Autumn Dance

Screwed by Fate; Bound by Destiny

Music emanated from the palace ballroom and the sounds of happy chatter rung in the air. The autumn ball was just starting; most of-age mage and maja have now gathered and were now just waiting for the Council and elders to make their entrance.

Here were the giggling majae catching glimpses of the magi in their smart suits and ball attires, styled hairs and relaxed auras, so different from when they’re out on a mission. And there were the single magi checking out the majae in their graceful, stylish gowns in various colors and designs making many of them even more attractive and beautiful. Both sides exchange suggestive, flirty glances from their glasses of champagne.

            “you have no idea how badly I needed this break. I feel like all my energy has been drained this past month.” Yonghwa said tiredly downing his blood-spiked wine.

            “easy with the drink or you’ll be drunk before the party has even started.” Hongki said giving his friend a soft pat on the back and looked at Kris who was chuckling in amusement.

Both Hongki and Yonghwa were dressed in white suits, a black inner dress shirt for Yonghwa with one button opened and instead of cufflinks thin black chains adorned his wrists. Hongki’s silver inner silver dress shirt was with a bow tie and to show his rocker side, adorned the white lining of his suit jacket with small skulls. Kris contrasted them with a long black shirt with an upturned collar that just cut half a foot below the waist and pale silver-gold stripes that lined the left side of his suit from the shoulder to the end of the jacket. The suit elongated his already tall physique and emphasized his shoulders greatly. His blonde hair carefully styled to one side.

            “I can hold my alcohol well, thank you very much.” He said giving Hongki a look.

Kris and Hongki laughed.

            “yeah right, remember last year? At the winter ball?” Kris said raising an amused brow.

Yonghwa cheeks turned the palest pink for a moment before he got his bearings.

            “whatever.” He shrugged.

            “so how was that siren you guys were trailing in Yokohama?” Kris asked changing the subject. He thought he could tease Yonghwa more later.

            “ah, that’s what’s been giving me these headaches. I’ve never encountered a siren so elusive as this one.” His brows furrowed.

Kris pondered on his words. He knew sirens would never leave a place if there was enough victims’ soul for her to feed.

            “how so?” Hongki asked with much eagerness, just a while ago he’d been complaining that the minotaur they’ve been tracking down in Europe wasn’t the least bit challenging and caught the damned beast in 3 days.

            “it was as if something was telling her that we were closing in and she makes an escape from under our noses. We almost caught her in one of the bars we played. We were THIS close!” he said through gritted teeth and gestured with his index finger and thumb almost touching. “but then she managed to slip us. And it doesn’t really help when two of your teammates are flirting while on duty.”

He glared a person walking towards them giving the group a very confident smile.

            “you are so uptight. Loosen up!” Jonghyun teased “right Kris?” he nudged Kris who gave no reaction. He, like Yonghwa, didn’t like any distractions while on duty. He avoided answering by taking a drink of his wine.

            “loosen up my . My is already about to be served to me on a silver platter if we don’t catch that siren by the next month, Jonghyun. Straighten up that mind of yours before I asked Yunho hyung for another maja to go with us.”

Jonghyun eyed his team leader, studying his face for any sign of bluff on his features. He found none. His brows furrowed in annoyance. Kris and Hongki caught each others’ eye and grinned shifting their gazes elsewhere. They both knew if Yonghwa will talk to Yunho, Jonghyun’s father, Jaejoong, will surely know about it and automatically, his mom. Bomi noona loathes unessential flirting from his son as she hated it from his father.

            “anyway!” Jonghyun raised his voice jovially with an air of nonchalance of the previous topic of their conversation. “plenty of available majae around tonight.” He said and gestured towards the majae scattered about mingling with the other magi and majae.

            “and I say Jieun particularly looks hot.” Chanyeol said from behind them. “Evening boys” he greeted and shook the hands of the others before swinging an arm around Kris’ shoulder. Almost as tall as Kris, he’s the only one capable of such a gesture.

Chanyeol’s hair was straightened and pulled back slightly for the occasion and he discarded the suit jacket and wore a plain white dress and black slacks. One might think he looks under-dressed for the occasion, but with his tall and lean figure and confident stride, he fitted just right.

            “you’re right.” Jonghyun said eyeing Jieun who was dressed in a white Grecian A-line halter styled gown with a gold cuff around the neck and gold accent around the waist, her hair was styled in loose waves which she can actually pass off as Aphrodite if the latter actually existed. Her bare toned shoulder and back was enough to capture every magi’s attention.

            “don’t even think about it, Jonghyun. You might be forgetting who her uncle is.” Yonghwa said catching the look on his teammate’s face.

