
Screwed by Fate; Bound by Destiny

Jieun and Myungsoo continued to stalk the hunter from afar careful not to catch her attention. James was still clueless about the one that’s been trailing him and kept listening to his ipod.

            “I need to get closer.” Myungsoo said quietly sounding almost frustrated. As Yin, he lacked the patience of a Yang.

            “transform to your wolf form, your scent will be less vampiric.”  Jieun suggest and they both leapt from the roof of one of the houses. A dog in the backyard started growling and barked at the pair. Myungsoo transformed into a huge, black wolf with a small white stripe along the top of his muzzle to the spot between his eyes.

The wolf’s eyes glinted in the night and gave a sharp growl at the dog and it whimpered back in its shelter.

            “give me a signal if you catch her.”

The wolf gave a nod swiftly crossed the street. Jieun was inwardly grateful that this neighborhood had huge trees all around it and even in the back yard.

Jieun silently ran and climbed onto trees to catch up. She almost lost her target but found her again once she caught a glimpse of James. He was obviously nearing his house and the banshee was getting ready to step out of the shadows. Suddenly, a loud growling was heard as Myungsoo leaped towards the banshee. She hissed and from under the moonlight Jieun could see her face. It was deformed, veins protruding all over her face, elongated fangs threatened to snap at the vampire.

Jieun hurriedly conjured her sword and ran to Myungsoo’s aid. Myungsoo attacked aiming for the throat but she was quick and dodged his attack. Jieun slashed her sword before the banshee could attack the vampire and she got lucky and hit her target’s arm. Bleeding profusely she hissed at her 2 would-be captors, holding on to her wounded arm.

The vampire and the maja started to walk around her in circles waiting for the perfect moment. Myungsoo got an opening and lunged for the banshee again. But before he could reach her the banshee opened with a scream. Myungsoo and Jieun fell to the ground hands on their ears as the sound pierced their ears like a knife.

With great effort, Jieun conjured a force field to protect them from the sound. As soon as all noise vanished, both warriors looked up and saw the banshee glaring at them before she ran and vanished into the night.

Myungsoo then shifted back to his original form and helped Jieun up.

            “that was some nasty banshee.” He said shaking his head, both of their ears ringing from the aftermath of that scream.

            “I’ve never actually met a banshee who had changed form. I didn’t even know they could change forms.” Jieun swayed on the spot, the ringing in her ears was making her dizzy and a bit disoriented.

            “quick thinking with the shield there though. Thanks.”

            “no problem. But we can’t celebrate yet, she’ll be even more careful now that she knows we’re on her trail.” Jieun said as they started walking away from the scene and went on to a deserted spot.

            “as far as I know, they don’t heal as quick as we do meaning that injury of hers won’t be healing anytime soon and all we need to do is search for a female student with an arm injury.”

            “right.” she huffed. “now we better get home and maybe Sulli has better luck with her investigation.”




The bright light from the portal illuminated the darkened 2-bedroom apartment in Shanghai where Kris and the rest of his team temporarily stayed. As soon as the figure of Tao stepped out from it, Xiumin almost tackled him to the ground if it weren’t for Lay and Chen who held him down. Kris was standing crossed arm in front of his brother with a reproachful look on his face.

            “hi guys?” Tao waved a hand nervously. Luhan looked up from the files he was reading and glanced at the still unmoving Kris and chuckled.

            “Tao.” Kris started and Tao slightly flinched. “why did you go to Portland when clearly you have a mission here?”

Tao was fidgeting from where he stood, and Krystal who cant take it anymore dragged him to the couch and pushed him down.

            “I was curious, that’s all. I was really going to come back as soon as I found out what their mission was. I mean weren’t you curious too? She was pulled out from this mission and I found who were also there with her.” He answered looking over at Xiumin who was still glaring at him. For someone who looked like a chipmunk he sure can look frightening.

            “ok, I’ll bite, what was their mission?” Krystal asked crossing her arms. Kris was massaging his temples; his migraine was getting unbearable.

            “they were hunting a banshee.”

6 pairs of eyes stared at him. Obviously not believing him, as they knew banshees are relatively harmless.

            “you’re kidding me right?” Chen said disbelievingly. “why would they be hunting one? Banshees don’t attack people for crying out loud.”

            “that’s why I thought when Myungsoo told me. But then he said they just confirmed that it was, that’s also why I went there to find out more.”

            “did the banshee kill people?” Luhan asked also curious now.

            “no, but it did permanently deafened 6 people and partially blinded them. It’s been attracting way too much attention over there if you ask me.” Tao said slightly relaxed now, no one was giving him angry glares anymore and he was glad that they also felt curious.

            “I expect it was Suho who’s with her.” Xiumin said tapping his knee. Tao snapped his head towards him.

            “how’d you know?” he sounded surprised.

Xiumin snorted.

            “it’s not exactly a secret that Suho’s got a banshee for a friend, Tao.”

            “well, yeah. Anyway, Suho, Sehun and Sungjong could only be active during day time so they called someone for back up and the Council sent Myungsoo.” Tao shrugged. “I think he and Jieun went together to follow the next possible victim, because Sulli mentioned she’d already been assigned to gather more evidence from the last crime scene.”

Kris’ eyebrow gave an unconscious twitch after hearing Tao’s statements. He suddenly felt uncomfortable and a feeling of being slightly pissed.

All of a sudden they heard Krystal giggling uncontrollably.

            “the hell is wrong with you?” Chen asked looking at the maja like she had gone crazy.

            “oh nothing, I just think their mission is amusing.” She said but Kris stared at her knowing that there was some meaning hidden in her words basing on her tone.

