7 Years Later

Screwed by Fate; Bound by Destiny

            “I think you people better clear out now before you get injured in the line of fire.” A huge white eagle soared from above and gracefully landed on Kris’ shoulder.

            “what do you mean, O’dair?” Yunho asked curiously.

Yunho, Hangeng, Heechul, Kris, Suho and Sunggyu were talking about the recent political strife in the Middle East and about which team will be sent to try to minimize the tension. They were about to decide to send Sunggyu’s team when the eagle interrupted them.

            “the team you sent to investigate the recent murders in Amsterdam just got back.” The white bird chuckled and stretched its wings, which slightly glimmered in the dimly lit hallway.

Kris’ brows furrowed not minding the claws that dug through his skin.

            “so? Was the mission a fail that Leeteuk got so mad he peed his pants again?” Heechul snorted. Kris, Suho and Sunggyu chuckled.

            “the mission was a success from what I’ve heard but I wouldn’t say no one is mad though.”

            “can you cut to the chase, O’dair? We don’t have time to play guessing games with you today.” Hangeng said a hint of impatience in his voice.

            “well, you see…”


All six men jumped in surprise at the sound of explosion and crashes they heard from the thickness of the trees in the distance. Flares of light are now visible and fast approaching them.

            “what in the world is going on?!” Yunho roared thinking they must be attacked, which was impossible since the magical barriers of Mt. Shia are so powerful.

            “we’re not under attack but someone IS being attacked. Catcha later, gents!” the bird said hurriedly before Kris felt a slight pressure on his shoulder as the bird took off.

            “we’re not under attacked but someone is being attacked? What exactly does he mean by that?” Sunggyu asked puzzled.

Then jumping from one of the trees was a tall figure wearing a bottle green dress shirt. He was panting from all the running and once he spotted the group he ran towards them and yanked Kris and hid behind him.

            “Yah! Chanyeol, what are you doing!” Kris yelled toppling backwards.

            “hide me!” he squealed still grabbing hold onto Kris’ shoulders as he was the only one tall enough to be able to hide Chanyeol’s also tall physique.

            “what did you do this time, kid?” Heechul stared at Changyeol with a look that clearly states that he was totally enjoying the scene.

            “I didn’t do anything, hyung I promise.” He said shaking his head.

            “that’s unlikely.” Suho snorted looking at the direction Chanyeol jumped out of. “weren’t you with Suzy, Jieun and Kyungsoo for this mission?” Suho asked remembering that he sent that team to Amsterdam.

Kris then put two and two together.

            “what did you do to Jieun this time, Yeol?” he said exasperatedly.

Chanyeol didn’t answer, but everyone knew that he probably did something major to have angered Jieun this much. The 3 elders just stood there watching the scene, reminiscing the past when they also used to be like this.

            “CHANYEOL! I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!” Jieun’s shout rang throughout the place. A few seconds later Jieun’s figure appeared. She was wearing a red mini dress that hugged her curves perfectly; the only thing was it was also short and revealing.

The younger boys stood there in shock, not with how y Jieun looked, they already got used to majae wearing something of the sort when trying to get information from hormone-riddled men or just to try and lure the fish to their deaths. It was the fact that Jieun looked close to being murderous and her neck full of red spots was what shocked them.

            “Jieun, calm down!” Suzy said running after her friend,

            “I will NOT calm down!” she screamed again balls of fire now in both her hands ready to be thrown at her target.

            “she looks mad, dude.” Sunggyu chuckled.

            “mad is an understatement, Sunggyu. She looks like hell broke loose on her.” Suho replied.

            “don’t let her get me!” Chanyeol quivered behind Kris.

            “hey, Jieun, over here!” Heechul yelled and pointed at the person behind Kris.

            “hyung! No!” Chanyeol screamed in panic almost close to tears.

Jieun turned her head towards them and meeting Kris’ eyes, the latter lazily pointed at the man hiding behind him. Jieun started towards them, the fireball in her hand growing bigger. Chanyeol let out a high-pitched squeal and started running again. He jumped on a ledge and shifted to a huge cream-colored wolf and scurried into the thick bushes.

            “you can’t get away from me that easily, you mongrel!” Jieun suddenly glowed brightly and her red dress vanished and she now wore her usual training get up.

            “play nice now, Jieun, we don’t want one of our members hurt now.” Hangeng teased as Jieun stalked passed them.

            “oh I’ll play NICE alright.” She growled and jumped on the ledge and started after Chanyeol.

Suzy skidded to a stop in front of the group and she bent forwards panting hard. Sunggyu walked over to her and supported her weight before she toppled over.

            “what happened to those two, Suzy?” he asked walking her over to the others.

