Fight Night

Screwed by Fate; Bound by Destiny

In the dark, empty road just outside Seoul comes the screeching of two bike engines that came to a halt just outside of an abandoned, derelict warehouse; in front of a group of 6 people.

            “told you, now pay up!” Lay said stretching his palm towards a disgruntled Xiumin and Chen.

            “tch! And I was so sure he won’t be able to make her come.” Chen muttered handing a wad of cash to Tao and Lay.

Tao grinned fanning the bills to his face.

            “not when he bribed her with that.” He said pointing at the red bike that Jieun just dismounted.

Ever since her training, Jieun had a fascination towards speed. She’d savor the moment when Yesung would let her ride the Pegasus and urge it to fly faster. She would also race with the others during trining; only a few could be able to beat her though but not Kris.

            “I see you lost to Kris again?” Lay teased. Jieun shot him a glare.

            “Jieun-ah, you owe me 500,000 won. You shouldn’t have come!” Xiumin pouted hopping off from the hood of the jeep. Jieun gave him a look of confusion.

Krystal rolled her eyes from behind him.

            “don’t mind him, he lost a bet to those two dumbbells over there.” Luhan gestured at Tao and Lay who were already sniggering at their profit.

            “tch! Trust me I wouldn’t have come.” Jieun glared at Kris who just looked at her with a blank expression.

His face, it’s what they all describe it.

            “now that we’re all here.” Kris shot Jieun a meaningful look. “we can wrap this mission up earlier and faster.”

            “so what are we all doing just standing here? Let’s kick some spawny !” Tao grinned excitedly swinging his bo over his head. His swords gleaming in the moonlight securely fastened on his back.

Lay grinned with Tao letting his shurikens slide between his fingers and the blades on his whips gleamed in the moonlight..

Jieun caught Krystal’s eyes and both muttered, “kids”.

            “we are not dealing with 10 spawns in there.” Kris said grimly.

            “how many did they found out?” Luhan asked seriously.

            “the missing victims started disappearing about two months ago. And given the length of time they’ve estimated about 50 spawns in there.

The others cussed.

Dealing with 10 is hard enough, but fifty? It was close to impossible with a team their size.

            “if there’s fifty spawns in there why send only us? They could’ve also sent Sunggyu’s team with us.” Krystal argued she was obviously worried about the outcome.

            “you forgot spawns need to hibernate after being born for 3 weeks before they come out as full succubus. So if we got to fight there would only be more or less 20 that we have to face.” Kris said staring at the building.

            “that’s comforting.” Jieun said sarcastically.

The last time she dealt with succubus spawns she was with Leeteuk’s team, they tagged her along to see how she is in battle. It was one of her first missions after she completed her quest when she became of age.

For Kris, however, this was already his third time to deal with these monsters, but he still grew concerned since his team only fought with 10 and succubus are already dangerous after hibernation. They’re like sirens that can easily manipulate a man’s mind.

            “let’s split in the usual groups. You four go in the back we’ll try to use the windows on the second floor. And remember, do not believe what you see in there. Krystal keep an eye on Xiumin.” YiFan ordered and everybody went into serious mode.

Krystal, Xiumin, Chen and Lay ran towards the back door while Luhan, Jieun, Kris and Tao headed to the side of the building. With a nodded to Kris the rest of the Magi leapt lithely to the window ledge as Jieun used a spell to levitate herself to the landing.

Instinctively, she waved a hand to vanish the glass on each of the 4 windows and they stepped inside. It was dark and musky. The smell of blood and something gooey hit their nostrils so abruptly that Jieun almost gagged. All four of them crept silently then Kris motioned Luhan and Tao to walk to the right while he and Jieun take the left pathway. The smell was getting stronger as they walked deeper inside and it smelled close to revolting.

Slight scurrying sounds made their ears perk and they knew the spawns knew there are other people inside. Kris grabbed hold of his sword which Jieun had already conjured. She had already gotten rid of her heels and was now in black combat boots.

A sight caught Jieun’s eyes and she grabbed Kris’ arm. She pointed at something she saw below near the stairs. She heard Kris hiss.

The 6 missing men were hanging on their ankles, bled dry and cut in every part of their bodies that they are now barely recognizable. Kris’ grip on his sword tightened and Jieun felt her magic pulse through her vein.

At that moment, Kris suddenly stiffened then sniffed the air.

            “they’re close.” He whispered. “get ready.”

They kept walking ahead and turning into a corner they spotted something that would make the hair of any normal person stand on end.

Two pre-teenage girls were huddled in a corner shaking and crying in fear. They were both and bloodied. They both looked so pitiful that if anyone would look at them their hearts would break.

Kris hissed. Jieun looked up at him and saw his fangs were bared. They both knew these two weren’t normal girls. They were the spawn. This is how they feed for the first few years of their lives, seek the pity of good Samaritans and then when they get them alone they kill and eat them.

            “help us. Please.” The voice of one little girl shook as she reached out to Jieun and Kris but none of them moved forward to help. On the contrary, Kris pulled his sword out form its sheath and Jieun conjured long swords flipping it in both her hands.

