
Screwed by Fate; Bound by Destiny

The sound heavy footsteps echoed through the marbled hallway of the huge castle on Mt. Shia. YiFan and his comrades walked through in silence following Sunny towards the council room to where they’ve been summoned. Xiumin groaned as they got out of the portal only to be informed of their summons. Luhan just let out a sigh; Yi Fan just stayed as is, calm and unnerved.

They stopped in front of the huge oak, double doors and Sunny knocked three times.

            “come in.” said a familiar voice. it whipped like a lightning that it made Xiumin recoil a bit. Among the four of them it was he who was the most nervous.

The doors opened and they all walked in into the huge room with a round table fit for twelve people right in the middle. The walls for cream and gold decorated with paintings of great wars and missions they have all accomplished, 50 feet high windows with maroon curtains accented with golden bows. Vases on tables, which would become the envy of various collectors, stone busts of fallen heroes stood on marble plinths on raised platforms to honor their sacrifices.

It was a place of awe for most people, but to the four who just entered the said room could not care less. All their eyes were on the 12 council members who sat in their seats dressed in suits which seems off in the rather

            “ah, our heroes of the day.” Jiaremarked as she looked up smiling kindly.

All four bowed low.

Leeteuk, the head of the council was so mad he could almost feel steam from his ears. He was walking back and forth unable to calm himself.

            “what exactly were you three thinking? Four including you, Sunny!” he glared.

            “it was upon my order, sir.” YiFan said not keeping his head bowed respectfully.

            “so we’ve heard, and why may I ask did you give such order? The orders we gave you specifically states that you are NOT to be seen but only to guard.”Leeteuk punched the table, which shook violently, a visible crack forming.

            “oppa, we just fixed the table, don’t break it please.” SaeMi sighed from beside Heechul.

Leeteuk ignored her.

            “she was attacked, sir and it left us with no choice, either we help her or leave her to die.” Yi Fan answered keeping his voice calm.

            “why didn’t you prevent her from getting attacked then? Why not have someone guard her route home and make sure no one gets in her way?” Leeteuk continued to grill them.

Yi Fan did not want any attention to befall on s, after all he is the leader and as a leader he should take the responsibility.

            “I can give you no excuses, sir. I will accept all punishment that you seem fit.” He said defiantly. He knew there was a slight lapse in his judgment on his part and he does not deny it.

            “we will also accept the punishment, sir.” Luhan said moving slightly to stand beside Yi Fan and bowed. Xiumin also did the same.


            “what do you think about this, Hangeng?” Leeteuk asked the man to his right. Hangeng looked at Leeteuk calmly and then looked at Yi Fan.

            “well, the slight oversight of the subject’s security which resulted to the consequential events of the evening is something we cannot overlook.” Hangeng said his gaze fixed on the tall boy in front of him.

            “oh shush! You all are such a bunch of ninnies, don’t be too harsh on them, it just happened this once.” Ara said irritably.

            “I agree. Yi Fan and his team have had accomplished more missions than any of the rookie teams. At least give them some slack on this mistake.” SaeMi agreed.

Leeteuk sat back down on his seat still fuming. Heechul, obviously bored, took out a couple of shurikensand started thrown it at the wall. His wife, SaeMi, immediately waved a hand and conjured a target on the wall opposite him way above the head of TOP who did not move away from Heechul’s daggers moving above him.

            “that’s exactly why they’re the team we sent, because they are the best. But now that they’ve committed a mistake…”

            “may I remind you that even the best falls sometimes, even you.” Taeyeon gave her husband a hard glare. He glared right back.

            “I don’t know why you’re all that bothered. Jieun’s turning 20 in a month, she’ll find out about what she really is soon.” Victoria added from beside Hangeng.

            “we owe her father a lot, Vic, it took us 18 years to find her and good thing too. Can you imagine the crisis we’ll face if she’ll change without anyone telling her what happened to her or what she is?” ZhouMi piped in the conversation.

            “true, and Kangtahyung would’ve wanted us to have his daughter protected.” Yunho added slouching on his chair.