            “ah, well…the usual.” She panted. She straightened up when she slightly caught her breath but was still painfully clutching at her sides.

            “Chanyeol screwed up again?” Suho guessed grimacing. Chanyeol was, after all, his responsibility.

            “yes and no. he did make a good call to get that wild vamp on his own.” Suzy said wiping her brow.

            “and?” Yunho pressed on crossing his arms interested in the story.

            “Chanyeol and Jieun went to that bar separately while Kyungsoo and I kept watch from one of the buildings. We could hear Jieun getting approached by the vamp through the charm Sora unnie gave us to use. Chanyeol told her to just go along with whatever he wanted and strike only when he gave the signal.”

Heechul, Yunho and Hangeng looked at each other with a knowing look on their faces as if the story is familiar to them. Suho, Kris and Sunggyu however furrowed their brows.

            “I bet you anything something happened in between this?” Kris said to nobody in particular.

            “you could say that. Kyungsoo and I saw Jieun and the vamp exit the back door and we assumed Chanyeol was somewhere watching the scene. Jieun tried to be coy in rejecting the vamps advances but when the target started to get irritated she gave in.”

            “Don’t tell me she-!?” Kris said surprised.

            “no no, she didn’t. it didn’t get that far, but you could see what happened to her neck though. Kyungsoo got worried then and went to the bar for Chanyeol.”

            “was the idiot there?” Suho asked frowning.

            “oh he was there. Apparently, he got caught up flirting with the women there. he got about three flirting with him on the dance floor. When he saw Kyungsoo approach him he got a reality check. They both ran out in time to see Jieun beheading the target. When she saw Chanyeol…well, you know what happened. She figured out what happened and he begged me to gate him back here asap and you know the rest.”

A moment’s silence.

 A roar of laughter broke through the silence. Heechul, Yunho and Hangeng doubled up in laughter holding each other for support. The other four looked at them with bewildered faces.

            “I think they’ve gone crazy.” Sunggyu commented staring at his supposed superiors.

            “they’re already crazy to begin with if you ask me.” Said Kris.

When the three of them got hold of themselves they straightened up.

            “oh memories.” Yunho said panting.

            “should we ask what happened?” Suho said looking at the three men as if scared to know about what they were laughing about.

            “well, you see, this kind of story already happened before.” Heechul said there were tears in his eyes from laughing too hard.

            “to who?” Kris asked. Heechul, Hangeng and Yunho looked at him and ginned.

            “your mom.” They said in unison.

            “my mom?!” Kris said incredulously, and then he stared at his father.

He nodded.

            “but we weren’t bonded then yet. If we were I would’ve been there with her not Jaejoong.” Hangeng started chuckling a bit.

When he said the name the others all made sounds of realization. Jaejoong, as serious as he is, his attention will always be distracted when it come to women who gets his ego going.

            “I was with them then, but we didn’t expect to encounter more than three vamps in there and Victoria was the only maja with us so we had to tread with caution. So, Jae got distracted, Victoria almost got herself bitten while Junsu and I got one hell of an exercise chasing the escaped vamps.” Yunho said chuckling.

            “there’s nothing funny with that.” Kris said slightly annoyed at his father for thinking what happened to his mom is funny when it is anything but.

            “the situation isn’t funny, it’s what happened after that, kid” Heechul then started laughing again. “ah, I should have SaeMi replay that incident for me again. I need a good laugh.”

            “ok, we’ll bite. What happened after?” Suzy asked really curious now.

            “Victoria got so mad that after they got back here she sneaked into Jaejoong’s house during the day and cast a spell on all his clothes. When he wore it, it will look the same in his eyes but to the rest of us, well…let’s just say we got a new muscular maja walking around without any idea why all of us couldn’t look at him with a straight face for days.” Heechul concluded his story with all of the others laughing with him.

            “Hangeng and Victoria already had a thing back then and your father almost castrated Jaejoong.” Yunho chortled.

            “oh I hope Jieun will do something like that to Chanyeol.” Sunggyu said laughing hard.

            “with how she is now, it could be worse.” Kris said and reminded himself how he should never get on his mother’s bad side.




            “this is seriously a nice change.” Jieun sighed smelling the night breeze.

It wasn’t the fresh air she’s get from her house in Mt. Shia since she was out on a mission tonight but she felt herself loosen up a bit.

Suho chuckled from beside her.

            “a change from the fiasco last week?” he teased. Jieun glared at him.

            “don’t mention that good-for-nothing jackass. I still want to wring his neck from what I went through.” Jieun glared at the horizon.

            “you know how Chanyeol is, so just forget about it.”

            “that’s your problem, Suho, you’re so nice and lenient with your team that’s why Chanyeol’s like that. You’re supposed to be my cousin and you didn’t even punish him or something.” Jieun crossed her arms and sulked in her seat.

