Break Cut Short

Screwed by Fate; Bound by Destiny

The heat of the midday sun woke Jieun from her deep slumber. She reached for her phone to check the time and she bolted straight up when she saw it’s already 11:30am. She asked for a week break to focus on her studies for once. It’s not that she was failing, on the contrary, she’s one of the top students, but she just want to actually be at school and concentrate on lectures.

She hurried to change not bothering to step into the shower and just twirled her hand and changed into a pair of jeans, white tank top under a cropped black blazer and a pair of heeled black ankle boots. She looked at the mirror and mushed her wavy light brown hair not bothering to hide her scar anymore.

Many students still give covert glances at her scar but she wasn’t the old shy, and cowering Jieun anymore; she was now confident, stronger Jieun and couldn’t care less if anybody got bothered by her scar. She walked out of her house and glanced at Sulli’s place a few feet away and she started towards the Majae Court for a sandwich before she left for school. Her classes start at one and don’t end until five-thirty so she needed something to settle her stomach.

            “Jieun-ah!” a voice called as Jieun took two turkey sandwiches on the long table. She turned and saw SaeMi walking towards her.

            “unnie, annyeonghaseyo.” She bowed. “you’re early.”

            “I had to. I’m teaching the new majae today.” She smiled looking very young in shorts, combat boots and a white tank top. Her hair neatly tied in a pony tail. “anyway, I came to tell you that you need to go with YiFan and his team tonight.”

            “what? Why? I’m on a week break, unnie. Leeteuk oppa said I could have one.” Jieun moaned.

            “I know I know. But they finally managed to get that succubus to talk last night and Leeteuk is sending YiFan to get rid of the spawn.”

Jieun stared at SaeMi. She couldn’t believe the succubus would talk she wasn’t expecting results till a week at least.

            “she talked? After what? Two days?” Jieun’s brows furrowed. “who interrogated he?”

            “Jaejoong’s sons.” SaeMi shrugged. And Jieun understood.

            “Myungsoo and Jonghyun…I should’ve known.”Jieun muttered and SaeMi nodded.

            “yep! Yonghwa wasn’t happy Jonghyun’s gone for 2 days though, apparently the negotiations between Japan and Korea isn’t going well and they desperately needed Jonghyun’s persuasive ability.” SaeMi sighed.

Jieun was silent. She couldn’t care less about the negotiations of those islands now. She wanted her leave!

            “unnie. Can I not go? I mean it isn’t even Leetek oppa’s orders right?”

            “he told YiFan that you’ll be on leave for a week. I don’t think YiFan listened though because he said he needed you, there are apparently, quite a number of spawns already and it’s hard rounding them up without an able maja.”

Jieun puffed her cheeks.

            “I’ll just tell Krystal and Sunhwa to go with him. They’re able enough I’m sure.” Jieun said and SaeMi patted her arm.

            “you can tell them but you know YiFan…” she smiled and let her sentence trail before she left.

Jieun walked out of the café and made a portal to roof of her school. She just hoped YiFan won’t come dragging her away. I need a week’s rest, idiot! She mentally yelled and stomped towards the portal.


Jieun just walked out of her last class, Mythology 3, when a few of her campus friends caught up with her.

            “hey Jieun, we’re going somewhere to hang out, wanna come?” Jenny, a foreign student from the US said. Another foreign student, Anne, appeared beside Jenny and smiled at Jieun.

            “what are you guys doing?” Jieun asked.

            “probably go eat some samgyumpsal and have a drink. So are you in?” Anne said.

            “sure!” Jieun said smiling. Now this is the relaxation she needed. No worrying about monsters, rogue ones or the world crisis.

            “great! We’re just waiting for Minyoung and we’re ready to go!”


About an hour later at the restaurant, their food had arrived on the table and they began grilling the meat. Jieun’s mouth started to water at the sight and smell of the grilling meat. Minyoung had poured soju on each of their shot glasses.

            “here’s to a girls’ night out!” she said raising her glass cheerfully. They all followed suit and drank out shots. The strong taste of the alcohol hit Jieun’s throat and she breathed out satisfied putting her glass down.

            “what are you girls up to these days?” she asked. Jieun had been missing out on a lot of news with her constant absence from school.

            “well, as usual, Jenny here wouldn’t stop burying herself in books.” Minyoung said in a slight mocking voice.

            “what do you want me to do? Date every boy that comes in my way like you?” she retorted smirking.

            “hey, at least I’m having fun.” Minyoung stuck her tongue out at Jenny who laughed.

Jieun laughed too and began cutting the pork strip on the grill.

            “how about you, Jieun?” Anne asked pouring soju on our glasses.

            “what about me?” she asked flipping the meat.

            “what have you been up to these days? Where exactly do you go when you’re absent from classes?” Anne asked curiously.

            “well, I’ve told you, I’m away for work.” Jieun said clearing and started giving them a piece of meat, placing it carefully on their bowls.

            “you haven’t exactly told us what your work is.” Jenny said looking at Jieun suspiciously.

            “well, it’s complicated.” Jieun shoved a wrapped samgyupsal into in the hopes that she won’t get asked anymore questions.

            “you’re not going out with a boy and not tell us, are you?” Minyoung peered closely at Jieun. Jieun choked.

She hit her chest as she tried to breathe and Anne handed her a glass of water. Well, technically she was usually out with boys.

            “I am…not dating. I don’t have a boyfriend.” Jieun coughed and took a sip of her water.

            “tsh! C’mon you’re pretty likable enough why don’t you date?” Minyoung said.