            “and that’s exactly what they did.” His wife Ara have him a look that clearly states she didn’t like how he’s leading the conversation. “if it weren’t for them things could’ve gotten more serious.”

            “this is getting us nowhere.” Sora, the head maja, spoke standing up from her seat. “all those against on punishing these people raise your hand.”

There was a moment’s silence where all you can hear was the thudding of the shurikens hitting the target on the wall.

Then, Taeyeon, SaeMi, Victoria, Ara, Jia, Sora, Heechul and TOP raised their hands. Sora smiled contentedly.

            “eight out of twelve. That’s it then, they won’t have to get punished.” She smiled and looked at the head magi. “anything you would like to add, Leeteuk-ssi?” she added tauntingly.

He glared at her then he looked straight at Yi Fan.

            “you will continue to guard her until her birthday next month and you will NOT appear in front of her again. Do you understand me?” Leeteuk commanded his voice echoed throughout the room, which never failed to show the fact that he IS the head of the Council.

            “yes, sir!” all four of them nodded and bowed.

            “now that this is all finished I think we better get off to bed. The sun is rising soon.” Heechul stood up and yawned.

            “yeah, we would want to have to drag you to your houses while you’re knocked out.” SaeMi laughed she then looked at the boys who were standing rigidly by the door. She walked towards them and tapped their shoulders kindly. “don’t fret about it too much, you boys have been doing an excellent job. Now go home and have a good morning’s sleep.”

The 4 of them bowed and walked out of the council room quietly following most of the members from behind.

            “I can’t believe they let us go that easily.” Xiumin let out a huff of relief and by goo measure slapped his cheeks.

Sunny crossed her arms and glared at her brother.

            “I almost got into trouble because of you, idiot!” she yelled and threw a fireball at him. Xiumin ducked just in time but the edges of his spikey hair got singed.

            “noona, stop it!” he waved and covered his arms over his face.

            “ugh! Don’t you ever call me the next time you get into trouble.” She warned and walked away.

            “yeesh! As a healer, you’d expect her to be calmer, don’t you think?” Xiumin commented looking at his sister’s back.

            “with you as a brother, it’s no doubt why she can’t be as calm as she’s supposed to be.” Jibed Luhan and tried to hide his grin. Yi Fan also tried hard to hide his grin.

            “ah look here! The amazing trio is back!”

The three boys looked up to see Chanyeol in his long, white coat and fluffy, curly brown hair and signature goofy grin.

            “hey Yeol, how’s it going?” Luhan greeted his friend, they all high-fived each other and gave a short one-arm hug.

            “you have no idea how good it feels to be back. It’s so not fun in Russia, the cold, the people. Ugh!” he shivered. He and his team have been deployed there for some insider job to try to stop or delay Russia’s possible attack on the US.

            “I bet you got it better than us.” Xiumin muttered bitterly.

            “oh yeah, I heard from Suho, did you guys get into trouble with the council?” he asked concernedly.

            “not so much. The majae council was on our side as well as Heechul and TOP hyungnim.” Yi Fan sighed and managed a small smile.

            “sweet! So care for a bottle or two at the Mage Bar tonight?” if possible Chanyeol grinned even widely and put an arm around Yi Fan who was only a few centimeters taller than him.

            “I don’t think so, we’re on this mission for a month.” He replied.

            “aw c’mon, Kris! I’ve been back after 3 months and you can’t even grant your friend a favor?” Chanyeol dramatically punched his chest and acted like he was in pain. Yi Fan rolled his eyes.

            “fine, as soon as the sun sets tonight, meet me at the Mage Bar. And don’t call me Kris here.” He said shoving Chanyeol who lost his footing and wobbled. Luhan and Xiumin laughed.

            “assa! And loosen up will you? Your mission is over for the night so shed the Yi Fan and be back to the good ol Krissy!”

            “oh shut up!” Kris laughed and grabbed Chanyeol’s had and gave him a noogie.

Luhan suddenly stiffened and sniffed the air.

            “Kris-!” he called in warning but got cut off.