Kris looked at Jonghyun’s face too and if possible his stony face got even stonier.

            “tch! Who cares? Jieun’s definitely worth it! I mean just look at those curves.” He gestured both hands towards Jieun.

            “I wouldn’t if I were you.” Chanyeol laughed. “if Siwon hyung won’t castrate you, Jieun would. The last time I got on her bad side I couldn’t sit down for a week.”

Chanyeol stared at Kris who was trying to control his expression.

Before anyone could say anything the lights dimmed and the ballroom door began to open. One by one the council and elders came in with their bondeds in outfits that’ll make every fashion designer green with envy. Most entered in the traditional way with minimal effects but other still chose to be ostentatious for the occasion.

Majae started to line the entrance when Yesung and Rin were about to enter. The council was already lined up front and waiting for the obvious grand entrance.

Suddenly a loud rumbling was heard and right above them burst a huge ball of fire. The majae immediately raised their hands to protect the other guests from the heat but they found it was unnecessary as there was no heat from the flames at all. Then came a huge blue dragon, which roared in the ballroom making the glassware and chandelier to shake and tinkle. Another roar from the dragon and out came a blue fire from its mouth and twirled on the carpet. When the flame extinguished there stood the figure of the beast master and his bonded wife, Rin hand and hand looking smart and elegant.

            “I swear he plots for his ball entrances for a year!” Sora said rolling her eyes. TOP chuckled beside her and kissed the side of her head.

When finally after Changmin entered with Seohyun and a few words from Leeteuk the ball finally started. Majae started to eat and music started to play again. Magi crooners went to the stage to sing for everyone and got the mood going.

            “I so envy you Jieun-ah.” Min sighed sipping at her cocktail.

            “why?” Jieun asked.

            “isn’t it obvious?” Suzy giggled. “you look gorgeous tonight that a lot of magi can’t take their eyes off you.” She said and slyly gestured without being obvious at Kris’ group who were now joined by Suho, Kai, Woohyun, Jonghoon and Minho.

Jieun glanced towards the direction and true enough most of them were staring at them, most specifically, Jonghyun, Minho, Jonghoon and Woohyun.

Jieun scoffed humorlessly.

            “be serious Min, we clearly know where Minho’s eyes are on.” Jieun said grinning and Krystal, Suzy, Hyosung, Min all stared at Sulli.

The sudden stares caught Sulli off guard.


            “you’re seriously clueless, Sulli?” Hyosung asked. “havent you ever wondered why you’re usually with their team when they let you go on missions?”

            “duh! It’s because my brother is on that team.”

            “but who exactly is always keeping you out of harm’s way when your brother isn’t looking out for you?” Krystal asked this time.

            “that still doesn’t prove it, we’re on the same team so naturally we would cover each other’s backs.” Sulli said in a bit frantic voice.

            “I bet he’s going to ask you to dance before anyone else does.” Jieun said smirking looking at a point behind Sulli.

            “how’d you know?”

            “because he’s coming right over here.” Hyosung grinned seeing who Jieun was looking at.

Sulli panicked and turned around looking flustered as she was met by Minho’s smiling figure.

            “hey…” he said eyes only for the girl in front of him.

            “uhmmm…h…h…hi.” Sulli stuttered.

Minho held out his hand.

            “care to dance?” he said.

Sulli glanced at the girls who nodded encouragingly. She nervously smiled at Minho and accepted his hand and he guided her to the dance floor where a few pairs were already dancing.

            “awww…looking at them makes me feel so fluffy inside.” Hyosung gushed.

            “how can you still feel ‘fluffy’ when you’re practically with one of the teams with the hottest members?” Min said enviously. She seldom goes out for missions as she’s usually with Sunny in tending to injured magi and majae.

Hyosung scowled. Jieun thought she understood that face. She’s stuck with one of the flirtiest mage in the realm.

            “I’d switch with you anytime. Jonghyun keeps flirting with me and making such vulgar innuendos that it distracts me from work.” She said irritably.

            “is that why that hunt for the siren is getting delayed? I heard Leeteuk hyung isn’t happy at all.” Jieun commented.

            “that’s exactly it. we almost caught her twice, the second time was when we were in Sapporo. She was about to get into the trap when he decided to play his games. Jungshin and Minhyuk were THIS close to jumping on her and when they did I only had to activate the spell but since he was distracting me she got away.”

            “why don’t you report him then?” Suzy looked disgusted.

            “Yonghwa already threatened him that if it happens again his father will hear of it.”

            “speak of the devil.” Krystal mumbled.

            “hey ladies.” Jonghyun greeted a bit greasily.

The girls gave a half-hearted hello back.

