

a/n: Hello everyone! I am definitely back! Hoping that I could continue to update this story everyone! :) Anyway, there's only 3 chapters left for this story or maybe I'm going to add more chapters about it, what do you think? should I make it longer? ;P Anyway, Support my story my recommending, sharing and commenting it! I love you my lovely supporters and readers! ^^ (Sorry for the typo also, I just finished this chapter after ages and I am now finishing the chapter 8, almost done!)

Teal - Narrator

Pink - Dara

Brown - Ji Yong

Navy Blue - Seunghyun

Purple - Min Jung


The day has come; the Choi family is now preparing for Min Jung’s 18th birthday celebration, one of a kind party, simple but elegant. Relatives and friends, friends of friends, family friends and all the people they know, this occasion is too special for everyone, the fist Filipino tradition that they will do, especially to the Chois.

“Mommy, where is everyone?” Min Hwan ask as he wonder, Dara looked at him, cupped his face “Everyone is preparing for tonight’s party remember? Today is your noona’s birthday and we will celebrate in a Filipino style” she explain, she guide him to the room “Stay here for awhile and play, I’ll get back to you later” he hugged her to tell her that he’ll be a good boy.

Min Jung is still sleeping, she didn’t have enough time for the beauty rest because she’s thinking a lot of things, bothered and also curious. She slept late, as much as she wants to sleep early. “Min Jung?” slowly, Dara opens and calls her, “Yes?” Min Jung is already half awake. “Time to get up, prepare yourself, you know that you’ll be busy for today and especially tonight” Dara finally enters her room, goes to the bed “Min Jung, wake up” she said again “Yes mom, just give me 5 more minutes, just 5 minutes.”

“Yes mom, just give me 5 more minutes, just 5 minutes” she said. I can’t blame my daughter, since she was really stressed for the past week and I noticed that she’s always in a deep thought, always. I will give her just 5 minutes and she should be up and preparing. I walk out of her room and start to call everyone who’s going to her party for the confirmation.

Today is such a busy day, and also the truth will prevails tonight. I don’t know what should I feel about it, I’m afraid that Min Jung will hate us forever, hoping that she could accept it, I wish.

Thought it’s been bothering me what Min Jung thinking about, but I am more bothered by what will her reaction. I am too scared “Honey, just calm down, it looks like you’re the one who’s going to have a party” he hug me from the back, Seunghyun really calms me down, I just love the warmth that he’s giving to me. I smiled and reached for lips and kissed him “Thank you, I will” I said to him “But you know tonight” he cut me off saying “Don’t worry she’ll understand it, for sure.”

The make-up artists and hairstylist is already in the Choi’s residence, the place is crowded by the people who is preparing for the party. Min Jung is already being styled; her dress is hanged up also waiting for her to wear it. Dara is being OC to everything, and there is Seunghyun and Min Hwan calming her down.

“Daddy, I’ve never seen mommy being so strict like that. Why is she ordering the people?” Min Hwan asks his father, Seunghyun was stunned, being asked by his  10 years old son, he laughed and mess his son’s hair “That’s normal son” he smiled.

She sighed “Just prepare yourself now Hon, Min Jung is almost done, bring her food also, it’s already lunch time” Seunghyun said to Dara “We will do the rest Mommy” Min Hwan joyfully said.

“This is it?” I asked them, they smiled at me “No, not yet dear, it’s too early for us to do your make and hair “The stylist said, my eyebrows crossed “Then, why did you styled me and do a little make up?” again they smiled, but Mommy enters the room with food “Finally! Foods” I said while staring at the foods “Honey, you will have a photoshoot after you eat, wear the hotpink gown, okay?”she said, I looked at her “Photoshoot?” I asked “Just a photoshoot before your party starts” she sits and they started putting make ups on her “Your daddy and your little brother is also preparing, so make it fast” she ordered.

Yum this food is delicious, “Mom, what is this?” I ask “Chicken” she said “Roasted Chicken with Rosemary” she continued. I wonder if Mommy cooked this “Yes, honey, I did” I am surprised, did she read my mind now? I smiled and continue eating my meal. Mommy really cooks good.

“Min Jung, please go to the garden after you eat, the photographer is already here”  one of the coordinators of my party said while I finish my meal, I have no idea what’s on my Mommy’s mind today, thou the whole thing is really fine with me but the recent happenings from our family give me doubt that this party will end perfectly, I mean, I don’t know, Uncle Ji Yong came home from the other country and being friendly to us especially to me and I noticed that Mommy and Daddy will get tense to each other when Uncle Ji Yong’s name is being mentioned.

“Min Jung, are you ready?” last call from the coordinators, I fix myself and went to the garden, where the photographer is. In the garden, I saw my parents and my brother, they were preparing for the photo shoot also. I cleared my throat to get their attention “Ehem!” they stopped on what they were doing and smiled to me, at least for this moment, I feel that I’ll be having a good time.

The photo shoot went well as the sun set, It’s already 6:28pm and the guest guests are arriving, they were all welcomed by the Chois and the Parks. Dara looks worried, “Hon are you okay?” Seunghyun asks, she smiled at him “I-i…” she stutter “Worried that he’ll come?” he whisper, he rub Rae’s shoulder to tell her not to worry about it.