            “Yi Fan.” A low intimidating voice called from behind them.”

Kris let go of Chanyeol as soon as he recognized the voice of his father. He straightened up and immediately became the serious Yi Fan and bowed; the rest of them followed suit.

Hangeng walked towards them in his sleek Armani suit and stopped in front of the boys who still had their heads bowed.

            “can you boys give me and my son a minute?” Hangeng said in an emotionless voice.

            “ne, hyungnim.” Xiumin and Chanyeol responded.

            “shi, duizhang.” Said Luhan. Then all four of them backed off slowly.

Hangeng looked at the three and then at his son.

            “so, do you have anything to say after tonight’s events?” he asked. His tone confused Yi Fan, it was as if his father had shed the council Hangeng and was now replaced the father Hangeng.

            “I am sorry, sir.” He replied.

            “Yi Fan, I am not here to talk to you as a member of the council, I am here to talk to you as your father. So please talk to me as one as I am talking to you as my son.” Hangeng said putting a hand on Yi Fan’s shoulders.

Yi Fan looked up to see his father smiling at him.

            “yes, father.”

            “that’s better. Now care to explain what happened tonight?” he asked again. Yi Fan let out a huff.

            “we didn’t think that those three would be waiting. They left the bar way too early that night so we did not think to have someone guard her route home. I had Xiumin scout the area as soon as she left the bar apparently those three had only entered the alley when they knew Jieun was on her way. We also tried not to be seen but it would be impossible not to if we were to help her.” Yi Fan felt like a 10-year old seeking comfort from his father after doing something wrong. He wanted to kick himself for saying it like that; his leader pride could not take it.

            “as what I can see, you’ve been carrying too much pressure on your shoulders, Yi Fan. I know being a leader does it to you but as a leader you also need to relax your mind to be able to think better in situations.” Hangeng comforted him.

            “I know, I’m sorry, father. I wish I could’ve been a better leader like you.”

To his surprise, Hangeng laughed out loud.

            “if you were a leader like me at your age, you would’ve committed more serious mistakes like I did.” Hangeng said jovially. Yi Fan looked at him with a questioning look on his face, but Hangeng waved him off and put two hands on his son’s shoulders. “that’s a conversation for another time. Now look, you’re a good leader, the council would not put you in that position if we didn’t think you fit for the job. The only thing you lack is confidence. You may cover it up when you’re on missions but as your father I know you all too well. Every day you doubt yourself if you really deserve the position or if you just got it because you’ve got a leader as your father.”

Yi Fan looked wide-eyed at his father. Everything he said was true.

            “father, I-“ he started but Hangeng shook his head at him.

            “do not doubt yourself, Yi fan, trust your judgment. As a council member I say you need to be punished from your irresponsible oversight but as your father I say trust your judgment and don’t let this mistake haunt you, learn from it so you’ll know what to do in the future.”

            “thanks, father.” Yi Fan smiled and wholeheartedly did appreciate the talk his father gave him he knew he was old enough for constant pep talk from his father but somehow he felt like he needed assurance from someone he looked up to all his life.

            “now, go home before the sun rises or we’ll both collapse on these hallway.” He father joked and started to walk back towards the way he came.

Yi Fan bowed and walked straight ahead.

Council members lived behind the castles where their houses stood big and majestic. Each house differs from the other though depending on the taste of the bonded couple that lived there and no two houses stood near each other.

All of the other warriors get a house on their own as soon as they reach of age and get a mission. Yi Fan’s house stood by the end of a cliff; it was simple and a typical bachelor pad. He had asked the help of his mother, Victoria, with the construction, of course but the design was all his.

Huge terrace right outside his living room for his daily meditation, even though he could only see it at night, he liked to see creatures of the air soar through the skies. He loved it especially when the demigods drop in for a chat.

Tonight, however, he did not bother to stop and take a breather. The early rays of the sun started to appear in the horizon. Yi Fan now felt his legs weaken and his eyes droop. Stumbling towards his bedroom he took off his coat just as the sun shone in the skies fully risen. Yi Fan out instantly and dropped on is bed, asleep.