            “every leader is different, cuz.” Suho chuckled. “I think you’ve been teamed up with Kris for too long that you’re only familiar with his leadership style. And I don’t need to punish Chanyeol since she’s still can’t sit properly with that spell you put on his .”

            “oh ha ha.” She stuck her tongue out on her cousin. Suho laughed. Then he changed the subject.

            “so what were you saying about a nice change?”

            “it’s nice to have a capture mission for once and not a hunting one.” She said leaning back on her chair. “I swear I’d be happy with a week of no blood and gore.”

            “you’ve been at this for two years now. Aren’t you still used to it?”

Jieun looked up to the skies before she answered her cousin. It was indeed two years since she’d become of age. And 7 years since she became a maja and her life changed drastically. Within five years, she thought of nothing else but train hard and train alone. her best friends, Suzy, Min, Krystal and Sulli all said she’d become a ‘training-aholic’ since she wouldn’t rest until they forced her.

It was all worth it though and what a pay off it was too. She’s now one of the best maja both equally competent to be both in either Yin or Yang, but she wanted to fight and so she chose to be a Yin warrior even though her parents were Yang warriors.

For two years she was usually sent to mission with Kris and his team. They all became close even if Tao will still sometimes but she gets to kick his now. Kris and she had already become quite the fighting duo, they know each others’ moves so well there isn’t a need to talk during battles anymore. Jieun also moves well with Tao and Luhan, while Krystal with Lay, Chen and Xiumin. If divided, the teams will usually go like that. She’ll get to be with other teams sometimes though but tonight was the first time she’ll get to work with her cousin, Suho.

            “of course, I am. It’s just a nice change and it’s the first time for me to work with you. And I’m with two of my favorite dongsaengs!” Jieun said happily looking at the next building where Sungjong was with Luna setting up the equipment they need to enclose their target with.

            “I bet you are. Just don’t be shocked after tonight.” Suho snickered.

            “why?” Jieun looked at him.           

            “well, you’ve never really seen Kai on a mission and it can be quite a shock.” Suho sounded like he was trying not to laugh.

            “oh please, Kai is a sweetheart. What could that kid do?”

Suho shrugged with a wide grin on his face and didn’t answer.

Kai became a mage about a few months before Jieun became a maja but since she was technically older she considered him as a brother along with Sungjong who was a year older than Kai but a year younger than her. He is originally in Sunggyu’s team but Suho asked him to tag along tonight since his team left him behind and Jieun couldn’t resist her pouting dongsaeng.

            “Kai is in.” Luna and Sunjong said joining them.

“can you get us a visual, Jieun?” Suho said.

“sure.” Jieun tossed a yellow marble on the ground and whirled her palm around it. a few seconds later an image inside the bar appeared on a screen-like projection.

Kai was leaning on the bar with a bottle of beer in hand. His hair was artistically messed and his white dress shirt was slightly open just enough for his chiseled chest to be visible. In short, he looked like the male counterpart of the succubus they came to catch.

There was no sight of the target yet but from the information they’ve gathered she will definitely stand out and be very aggressive to the males. They needed to catch this succubus alive since it was so aggressive they know it’s breeding and they need to know if she’s already spawned. They can’t have more of those creatures wandering about killing all males after mating.

            “she’s not there yet.” Suho said looking around.

            “oh she’s there.” Jieun contradicted. “she’s just looking for the perfect catch of the night and we’ll have to make sure Kai catches her attention.”

            “Kai, go move and do your thing. We need it to notice you.” Suho ordered through the glowing marble. Kai heard him through his earring, which has a tiny yellow gemstone on it. He grinned and walked confidently towards the dance floor. He took off his jacket and started to dance.

            “it looks like someone has been practicing,” Jieun commented with a raised eyebrow seeing how her dongsaeng’s been grinding random females in his dance.

            “I told you you’d be shocked.” Suho chortled.

            “hyung, look!” Sungjong pointed at a woman in the far corner of the bar with a white tube mini dress, and by mini dress, a really mini dress enough to only cover her .

The red glint in her eyes is a definite giveaway. There was already a guy with her, his hands all over her waist and lips on her neck but she wasn’t paying attention. Her eyes were on the other male on the dance floor that by now had gotten the attention of every female in the room. And by nature, a succubus will always target the one that every other female wants.

            “Kai, we saw her, she’d on to you now.” Suho informed Kai before he turned to Sungjong. “and don’t call me hyung anymore, Sungjong-ah, you’re already of age.”

            “oh, sorry still trying to get used to it.” he grinned. His child-like grinned appeared on his dimpled face. Jieun pinched his cheeks unable to help herself.