The two girls looked up and realized these two weren’t their meal but their assassins. Gone were the childish looks on their faces and every gleaming white teeth turned into fangs, nails turned to inch-long claws, eyes turned black and mouths stretched wide with an ear splitting screech. The sound echoed throughout the building and both Kris and Jieun knew it was a warning to their sisters.

They both lunged at the two warriors in front of them, Jieun blocked her attack and easily flipped in the air but the spawn was also fast and managed to block her counter attack. Kris was dodging and attacking like Jieun. He managed to kick his opponent hard on the chest into the wall and without pause pushed the edge of his sword hard on the spawn directly over its heart. It squealed in pain before it burst into ashes.

He turned to help Jieun but saw she didn’t need any. As the spawn took a swipe at Jieun she spun around with her swords above her head and with a quick downward swipe, she beheaded her opponent, who, like its sister erupted into ashes.

Kris managed to smile appreciatively.

Jieun straightened up and blew a strand of hair away from her face.

            “2 down, about 18 more to go.” She said in a huff.

Agonizing shrieks echoed through the whole building which meant the others have found their targets.

            “I think about 12 more.” Kris grinned and started walking towards the stairs.

Those who look like teens are easier targets, the mature ones however are much more of a challenge.

They met three on their way down and none of them looked pleased. Kris and Jieun exchanged knowing looks and right then both knew what to do.

Jieun leaned on Kris’ back her sword pointed downwards while Kris pointed his upwards while their left hands held each other on their backs.

As the three spawns started towards them, none moved until the exact moment. As Jieun’s attacker was about to reach her, Kris yank her and with his Mage strength flipped upwards as he leapt and his sword came slicing downwards. Both managed to wound the spawns but only just. None of them stopped to check; as soon as Jieun landed she stepped on Kris’ lap for leverage as she started her next form of attack.

Both warriors fought with the same level grace and ferocity, both matched each moves so well that they looked as though they’re one. As Kris does one move, Jieun will do something to support and protect him at the same time and vice versa. No words of exchange needed just feel and pure instinct. When Kris was disarmed by the spawn there was already a sword waiting the sheath on his hip.

By the time they were finished with the three spawns they were panting with the effort already.

            “thanks for the cover.” Kris said sheathing his new sword as the other disappeared.


            “now you know why you had to be here?” Kris said in a flat voice. His face bore no expression which irked Jieun, she felt like it was him trying to point out that his judgment is more precise than hers.

            “fine, I get it.” she huffed. But she couldn’t just let it pass without a retort of her own. “how you managed without me before is a complete mystery.”

            “easy. Yuri is a very able maja.” She didn’t look at him. Yuri is one of the top maja and has always been way before Kris’ time.

As they reached the basement the stench of blood and something rancid like rotten eggs or sulfur filled their noses, Jieun winced. She stretched out her hand to make some light then everything came into brighter view.

Huge jelly-like sacks hung from the ceiling like giant red and purple teardrops with veins. Inside were baby-like creatures with fangs and claws, they looked a poor result of a genetic experimentation.

            “there are about more than a dozen of these things in here.” Jieun commented passing one sac wherein the creature inside made a jerking motion. Jieun made a face of disgust. She had never seen succubus spawn in this state.

Kris was looking around carefully straining his ears to listen for some hidden foe. A clatter of sound made both Kris and Jieun stiffen but as Kris smelled the scent he relaxed. Lay and Chen came into view both carrying weapons of their own; Chen a double-edged spear and Lay a set of whips that had silver blades from the second half of the whip all the way to the edge.

            “where are the others?” Kris asked crisply.

            “Xiumin and Krystal, took care of some juveniles that got out of the building trying to escape, we saw Luhan and Tao fighting 2 sub-adults on our way here.” Chen answered.

            “and we got rid of about 3 sub adults.” Lay finished, and hung his whips around his neck. “how about you 2?”

            “2 juvies, and 3 sub adults.” Jieun replied peering at a creature that now looked like a toddler, fangs and claws gone and now looked like a cherub with its innocent childlike features.

            “looks like you got the better deal.” Lay grinned.

            “not really.” Jieun sighed. She looked up as footsteps echoed through the hallway again.

Tao and Luhan appeared looking as normal as they could be. They didn’t even look like they’ve fought some foul creatures on their way down here. Tao was carrying his silver bo with a retractable blade on the tip and Luhan with his trusty black bow and arrow. Yoona put a spell on his arrows so it won’t empty. Sliver blades also lined his bow except the space in middle.

            “5 juvies, 2 sub-adults.” Tao grinned proudly. Lay and Chen glared at him.

            “did all of you scout the remaining areas?” Kris asked.

            “yes, and there weren’t any left. Krystal and Xiumin rounded up the last juvies. There were about 3 and they already gotten rid of 3.”

            “good, we’ll have to wait for Krystal to get rid of these remaining spawns.” He said.