It was midday when Jieun finally woke up, her body no longer tired but felt refreshed. She sat up on her bed looking around her room; she wondered why she felt oddly confused. Then she remembered what happened last night. It was hazy and felt both real and unreal at the same time.

            “I must be going crazy.” She groaned running her hands through her hair and grasped it tightly.

She must be too tired when she got home last night and fell right asleep in her work clothes and dreamt the whole thing. But then she could not even remember how she got home last night.

She stood up and walked towards her door and opened it looking at the other side. Her daily mail was still there then that meant she didn’t bring it in last night.

            “ok, so I forgot to bring it in, I really was too tired last night.” But she knew she couldn’t have forgotten it. No matter how tired she was, she’d always pick up her mail.

            “there’s only one way to find out if last night was real.” She closed her eyes and exhaled before walking to her bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror. She looked normal and healthy, no bruises or any other injury. She sighed in relief, but then she saw something that made her heart race and drained the blood from her face.

Her white blouse was full of dirt and her hair of muck.


It had been almost a month since her encounter with the strangers and it was all she could think about. She never saw them again so she’d always debate with herself if it really was real or not. If she was to be honest, she’d want it to be real; at least she’d know that there are still some people willing to help her or that there’s people watching her. The idea of stalkers did not disturb her as long as she’d never see them. Again, if she was to be honest, she’d want to see them again. The puffy-cheeked boy, with spiky hair and naughty grin, the doe-eyed boy, with friendly features and kind smile, the cute, pixie-like girl with smile that can brighten someone’s day and the tall boy with strikingly sharp features and scary eyes, the one named Yi Fan.

For some reason, she’d always find herself smiling thinking about the strangers she met.

            “you’re smiling again.” Nayoung commented. “did something good happen?”

She snapped out of her daze, and looked at Nayoung and Leewon who were both looking at her amusedly.

            “uhm, no, just thinking about something.” She said putting her tray down and handing the order of drinks to Leewon.

            “is it a boy that’s making you smile, Jieun-ah?” Leewon teased, Jieun blushed scarlet.

            “of course not, oppa. i…it’s just that tomorrow’s my birthday, that’s all.” She lied.

            “uh huh. Right!” Leewon grinned. She furrowed her brows.

            “oh right! I almost forgot about your birthday. Listen you can leave early tonight and you may not come in for tomorrow as my birthday treat to you. Pamper yourself for the day, you deserve it.” Nayoung said tapping her arm. Jieun opened to protest but Leewon cut her off.

            “and here’s my gift to you.” Leewon handed her an envelope. She opened it and saw a gift certificate to a spa.

            “oppa, you didn’t need to give me this.”

            “go on and use it tomorrow. You deserve it.” He said and handed her the drinks for table eight.


            “no buts kiddo, now go serve these and make sure you clock out at 11. It’s a slow night anyway, which is weird.” Nayoung said then shrugged.

Jieun smiled thanking the only two people who treated her like a person in this place. She carefully tucked the gift certificate in her bag and served the drinks.

When 11 o’clock came, she did not immediately clock out as the bar suddenly had a handful of people and felt guilty leaving Leewon and Nayoung wth only one waitress so she stayed.

It was almost twelve midnight when Nayoung noticed the clock and reprimanded Jieun for not going home.

            “but I there’s many people in here, I can’t just-“ Jieun reasoned but Nayoung was already taking off her white server’s apron and handed her bag.

            “we can handle things here, now go home.” Nayoung said shoving her out the door.

Jieun smiled at her favorite unnie and adjusted her coat and slung her bag over her shoulder.

Ever since that night, she never took the short cut again, dream or not she’s not taking any more chances. She might not have a savior the second time around. Jieun pulled her hair down making sure her scar was covered before starting to walk through the main side walk.

After five minutes of walking, however, Jieun felt her hand shaking. She stopped right outside a convenience store and stared at her hands. She didn’t know if it was her imagination but she could see her hands faintly glowing. She shook her head and started walking again.