            “she’s on the move, guys.” Luna informed the group handing a bottle of water to Jieun.

The succubus had pushed the man she was with away from her and started towards the dance floor. All the males’ eyes were on her especially with her very low neckline, which serves as her bait for her victims. She s an arm around Kai’s waist and eased herself in between Kai and the girl he was dancing with. The girl gave her a dirty look before she left. Kai’s eyes landed on her new dance partner and target. He grinned triumphantly.

They started swaying to the music both their hands went down each other’s hips and started grinding.

            “I know I’m a year older than Kai but I don’t think I can do anything like that.” Sungjong said shivering in the side. Luna was already covering her eyes.

            “I don’t see my dongsaeng anymore.” Jieun pouted. Suho laughed.

            “I won’t say I told you so.”

Kai and the succubus’ bodies were now pressed against each other, her back to Kai’s chest. Her hands wandered down to his thighs as his teased on the side of her ample chest.

            “well, at least he still got some shame to him left.” Suho said in consolation to Jieun.

While the two danced Kai wrapped his arms around her waist and her neck. The succubus moaned and closed her eyes.

            “crap I feel like I’m watching .” Luna shut her eyes again.

            “you’ve watched ?!” all three heads snapped towards her.

            “of course not! I mean it just feel like I’m watching it by what I’m seeing!” Luna shouted defensively gesturing at the screen.  “I think that image will be burned in my brain. I’m traumatized for life!”

The other three laughed and went back to watching Kai.

            “I think Kai’s going to try to lead her out now.” Jieun said watching Kai’s look of concentration, which changed when he turned the succubus to face him.

            “I think we need to finish this someplace else.” He said in a low, y voice. His fingers scratching her thigh and slightly lift her skirt up suggestively. The succubus smirked.

            “I don’t think you can keep up with me. I can be quite…a beast. If get what I mean.” She mewled. Kai grinned back.

            “babe, I put the in y.” Kai growled ily, a hint of ual hunger in his voice.

Jieun who just sipped a mouthful of water spit everything out straight into Suho’s face. He shut his eyes as the water hit his face.

            “wha…what did he say!?” Jieun wiped , gawking at the scene. “oh sorry, Suho.” She waved a hand and Suho’s face and shirt became dry as if it had never gotten wet.

            “don’t make me repeat what he said, Jieun. I don’t even want to hear that line come out from my own mouth.” Suho said flatly his eyes fixed on the screen.

            “my dongsaeng is corrupted! Who taught him that!?” Jieun grabbed the sleeve of Suho’s shirt and yanked it repeatedly. Suho sighed.

            “I’ll tell you later. For now, let’s get to work, they’re heading out.” Suho said turning his back away from the screen. “Sungjong, Luna go get the equipment, Jieun and I will head them off. We’ll follow Kai.”

            “I will have a word with you once this is over.” Jieun muttered as she took the yellow marble off the floor, she saw Kai’s childish grin appear on his face before the image vanished.

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shooploop #1
Very interesting!
Chapter 27: omfg what!? Heechul and Zee, dead???!! O_____O
Chapter 27: And am I right to think that Yifan is slowly starting to accept his feelings for Jieun? :) That impulsive jump got me like, asdfghjkl. But then when I reached the last part of the chapter I was like, no :c
Chapter 27: First thing I did after coming back to the dorms from a 12 hour long lecture was to open AFF and check to see if there were any updates while I was gone. Omg. Jie. You updated. Finally. Huhu. Though it took you months, I think this update was worth the wait. I wasnt even a bit disappointed with anything in this chapter (except for the cliff hanger, maybe. loljk) I seriously missed reading this story. See you on your next update~
Chapter 27: Unnie! I've been waiting for your update... I know it's still hiatus but I'm curious and excited for the story. Did you already forget these story? I just really like it. Unnie! It's already 2015. Please do update. This story is the best!
Chapter 26: Im reading this on my birthday and I am absolutely thrilled. Hoho. Good job Kris! :)
Chapter 26: 0? is that a countdown?
Chapter 25: I literally slammed both my hands on the table at frustration. WAYLT >_>
(Somehow, Theian cross my mind if he has anything to do with this kkkk~)
Chapter 25: I was so excited to read this chapter because the title reminded me of my favorite song Almost (by Tamia), and I don't even know why I'm relating that to your update but ASDFGHJKL. That ALMOST bit at the end. IM SCREAMING. WHYYYYYYYYY. WHY ARE U DOING THIS TO ME. why so bitin??? ASDFGHJKL ulit.
Chapter 24: Kris, you better start opening up on Jieun before this important person slipped away. Before it's too late. Cos I'm gonna kick your sorry srsly /sorry i rant haha nn;;