
Screwed by Fate; Bound by Destiny

It was their 3rd day in New York and things were looking quite well. On the first night after they met up with Xiumin and the other they knew they weren’t dealing with rogues. But the suspects were as bad as the rogues. They were from the cult and were abducting unsuspecting civilians going home from bars and using them as sacrifices. The last body they found was lying on an altar with lacerations to the major arteries, draining all blood from the body.

            “vampire cults.” Kris said staring at the board in front of him. They were still at the NYPD headquarters helping as much as they can to catch the ones responsible. Krystal had just gone home to sleep when Jieun came to relieve her.

            “I can’t believe there are morons who still believe in those crap.” Xiumin scoffed from his seat.

            “the part about what? blood drinking?” Chen wriggled his eyebrows manically at Xiumin who hit him with a paper ball.

            “well that part has an actual basis.” Jieun grinned coming into the room with 3 cups of coffee, or blood disguised as coffee, and handed them to the 3 vampires in the room.

            “only in a less twisted kind of way.” Chen defended.

Kris said his thanks as his cup was passed to him and stared back at the board. He took a sip from his drink and the familiar sweet, fruity taste of Jieun’s blood filled his taste buds. It took all of his will from keeping himself from smacking his lips.

Suddenly he felt the presence of the source of the blood he just drank and he unconsciously jerked. The move was too subtle that it went unnoticed.

            “that guy is obviously evolving in his MO. I don’t think it’s a group, these evidence show that there’s only one person doing all this.” Jieun commented looking at the crime photos.

            “ditto.” Xiumin raised a hand in agreement. “the murders would have escalated faster if he worked with other people. Based on the time in between each murders I’d say there’s only one and obviously he’s...”

            “a sociopath.” Kris turned around to the table where all the crime scene photos were laid. “the lack of remorse, the way he tied his victims, every sign of a classic sadistic behaviors of a sociopath.”

            “Hey guys, look here.” Xiumin called and laid an ipad on the table and connected it to the computer and lcd screen. It flashed a map of New York City. “the red dots are where all the victims have disappeared or were last seen and the green dots are where they were found. 8 cultic murders in the past 2 years right?”

Colored dots appeared on the screen when Xiumin pressed his ipad.

            “wait a minute!” Chen exclaimed and stood up on his seat. He walked towards the screen and took the ipad and the stylus and started to draw on the gadget.

            “what are you doing?” Jieun walked over to him and peered over at the device.

            “look here. The first two victims were found here and here right? and disappeared in these places.” He explained connecting the green and red dots in correspondence to the victims.”

            “they cross!” Xiumin exclaimed.

            “exactly! Now look with the others.” Chen started to connect every victim on each location and it formed a V shaped figure when connected.

Xiumin tilted his head at the diagram formed.

            “it was a good theory but it doesn’t make a sensible pattern.”

Kris agreed but he just stared at the diagram, his mind racing to solve the puzzle. There was already an idea forming in his mind and if his theory proved to be correct then this could be their chance to catch the bastard.

            “agents, this just in, another victim was found in—“

            “Central Park.” Kris finished Chief Heins’ announcement. He stared at Kris surprised.

            “how did you know?” he asked. Kris just pointed at the board in answer and reached for the ipad from Chen.

            “this unsub follows a kind of vampire cult and as we all know cults hold the pentagram with great importance. Now with this hypothesis, we can assume that the next location would be around here.” Kris drew a large circle where the tip of the pentagram would be. “the new victim isn’t much of a good news but we can save the tenth victim if we move fast enough.”

            “I really don’t know how that brain of your work, agent Wu. We knew it was cultic activities but none of us figured out it could be connected.”

            “there are a lot of cultic murders happening every year, it is hard to distinguish which ones are caused by the same person.” Jieun said grabbing her jacket as she and the others followed the rest of the officers out.

Xiumin called Luhan and told him to meet them at the crime scene and to prepare for what might happen that night.

            “the last sacrifice would be in a few days. We must catch him if we want to save that last victim’s life.” Chen guessed closing the door of the car. Kris had already started to drive out of the station.

            “this might be a work of a human but I have a feeling someone is pushing him to do those things.” Kris said in a low voice. Chen and Jieun who were at the back seat stared at each other.

            “I have been thinking about that too.” Xiumin voiced out a crease forming on his forehead. “most murders caused by vampiric cults are rare, most of the sacrifices they do are animals, if they used human blood it is only a few drops of it. Actual murders are only singular.”

            “and not with this magnitude.” Kris finished Xiumin’s sentence. The leader then suddenly tilted his head and looked at Jieun. “Jieun pull up the map and the dates of the murders.”

She didn’t question him and waved her hand and a screen much like the on in the NYPD headquarters appeared in the front seat dashboard where the radio was supposed to be.

            “what are you looking for?” Xiumin looked at the leader then at the screen.

            “he’ll finish this tonight and I know where he’ll be.” He stepped on the gas and sped towards Brooklyn.