            “what do you mean?” Lay asked leaning over the couch.

            “nothing, I just think those two are compatible.” Krystal started giggling again. Xiumin, Tao and Chen started gagging.

For some reason, Kris could feel blood rise to his face. He felt absolutely confused now. He didn’t know why he suddenly felt so angry and wanting to walk out of the room and hear nothing more of Krystal’s blabbing. Kris took deep steadying breaths in an attempt to compose himself.

Luhan, however, saw this in the corner of his eye, he looked at the others and saw no one else noticed Kris’ collapsing composure. He mentally started suspecting something and wants to test his theory.

            “I haven’t really seen those two together much but if they do get together they would be a match made in heaven, don’t you think?” Chen started sniggering and high-fived Xiumin.

            “I heard they got along pretty well at the Autumn Festival, was it true?” Luhan calmly turned to Krystal who was looking slightly confused but then started to think back to the dance.

            “I haven’t heard Jieun saying anything about it but now that you’ve mentioned it they seemed to be getting along pretty well back then.”

Luhan’s cheeks trembled slightly as he tried very hard to control his grin. He snuck a peak at his friend was still stood quite immobile but his face was obviously flushing red. The others started chuckling, ignorant of their leader’s inner turmoil.

            “having a new couple around would be a nice change.” Lay smiled. The last time there was a new couple was Sunggyu and Soyu who got together a year or two before Jieun became a maja.

Before a vein in his head could pop, Kris straightened up and grabbed his coat from the couch.

            “enough chatter all of you and back to the mission. The sooner we can finish this the better. Tao you’re coming with me.” He almost growled at them and stalked towards the door.

Tao recoiled from the bark of command; he pouted and looked around the room.

            “what’s eating him today?”  Krystal said glaring at the door from where Kris disappeared.

            “stress from the mission and his escapee brother, probably.” Chen started sniggering and motioned for Tao to follow Kris. “you better go now before he throws you off the building.”

The youngest mage squeaked and hurried out of the room. Luhan glanced at the dresser where Kris was leaning on earlier and he suppressed another grin as he saw obvious cracks on it.

            “That guy seriously has issues.” Krystal rolled her eyes and stood up as well. “Lay and I will be going around the docks, one of those rogues might show up there again.”

            “take Chen with you.” Luhan started before looking at Xiumin. “Xiumin and I need to go somewhere.”

Chen raised an eyebrow.

            “where are you going then?” he asked.

            “we’ll tell you later.”

The other three obviously was not satisfied by that answer but they left if not a bit grudgingly. As soon as their footsteps disappeared Luhan looked at Xiumin seriously.

            “did Kris tell you?” Luhan asked and both of them went into one of the rooms.

            “yes.” Xiumin’s face looked serious as well.

Luhan walked towards the window and opened it. He put his head out looking up and down carefully scanning the dark alley. Then, he pushed his body out and onto the fire escape; Xiumin followed behind him.

            “if his theory is right then we are in very big trouble.” Xiumin said as they both hurriedly climbed down. “and the council should definitely know about it.”

            “I have a feeling they already know or at least think of it as a possibility.”

            “Luhan, if it’s true then the question is, how are they doing it?” they both landed silently on their feet and started walking deeper into the alley passing by a few drunks.

Luhan’s brows furrowed. Kris have been thinking about it for a long time and when he told Xiumin and Luhan he had already reached a point where the theory must not be kept any longer. Luhan and Xiumin had also been thinking about that possibility but pushed it back as it was very impossible. But from what’s happening around them now it would only be the most logical explanation.

            “I don’t know. Even though we know something’s bizarre from the way most of the rogues we encounter these days smell, the mere possibility is…disconcerting.”

Xiumin clenched his teeth together in frustration.

            “if this is true then we are going to be facing something bad soon.” He said as both of them leapt over a wall and into another connecting alley.

            “I know. For someone who can turn humans into vampires…it is very likely indeed.”


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shooploop #1
Very interesting!
Chapter 27: omfg what!? Heechul and Zee, dead???!! O_____O
Chapter 27: And am I right to think that Yifan is slowly starting to accept his feelings for Jieun? :) That impulsive jump got me like, asdfghjkl. But then when I reached the last part of the chapter I was like, no :c
Chapter 27: First thing I did after coming back to the dorms from a 12 hour long lecture was to open AFF and check to see if there were any updates while I was gone. Omg. Jie. You updated. Finally. Huhu. Though it took you months, I think this update was worth the wait. I wasnt even a bit disappointed with anything in this chapter (except for the cliff hanger, maybe. loljk) I seriously missed reading this story. See you on your next update~
Chapter 27: Unnie! I've been waiting for your update... I know it's still hiatus but I'm curious and excited for the story. Did you already forget these story? I just really like it. Unnie! It's already 2015. Please do update. This story is the best!
Chapter 26: Im reading this on my birthday and I am absolutely thrilled. Hoho. Good job Kris! :)
Chapter 26: 0? is that a countdown?
Chapter 25: I literally slammed both my hands on the table at frustration. WAYLT >_>
(Somehow, Theian cross my mind if he has anything to do with this kkkk~)
Chapter 25: I was so excited to read this chapter because the title reminded me of my favorite song Almost (by Tamia), and I don't even know why I'm relating that to your update but ASDFGHJKL. That ALMOST bit at the end. IM SCREAMING. WHYYYYYYYYY. WHY ARE U DOING THIS TO ME. why so bitin??? ASDFGHJKL ulit.
Chapter 24: Kris, you better start opening up on Jieun before this important person slipped away. Before it's too late. Cos I'm gonna kick your sorry srsly /sorry i rant haha nn;;