            “Will the lady give me the greatest pleasure of having a dance with me?” he said with a slight bow offering his hand to Jieun.

She honestly didn’t want to dance with him but she thought it might be a bit rude since he asked nicely to turn him down.

She sighed and took his hand before putting down her glass. Jonghyun grinned and led her to the dance floor. Jieun glanced back at her friends who mouthed a good luck to her to which she gave a grimace.

Jonghyun gave her a twirl before pulling her against him, a bit too close for her liking and she moved back and inch or two. He smirked at her movement but didn’t say anything and kept his hand firmly on her back.

            “you look really beautiful tonight, Jieun.”

            “thank you.” She said curtly with a small smile.

            “you know, you and I never really talk.” He commented with a chuckle. “and I kinda feel disappointed.

            “sorry to say but I don’t take kindly to flirts.” She replied not looking at his face. They still danced along to the music with the occasional twirls and dips.

            “aww..dont be like that, sweetie. You hang out with Kai and he’s one of the biggest flirt out there.”

Jieun scowled.

            “Kai flirts when needed not when completing a mission that needed no such actions.” Jieun didn’t much appreciate jonghyun bad mouthing her friend but the latter seemed unfazed.

            “same thing, so how about we ditch this party and have a little of our own?” he smirked. Jieun didn’t hide the disgust on her face now. But before she could retort back a pat on Jonghyun’s shoulder distracted them both.

            “may I cut in?” said a mage with slit-like eyes, and perfect sharp features with a smile that’s enough to get every majae swooning.

Not wanting to say no to a senior, Jonghyun handed Jieun’s hand to the newcomer and gave a small bow before taking a step back.

Jieun gave a sigh of relief while her savior chuckled in amusement as they both started to dance.

            “I see I saved you just in time.” He grinned with a naughty glint in his eyes.

            “thanks, JunKi oppa. I don’t know how much more I can take before I kick his sorry .”

JunKi laughed.

            “it’s moments like this that you remind me so much of your mother.” he gave Jieun’s head a light pat and gave her a twirl.

JunKi was her father’s bestfriend and the bestman to their wedding. He also helped Jieun get acquainted with her new life. JunKi was also Yesung’s older brother and as much as they looked so much alike they have different fighting preference. Sure they both have odd quirks but JunKi were more on hand-to-hand combat than Yesung’s choice of partnership with mystical creatures and both styles with or without weapons.

            “you what I love about autumn balls?” Taeyeon said giggling as her fellow senior majae observed the dancers. “it’s the sight of blossoming pairs.”

            “you’re just saying that because you and Leeteuk got together in one of the autumn balls.” Bomi laughed.

            “you’re one to talk, how about you and Jaejoong then?” Sunny said and Bomi stuck her tongue out at her friend. Saemi laughed looking at the crowd.

            “what?” Taeyeon and Bomi asked.

            “Heechul said your husbands are trying to block you two out again.”

            “bwo?!” both women turned towards the direction of their husbands, who a few seconds later looked at them with panic and apologetic faces.

Victoria, Sunny and Saemi laughed.

            “oh will you look at that.” Victoria nudged Saemi and pointed at Minho asking Sulli to dance.

            “hmmm…I see somebody already has eyes on my daughter.” She smiled.

            “WHAT!? WHO?! WHERE!?” Heechul yelled through their bond and Saemi flinched from the loudness of his voice.

            “don’t bother them if you know what’s best for you. It’s just Minho, no need to worry” she replied.

Her husband muttered things like he didn’t care whoever it was as long as they don’t go near his daughter blah blah.

            “Jieun turned out really fine, don’t you think?” Taeyeon commented as JunKi danced with her.

The other women nodded.

            “Kangta and Dana would be very proud.” Saemi said smiling at the thought of her bestfriend.

            “is it just me or is someone’s eyes on her?” Sunny said with a kind of mischievous glint on her eyes.

            “who?” Saemi asked but she saw where Sunny was looking at and saw Kris staring blankly at Jieun.

It wasn’t a look of envy, or awe, or anything that’ll make you think that he has any interest in her but he was staring.

            “hey Vic, why is Yifan staring at Jieun like that?” Bomi asked.

Vic looked at her son and her expression became confused.

            “not sure, but knowing him, he looks like he’s trying to control his expression.”

            “it looks like it to me too.” Saemi said. “if he does like her I am so gonna be their supporter.”

            “oh stop it, how about my Jonghyun?” Bomi said scowling playfully.

The women stared at her incredulously.

            “you do know that your son takes after his father right?” Taeyeon said with her eyebrows slightly raised.

            “what do you mean? Do you guys know something that I don’t?” she scowled, all trace of playfulness now erased.