Meanwhile, Ji Yong is lying in his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, he look at his wrist watch and smirked “It’s about to start” he sit up straight “I wonder if they delivered it already” he continue as he runs his fingers to his hair and sigh “I hope they’ll have a good time and I hope Min Jung will like my gift for her”

He stands and goes to this balcony “What a beautiful night, a perfect night to have the party” he said. The wind blows as it calms him and makes him to relax more.

I am nervous on what will happen tonight, yes this is the night that we will tell Min Jung everything, or maybve not. “Hon, don’t spoil the moment, look at Min Jung, she’s looking at you” Seunghyun said to me and I smiled to the both of them “Sorry” I said.

The host is entertaining everyone as well as Min Jung, when one of the maid whispered “Dara-ssi, a package came and its from Mr. Kwon Ji Yong” I didn’t make it obvious, but I’m shock that he didn’t attend the party “Oh, let me have it” I said, the maid bowed and left, after a minute, she came back “Dara-ssi, excuse me, here’s the package from Mr. Kwon Ji Yong” Seunghyun already noticed me “What’s up?” he said, “Oh, Its Ji Yong’s gift for Min Jung, would you mind to put it with the other gifts?” I smiled to him and gave him the gift “No, I don’t mind at all” he kissed my forehead and stands.

It’s already the 18 roses, the host slowly calls all the 18 roses of Min Jung and since she doesn’t have any boyfriend her last dance is her father “He may be always away because of his work, Min Jung always idolize him. He is one of the most important people to her life, she love him so much, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Min Jung’s first man on her life, her father” Min Hwan, as the 17th roses stopped as soon as his father speaks “can I steal your noona now?” Min Hwan pouts as everyone laughs.

As soon as the music changes, everyone watches them dancing “Are you happy?” Seunghyun asks her “Of course Daddy, I am happy, I am happy that I agreed to this” she answered “Well, do you know the reason why your mommy wants you have this party?” “Yeah, because I’m a Filipina also” she playfully said “Well, that’s one of the reason” Min Jung looked at his father’s serious eyes, “What do you mean Daddy?” after a minute, he laughs “Don’t worry, its just that your Mommy never had the chance to experience this, that’s why she wants you to have this kind of celebration” he laughs, Min Jung just had a mini heart attack there, she sigh and in the end, she laughs with Seunghyun.

After the break, he host started to entertain the people again, and som guest keeps on arriving, “So let’s get going, shall we?” the host said “For the 18 treasures, please prepare and also to you too, Min Jung” the lights started to dim as the spotlight goes to Min Jung.

“She is one of the reason, why Min Jung is here, celebrating her birthday with us, she got her face and somehow they said, she got her personality also, like her father, this person is one of the most important people in her life, she loves her even thought she acts like a brat to her, ladies and gentlemen, for the first treasure and speech, I give to you, her Mother, Dara-ssi.”

As soon as I heard my name, I took a deep breath, as I open my eyes, all eyes are on me, I went to the stage, gave my daughter a tight hug and kiss her forehead. I gave her the gift I bought for her.

“A diary” as soon as she saw it “Well, it’s actually a diary, it’s also a scrapbook, I’m giving you that so that you can store there your secrets that you may have, all the good and bad, hoping you won’t be always write bad memories there. You’re still young, my dear Min Jung, and you can start as soon as possible. I had mine also when I was at your age. No one knows where did I secretly put it but if you ask me now” I looked at the people, grinning at me “I don’t know where’d I put it also, I forgot where is it now. Anyway, treasure it, all the memories will be there and you can always read it back when you feel like it, it’s nothing sentimental but I want you to have it.”

“And one more thing, I have a note there, but wait until party is over and you can read it.”

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Chapter 10: its a really good story... but it broke my daragon heart knowing that they did not end up together... good job authornim.. :)
Chapter 10: Authornim! This daebakk. Thank you for sharing such a good story. Fighting!
Malditahselosa #3
Chapter 10: I love ur st0ry itx remindx me of my st0ry 2.Although i lo0se mine. Choi s lyk my husband. He acept and love m d way i am 2 him. . . Applause 2 d wri6ther m0 re m0re st0ries
Chapter 10: oh'.. an update n an ending, aigoo~
i'm an appler, but what to do.. 'coz i think Ji's doing the right thing, so did Min Jung.. she made a tough decision, yet fair to all of 'em n~ for herself also, aigoo~
such a great FICs, two thumbs up^^~
Chapter 10: Owwwww... it may not end with a DARAGON couple but still its wonderful
Chapter 9: uh.. mu heart goes dugeun dugeun..
can't wait for the last chapter, author-nim.. i hope that'll be the best 4 all of 'em..
Chapter 9: Oh my glob!! Is Min Jung going to tell her decision next chapter? Would she choose to be forevermore a Choi or be a Kwon? would she stay with her Mom or Dad? Or they would share the same rights??? Omoooo please update soon
Chapter 8: Ob my please update soon
Chapter 8: owh.. GOD.. a sequel.. soOo sad..
i didn't like the idea from the very 1st, but i can't help my curiosity..
they're suffer a lot.. just.. be fair to all of 'em.. my wish^^~