About a minute or two later, she felt a searing pain in her chest which knocked the breath out of her. She doubled up in pain, she could not even scream. Her legs were burning as if it was shoved into a burning furnace; she couldn’t breathe and started to gasp for air.

People ignored her thinking she was just drunk and wanted to throw up on the side of the street. But she was in serious pain, her hands was violently shaking now that even her arms moved with it. The pain in her chest started to spread along her stomach, twisting her inside. She gasped for air again.

She tried to stand up but the burning pain in her legs was so unbearable that she toppled over. Instead of hitting the cemented sidewalk she fell into someone’s arms.

She started to convulse now and the person who caught her started to run through the nearest alley.

            “Chen! Call Saemi noona. NOW!” he commanded.

The person lowered her down on the floor when she finally got to see his face.

Yi Fan.

            “y…yo…yo…you!” she managed to choke out. Her pupils red with the lack of oxygen.

            “don’t talk and try to breathe.” He commanded. Jieun dared not disobey and started trying to take sharp intakes of breaths no matter how little oxygen she can get to her lungs she knew she had to if she wanted to stay conscious.

            “oh ! She’s changing!” Luhan appeared beside Yi Fan and started to touch her forehead and feeling her wrist for her pulse.

            “I know that and if Saemi noona won’t be here on time, she might not survive the change.” Yi Fan said trying to stay calm.

A blinding flash of light appeared and Saemi got out of it.

            “she’s here.” Chen said running towards Yi Fan.

Saemi wasted no time and went to check on Jieun. Jieun stared at her begging her to save her life.

            “this is bad, she needs to be at Mt. Shia, right now. C’mon.” said the council member as she stood up.

She waved her hands and a portal appeared. She let Luhan and Chen enter first. Yi Fan picked up Jieun from the floor and followed his comrades through the portal.

Jieun did not know where they were taking her; all she thought about was the pain she’s feeling. Then her head was full of loud bussing and whispers and it made everything even more unbearable. She did not even feel as Yi Fan set her down on a bed.

With a sudden feeling as if her body had burst into flames, she screamed and her back arched off the bed.

All she could remember before she passed out was the face of a beautiful woman with long, jet black hair and brown, almond eyes trying to comfort her while murmuring words like a string of complicated spells.




hi! i hope you like this chap..still unedited though..pls do leave a comment and tell me what you think..:)

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shooploop #1
Very interesting!
Chapter 27: omfg what!? Heechul and Zee, dead???!! O_____O
Chapter 27: And am I right to think that Yifan is slowly starting to accept his feelings for Jieun? :) That impulsive jump got me like, asdfghjkl. But then when I reached the last part of the chapter I was like, no :c
Chapter 27: First thing I did after coming back to the dorms from a 12 hour long lecture was to open AFF and check to see if there were any updates while I was gone. Omg. Jie. You updated. Finally. Huhu. Though it took you months, I think this update was worth the wait. I wasnt even a bit disappointed with anything in this chapter (except for the cliff hanger, maybe. loljk) I seriously missed reading this story. See you on your next update~
Chapter 27: Unnie! I've been waiting for your update... I know it's still hiatus but I'm curious and excited for the story. Did you already forget these story? I just really like it. Unnie! It's already 2015. Please do update. This story is the best!
Chapter 26: Im reading this on my birthday and I am absolutely thrilled. Hoho. Good job Kris! :)
Chapter 26: 0? is that a countdown?
Chapter 25: I literally slammed both my hands on the table at frustration. WAYLT >_>
(Somehow, Theian cross my mind if he has anything to do with this kkkk~)
Chapter 25: I was so excited to read this chapter because the title reminded me of my favorite song Almost (by Tamia), and I don't even know why I'm relating that to your update but ASDFGHJKL. That ALMOST bit at the end. IM SCREAMING. WHYYYYYYYYY. WHY ARE U DOING THIS TO ME. why so bitin??? ASDFGHJKL ulit.
Chapter 24: Kris, you better start opening up on Jieun before this important person slipped away. Before it's too late. Cos I'm gonna kick your sorry srsly /sorry i rant haha nn;;