Jaejoong felt the change of his wife’s mood and walked over to them with Heechul, Yunho and Yoochun.

            “hey, I felt your mood change…something wrong?” Jaejoong said wrapping his arms around his wife’s waist from behind her. Then Jaejoong winced from what his wife said through their bond.

Truth be told when Jaejoong found out about his son’s flirty ways he was stuck in a cave with a dampening spell that he couldn’t communicate with his wife. It was there when he asked Yunho’s wife Ara to block the info from his wife.

But now the cat is so out of the bag.

Bomi stalked towards the exit after telling Jaejoong to get jonghyun and follow her.

            “this is not going to be good.” Yoochun chuckled. “I say I got the perks of being single.”

            “we say you settle down and stop acting like a teenager.” Yunho said patting his friend on the shoulder.

            “ah, now look who’s dancing now.” Heechul announced.

They all turned towards the dance floor they saw some of the other seniors dancing with their bondeds and the singles dancing with friends or acquaintances. But all of their eyes zoomed in on the couple that obviously stood out.

Kris and Jieun now looked like they’re in their own world as they conversed whilst they danced.

            “they really do look good together.” Victoria gushed. “my son is all grown up.”

The seniors weren’t the only ones talking about the said pair as their friends were also gathered talking about them from the other side of the room.

            “they look so perfect together but they just don’t show the slightest indication that they have an interest towards each other.” Krystal huffed.

            “maybe they do but we haven’t noticed?” Min said.

            “I’m always with them and I can’t see anything.” Xiumin said in a pout.

            “I mean look at them. Even while they’re dancing they’re just talking casually. No blushing, awkward glances or flirtatious exchanges...NADA!” Suzy almost yelled in frustration.

            “maybe Jieun likes someone else?” Suho asked.

            “who?” Krystal raised an eyebrow.

            “Myungsoo? she’s friendly with him right?” Xiumin suggested dumbly.

They looked at Myungsoo who was dancing with Luna.

            “nah…” the other said shaking their heads.

            “then if both of them don’t like anybody how can we get them together?” Krystal stomped her foot.

            “it doesn’t matter if they like each other or other people.” The group jumped at the sudden voice from behind them and as they turned they saw the flawless, baby-faced Luhan.

            “what do you mean?” Min scowled.

Luhan gave them a soft smile then his eyes moved towards his 2 other friends.

            “haven’t you guys ever thought why Kris always concentrates on his missions? Why Jieun keeps herself preoccupied?”

They all shook their heads.

            “they are both afraid to open their hearts. For Kris, falling in love will only keep him from his work and as for Jieun, well, intimate contact with a man is something she would want to avoid given her past scars.” He explained looking at his 2 friends on the dance floor.

The fear of what may happen hinders two hearts to ever open for love but what they fear might also be the very same thing to save them from that what torments them.



guys most of my chaps are unedited..if you have questions please feel free to ask..:) i will make a list of Yin and Yang members soon..:)

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shooploop #1
Very interesting!
Chapter 27: omfg what!? Heechul and Zee, dead???!! O_____O
Chapter 27: And am I right to think that Yifan is slowly starting to accept his feelings for Jieun? :) That impulsive jump got me like, asdfghjkl. But then when I reached the last part of the chapter I was like, no :c
Chapter 27: First thing I did after coming back to the dorms from a 12 hour long lecture was to open AFF and check to see if there were any updates while I was gone. Omg. Jie. You updated. Finally. Huhu. Though it took you months, I think this update was worth the wait. I wasnt even a bit disappointed with anything in this chapter (except for the cliff hanger, maybe. loljk) I seriously missed reading this story. See you on your next update~
Chapter 27: Unnie! I've been waiting for your update... I know it's still hiatus but I'm curious and excited for the story. Did you already forget these story? I just really like it. Unnie! It's already 2015. Please do update. This story is the best!
Chapter 26: Im reading this on my birthday and I am absolutely thrilled. Hoho. Good job Kris! :)
Chapter 26: 0? is that a countdown?
Chapter 25: I literally slammed both my hands on the table at frustration. WAYLT >_>
(Somehow, Theian cross my mind if he has anything to do with this kkkk~)
Chapter 25: I was so excited to read this chapter because the title reminded me of my favorite song Almost (by Tamia), and I don't even know why I'm relating that to your update but ASDFGHJKL. That ALMOST bit at the end. IM SCREAMING. WHYYYYYYYYY. WHY ARE U DOING THIS TO ME. why so bitin??? ASDFGHJKL ulit.
Chapter 24: Kris, you better start opening up on Jieun before this important person slipped away. Before it's too late. Cos I'm gonna kick your sorry srsly /sorry i rant haha nn;;