            “coz I don’t have the time to.” Jieun rolled her eyes and went back to wrapping another meat and shoved it in .

            “well, I think your time just came.” Anne said from across Jieun. Jieun saw her looking at something behind her.

            “what are you talking about?” she asked, brows furrowed.

            “that guy has been staring at you for the past 15 minutes.” Anne pointed at someone from behind Jieun.

Jieun turned. She almost fell from her seat when she saw who it was.

YiFan wasn’t just looking at her. He was glaring at her. His arms were crossed and he was leaning on a sleek black Ducati bike.

            “aish! !” she cussed and sunk in her chair. Her friends saw her reaction and stared at her.

            “do you know that guy?” Jenny asked. Jieun nodded.

            “stop looking at him.” She hissed and acted as if she didn’t know YiFan was there.

            “is he your boyfriend?” Minyoung grinned as she looked away from YiFan.

            “no.” Jieun said flatly poking the meat on the grill.

She was so mad right now that she just controlled the urge to throw a fireball at him. She was on a week break!

            “why not? He’s HOT!” Minyoung said ogling at him.

            “I don’t care if he is, just stop staring at him.” She hissed again.

She knew YiFan could hear her with his vampy ears but she didn’t care.

            “where did you exactly meet him?” Anne asked curiously. “he looks really handsome but he also looks cold and scary.”

Jieun rolled her eyes. He would look scary, he’s on Yifan mode now, and Kris is somewhere stashed away. Jieun never called him Kris, she just wanted to stick to one name. She thought calling him with two names will make her more confused and would have to assess what mood he’s in to know what to call him. It was too bothersome,  so she settled with YiFan, the name he’d told her when they first met.


            “wow, no wonder you keep missing classes for work, I would too if I work with a hottie like him.” Minyoung giggled glancing up to YiFan.

            “trust me, you don’t.”

            “omo! He’s coming over.” Jenny yelped and looked down.

Jieun mentally cursed and forced herself not to look back. a few seconds later she felt a presence behind her and she continued to feign ignorance while her friends stared at her and to YiFan then back again.


            “OW!” Jieun yelled in pain as Yifan knocked on her head once. “YAH!” she yelled again as she turned to him.

            “ I know you saw me so don’t ignore me.” He said in a low tone. Jieun was used to this but her friends weren’t and they paled a bit.

            “I am not going.” Jieun replied angrily back.

YiFan didn’t say anything and Jieun felt YiFan yank the back of her collar and dragged her away from the table.

            “yah! Let me go!” Jieun flailed.

YiFan did not let her go until they got outside. Jieun glared at him she knew YiFan only did that coz he knew she couldn’t do magic in public, not where she can be seen.

            “YiFan, I am on a break, I can’t go on this mission with you.” She hissed.

YiFan raised his hand and tossed something to Jieun and she caught it.

            “race you.” He said and the side of his lips went up in a smirk.

Jieun looked down at the key she handed her then at him confused. Then he jerked his head and pointed to something behind him. Jieun followed the direction he’s pointing and dropped. There stood a gleaming blood red Ducati, looking glorious and just waiting for her to ride it.

            “you had your mom conjure this didn’t you?” she looked at YiFan accusingly. He grinned; he knew she’s not going to refuse now.

He didn’t answer and just mounted his bike.

Jieun blinked before running back inside the restaurant to grab her things. She apologized that she had to leave early then ran out and mounted the red bike. She started it and almost at the same time careened on the streets to race with YiFan who was already speeding away.

            “and she said she didn’t want to go with him.” Jenny snickered.

            “I bet you 100,000 won they’ll end up together some day.” Minyoung laughed and Jieun’s friends went back to their dinner.

            “tsh! I bet you 200,000 won.” Anne laughed raising her shot glass.

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shooploop #1
Very interesting!
Chapter 27: omfg what!? Heechul and Zee, dead???!! O_____O
Chapter 27: And am I right to think that Yifan is slowly starting to accept his feelings for Jieun? :) That impulsive jump got me like, asdfghjkl. But then when I reached the last part of the chapter I was like, no :c
Chapter 27: First thing I did after coming back to the dorms from a 12 hour long lecture was to open AFF and check to see if there were any updates while I was gone. Omg. Jie. You updated. Finally. Huhu. Though it took you months, I think this update was worth the wait. I wasnt even a bit disappointed with anything in this chapter (except for the cliff hanger, maybe. loljk) I seriously missed reading this story. See you on your next update~
Chapter 27: Unnie! I've been waiting for your update... I know it's still hiatus but I'm curious and excited for the story. Did you already forget these story? I just really like it. Unnie! It's already 2015. Please do update. This story is the best!
Chapter 26: Im reading this on my birthday and I am absolutely thrilled. Hoho. Good job Kris! :)
Chapter 26: 0? is that a countdown?
Chapter 25: I literally slammed both my hands on the table at frustration. WAYLT >_>
(Somehow, Theian cross my mind if he has anything to do with this kkkk~)
Chapter 25: I was so excited to read this chapter because the title reminded me of my favorite song Almost (by Tamia), and I don't even know why I'm relating that to your update but ASDFGHJKL. That ALMOST bit at the end. IM SCREAMING. WHYYYYYYYYY. WHY ARE U DOING THIS TO ME. why so bitin??? ASDFGHJKL ulit.
Chapter 24: Kris, you better start opening up on Jieun before this important person slipped away. Before it's too late. Cos I'm gonna kick your sorry srsly /sorry i rant haha nn;;