Daesung Ft. BB- er Wrapper Troubles

Big Bang Scenarios


"Just come on," you huffed, tugging more. Peeling it, twisting, picking with your nails, none of it worked! "I can't be outsmarted by a smarties!" you exclaimed.

"Anything wrong?" Daesung asked, walking in the room after hearing your exasperated sigh.

"No," you lied and concentrated on the wrapper more. Why wouldn't it just come off already!?

"Are you sure you don't need help?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Fine," you pouted and held it out to him. "You try. Candy is out witting me today."trans.gif

"Okay," he chuckled and took the er to try for himself. After a few minutes, he gave up too. "This is too hard!" he whined. "Why would they twist the ends impossibly tight!?"

"That's what I wondered!" you exclaimed and tried again, to avail. The little stinker was just not budging. Finally, you tried tearing it with your teeth, but even that didn't work! So instead you popped the whole thing in your mouth.

"What are you doing!?" Daesung asked with alarm.

"I'll the plastic off!" you said defiantly. "I won't let it get away uneaten."

"Spit it out," he said and tugged it out off your mouth. "Aish it's all slobbery," he mumbled and wiped the saliva on his pants before attempting to open it again with no luck.

Finally, he called out, "Hyungs!!" You followed him into the main room where the others were and he explained the problem, much to the embarrassment of both of you. "We just can't get it off!!" He whined.

"Give it here," GD chuckled and Daesung did. However, GD himself found it difficult.

"Having trouble?" you smirked.

"No!" He protested and continued to work at it.

"You guys..." Taeyang shook his head and got up before returning with a pair of scissors. "This is called a scissors. Kawe. You use it like this," he snipped the plastic, "and it cuts things like that."

"Be quiet," GD blushed and gave the er back to Daesung, who then gave it to you.

You immediately popped it in your mouth and after a minute, declared, "It's still worth the effort though."

"That's good," the others laughed and returned to what they had been doing.

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Really cute and funny
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