A few minutes later Krystal and Xiumin arrived. Xiumin, however looked disgruntled and it was clear why he would. He was covered from head to toe with green slime. Tao, Chen and Lay burst into hysterical laughter. Krystal just stuck her nose up and walked towards Jieun.

            “need I ask?” Jieun whispered as Krystal crossed her arms beside her.

            “ the idiot couldn’t stop acting like a stupid kid. I put a barrier spell around the juvies that tried to escape; they couldn’t get out from the circle. I don’t know what came over him and started to attack them, I called after him to get back coz I already put a constricting spell. They juvies got constricted till the burst and well, now you see the results.”

            “why did you clean him up?” Luhan asked looking like he’s also trying to stop himself from laughing.

            “he asked, but I think it serves him right.” Krystal gave Xiumin a patronizing stare before turning her back away from him.

Jieun heard Kris sigh and she looked up at him and at the same time he looked at her. She knew that look of exasperation on his face which becomes evident when his team acted in a way that is not suitable for missions.

Jieun just sighed and nodded. A white glow appeared around Xiumin for a second and when it disappeared he became rid of the slime.

            “thanks.” He said but glared at his laughing friends.

            “Come on, Jieun, let’s just finish this so we can go home.” Krystal pulled Jieun with her to the middle of the room. The boys positioned themselves at each corner of the room, weapons ready in case something goes wrong. Kris stood at the end of the room.

Krystal and Jieun held hands and raised their free ones. Both of them started to mutter a long, complicated spell the spun like music to the ears of the unfamiliar. Both of the girls glowed yellow, then bright red and energy burst from them hitting each of the sac. The sacs burned with white flame fading into blue. The sac got smaller and smaller until none remained but ash.

It took several minutes before the last sac turned to ashes and once it was done, both girls inhaled deeply as if they’ve held their breath throughout the process and fell weakly forward. Xiumin caught Krystal, while Luhan caught Jieun and they help them back up to their feet.

            “I think we need to get some food into both of you.” Tao commented looking at the pale faces of the majae.

The spell took so much of their energy and since it’s a powerful one, it took two majae to complete.

            “yeah, I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.” Jieun mumbled weakly and steadied herself back on her feet.

Krystal, however, could not even open her eyes. Xiumin gave her a worried look. She had already cast a strong spell and it took even more of her energy.

            “I think we need to get her to the healers.” Lay looked at Krystal seriously. Xiumin nodded and carried Krystal towards the door.

            “I can walk don’t worry.” Jieun told Luhan as he offered to help her. He smiled and followed the others to the door.

As the others walked to the front door, Jieun looked back at the unfortunate victims of the succubus. She walked towards them and looked up. Even with the thought of how their uncontrollable urges made them victims of a monster seductress, she still can’t help but feel pity towards them. They certainly didn’t deserve this. Jieun waved her hands and all 6 men dropped like ragdolls to the ground. Another wave of her hand made all their wounds vanish, then she clothed them and had them tied to a chair and made it look like they were kidnapped and mugged for money.

 Kris saw what she was doing and walked to her. But a sudden glint of red from the corner of his eyes caught his attention. The next thing he knew a loud snarling noise cut through the night and a sub-adult emerged from the darkness and went straight towards Jieun. Kris lunged forward unsheathing his sword.



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shooploop #1
Very interesting!
Chapter 27: omfg what!? Heechul and Zee, dead???!! O_____O
Chapter 27: And am I right to think that Yifan is slowly starting to accept his feelings for Jieun? :) That impulsive jump got me like, asdfghjkl. But then when I reached the last part of the chapter I was like, no :c
Chapter 27: First thing I did after coming back to the dorms from a 12 hour long lecture was to open AFF and check to see if there were any updates while I was gone. Omg. Jie. You updated. Finally. Huhu. Though it took you months, I think this update was worth the wait. I wasnt even a bit disappointed with anything in this chapter (except for the cliff hanger, maybe. loljk) I seriously missed reading this story. See you on your next update~
Chapter 27: Unnie! I've been waiting for your update... I know it's still hiatus but I'm curious and excited for the story. Did you already forget these story? I just really like it. Unnie! It's already 2015. Please do update. This story is the best!
Chapter 26: Im reading this on my birthday and I am absolutely thrilled. Hoho. Good job Kris! :)
Chapter 26: 0? is that a countdown?
Chapter 25: I literally slammed both my hands on the table at frustration. WAYLT >_>
(Somehow, Theian cross my mind if he has anything to do with this kkkk~)
Chapter 25: I was so excited to read this chapter because the title reminded me of my favorite song Almost (by Tamia), and I don't even know why I'm relating that to your update but ASDFGHJKL. That ALMOST bit at the end. IM SCREAMING. WHYYYYYYYYY. WHY ARE U DOING THIS TO ME. why so bitin??? ASDFGHJKL ulit.
Chapter 24: Kris, you better start opening up on Jieun before this important person slipped away. Before it's too late. Cos I'm gonna kick your sorry srsly /sorry i rant haha nn;;