered.

"Yes, is something wrong?"

"Um, your on the seating chart but the roll call is missing your name, for now stay put and ill see what's up." He smiled kindly before exiting the room.

"Juni he didnt cancel your school check did he?" Changjo hissed.

"He did what?!" Zelo asked shocked.

"I think its just a computer glitch, L.Joe oppa paid my tuition.." You smirked finishing your assignment.

"Miss Choi, I need you to go up to the office, your missing name wasn't a mistake." Mr. Yoo whispered with an apologetic look.  

"I'm going with you." Zelo piped up as you packed your things.

"No it's okay, I know Seunghyun it's probably some early graduation thing or a mistake." You smiled to him. "Changjo can I borrow the house key?" You questioned while searching your bag.

"Yeah here, and don't forget hyungs coffee container." He whispered putting his head down.

"Alright." You smiled walking to the cafeteria and then front office.


"Ah, Jun what brings you here?" The receptionist asked.

"Mr. Yoo sent me something about not being on his class roster." You frowned a bit.

"Oh." She said awkwardly. "Mr. Choi, Jun is here." She froze when Seunghyun came out.

"Kwon Juniel you are expelled from Jaekyung Preperatory Academy for slander against a student as well as slander against a high ranking official. You are to return your books to the library and empty your locker before three o'clock today. If you stay on our grounds any longer than you have been given you will be escorted of the premises by a security official." He hissed before the receptionist handed him a folder. "these are all the papers you will need for transfer so that you will not need to return." Seunghyun stated throwing the folder at you before turning back to his office.

"Jun, I... I'm so sorry." The receptionist attempted to come near you.

"It's okay, I'm fine. May I ask if my tuition check will be refunded?"

"The prorated amount will be refunded to Mr. Lee Byunghun." She said typing away at the computer.

"Thank you." You forced a smile leaving the room.


"Books first and then grading sheet." You frowned flipping through the checklist in the folder Seunghyun threw at you.

"Are you Jun?" A security guard asked.

"Yes, is something else wrong?" You asked biting back tears.

"Mr. Choi wants you to be gone before lunch so I've been asigned to make sure it happens." he happily answered

"I already notified the cafeteria, emptied my work out locker, cleared my student account with the acccountant department and now all I have left is my books and grading sheet." You sighed finally reaching your locker.

"Well I can help carry the books so that we can spend more time tracking down the teachers." He smiled.

"Thanks." You said looking at your locker before removing the lock.

"Oh here I'm supposed to retrieve that from you." The security guard reached for your lock.

"I purchased my lock it doesn't belong to the academy." You said pulling your hand away. "give me a minute." You said shoving your decorations in your backpack when the guard looked at you angrily.

"Here let me carry those." He attempted to grab your books when you started pulling your backpack on.

"no, I can do it." You hissed getting annoyed by his over enthusiasm.

"I'm supposed to help." He hissed.

"I don't need it." you growled walking to the library with your stack of books.


"Hello Mrs. Jang, I'm sorry to interupt but I need you to fill this out you are the last one that needs to." You frowned handing her the grading sheet taking notice that Zelo and Changjo were watching you closely.

You had managed to locate every teacher and since Mrs. Jang only taught this class you had to wait for her arrival before you could come here, and with lunch getting closer you had to hurry and leave the campus.

"Jun, are you really leaving us too." Your study group questioned.

"I didn't make this choice. It was made for me by Seunghyun." You whispered.

"What!" They hollered in unison.

"Here you are Miss Choi." Mrs Jang handed you back your paper.

"Thank you." You bowed leaving the room.


"Juniel, this arrived for you." C.A.P. said handing you a letter. "Wait why are you home so early?" He questioned noticing the time.

"I was expelled from Jaekyung prep." You solemly replied tearing the letter open to see it's contents. "It's my birth certificate." You replied shocked looking at the paper in your hands.

"What!" He replied once he realized what you said.

"It's my birth certificate, or being expelled."

"Expulsion is easy to fix, well what's your mother's name?" He smiled with anticipation.

"Kwon Kyungmi and my father is..." You looked at the certificate with a puzzled look. "Choi Siwon, that's not right my appa's name is Jonghoon."

"is it possible he adopted you?"

"He said I was his, that he took me because my umma left me... It's not possible, appa said he doesn't have siblings."

"Maybe not anymore."

"This is so confusing"

"Juniel, how old are you."

"Sixteen why?"

"Maybe its a cover up, think about this, if your real father is Choi Siwon then he can stop your marriage!"

"How? My ap.. Mr. Choi  would never allow it." You  corrected staring at the paper.

"Well the real question is who sent you the letter maybe they know more about it."

"There's no address on the letter, but the writting on top I think it's my fathers personal maid Mrs. J"

"What's her full name."

"I don't know but she's been with appa since, well since forever, why would she be doing this now." You frowned.

"Let me call my professor and see how we go about diggin okay?"

"Alright." You smiled looking at the paper in your hands.


"Neil are you here."

"Yo, hey Zelo." Neil smiled poking his head out of the livingroom.

"I'm looking for Juniel."

"She's with C.A.P. hyung upstairs in her room, remember to knock first."

"Okay. Which room is hers?"

"Last one left side." He hollered as Zelo climbed the stairs.

"Last one left side..." Zelo trailed off knocking on the door.

"Who is it?" You softly replied.

"It's me." Zelo said opening the door. "Woah, what is all of this."

"This would be what happened to my family before I was born but only from my umma's side my appa's side hasn't been emailed yet."

"So what have you learned." Zelo questioned.

"For starters my umma really did pass away the day before I was adopted." You shuttered a bit. "But it says here she fled an arranged marriage and ended up with her college boyfriend. Choi Siwon!" You smiled. " He was listed on my birth certificate as my appa and now we're just waiting for his documents to arrive, hopefully he's nearby so that I can ask him to stop my marriage." You smiled as C.A.P continued sorting through and posting more papers on the wall.

"So you're adopted?"

"Mhmm. We double checked, only my file is still sealed until my guardian releases the block on it." You frowned a bit before laying your eyes on the picture of your mother. "This is her Zelo, Kwon Kyungmi, my mother." You said grazing the picture lightly with your fingers.

"So where's Changjo?" He questioned rapidly turning away from the image on the wall.

"I'm not sure probably around here somewhere."

"Check out back. Hey Juniel look at this it's your family tree." C.A.P smirked.

"Really wait why are there blanks." You looked at the paper a bit puzzled.

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Broken_angel99 #1
Chapter 14: i really loved this fanfiction ~
thank you so much <3
Chapter 2: AW!!! I feel so bad for Jun. She deserves to be treated better. I wonder who's the guy she been trying to get feelings for. ^^ Can't wait for more! ^^