Kris team arrived in the deep part of Brooklyn where the street alleys are full of graffiti and homeless people.  The cold autumn winds and damp streets made the mood even gloomier and daunting. Xiumin had called back to Luhan about the new meet point and Kris informed Chief Heins of their detour. If proved to be correct it would be the end of the case and Chief Heins was also en route to the location.

            “can you trace him?” Kris asked Jieun and she shook her head.

            “if he’s using magic, I can, but he isn’t and I don’t have anything owned by him so, no.”

            “looks like it’s up to us.” Chen said stepping forward. He shivered next to Xiumin and both slunk forward and in a flash two grey wolves appeared and darted forwards. They started sniffing and disappeared in the distance.

Kris and Jieun walked in the opposite direction and heightened their senses. Kris remained in human form to accompany Jieun.

It was very quiet and the only sounds to be heard were their feet sloshing against the damp ground and the occasional cackles of the fires lit by the transients.

A beep alerted Kris to Luhan’s message.

            “they’re here.” He said reading the message.

            “where are they?”

            “searching 3 blocks from here.” Jieun nodded.

They walked a few more feet when Jieun stopped almost the same time as Kris. Kris was already sniffing the air, his sense of smell was not as keen as when he was in wolf form but he could still smell the magic and Jieun sensed it.

            “maja!” she hissed. Kris’ eyes glowed red and he shivered and turned into a huge black wolf. He was a little bigger that Tao and his head were almost up to Jieun’s upper arm.

Jieun traced the magic and followed it. Kris ran ahead of her, he was growling and that was an indication that there was also a vampire present; a vampire that was not welcome.

They both rounded a corner to face a man with a black hood chanting in latin. The blood in Jieun’s body ran cold when she saw the boy lying unconscious on the makeshift altar.

She raised her arms to fling the man away but was thrown off by a force field so strong her magic rebounded. She was hit with what felt like a full-blown punch to the stomach and Jieun flung backwards and fell to the ground. Kris let out an angry growl and howled alerting the others and shifted back to human form, his eyes glowing red with fury.

The man at the altar froze and turned around to see two people trying to stop him and he paled once he saw the red eyes of the blonde man in front of him. He shivered and stepped back terrified from the man’s gaze as Kris stalked towards him. Jieun was slowly recovering on the ground groaning from the pain.

            “continue with your ritual, old man.” Kris froze at the familiar voice. He turned to look at the darkened area of the alley and a man who he knew all too well stepped out into the light with a dark grin playing on his face.

            “who the hell are you people!?” the man at the altar yelled in fright. He knew these people were not as they seem.

            “I said continue with whatever the hell you’re doing!” the newcomer snarled eyes flashing scarlet. The terrified man continued with his ritual with shaking hands.

            “Seungho!” Kris growled. The man standing there gave him a dark smirk along with a condescending look that he shot at the maja who was struggling to get up.

            “looks like your new witch can’t keep up with her job.” He chuckled evilly.

            “too bad she’s weak coz she not bad looking.” Another vampire with slit-like eyes and mischievous grin appeared alongside Seungho.

            “Joon.” Xiumin snarled bitterly as he landed from the top of the building landing effortlessly beside Kris. Jieun had already managed to move to Kris’ other side.

            “I’ve never seen you with a more pathetic group, YiFan. Is this what you have become now?” Seungho mocked. “how long has it been since our last encounter? 8? 10 years?”

            “what the hell are you doing here, Seungho?” Kris snapped. Jieun looked at the 2 vampires in front of him.

            “oh a little birdie told me we might find you here.”

            “didn’t take us long enough to figure out why you’re here.” Joon gestured all around him. “in the city that never sleeps.”

Kris’ jaw clenched. Someone told them they’re here? Who? Someone from the NYPD?

Jieun looked from on person to another. The unfamiliar magi were lean and muscular, not as tall as Kris but they were definitely as strong as him. She figured they must belong to the rogues, as she had never seen them before in her life. But they must be one of the high ranking rogues and not the pathetic lackeys they always get rid off.

Jieun was only half listening; she was now trying to break through the barrier preventing her from penetrating through it. she wasn’t happy, the magic she felt was odd, it was something different. The magic felt contaminated. She continued to hum and searched for the weak spot on the shield.

She felt something on the top, it was thinner; She closed her eyes casting a spell and hit it. it was silent but she felt the barrier crack. With a triumphant grin she subtly raised her right hand and touched Kris’ back. The latter didn’t react when Jieun started to tap morse code from his back.

            ‘I got through. Directly at the top.’

It was short but enough. Jieun raised her eyes towards the unsub who was already drawing a pentagram on the ground. His ritual was almost over. At that moment a cream-colored wolf landed in front of Jieun, it was Lay, then the black wolf, Tao and the white wolf, Luhan followed.

            “oh look the cavalry has arrived.” Joon cackled.

They stood there with no fear in their eyes at all like they knew they couldn’t be touched; like they were invincible.

Tao snapped at their direction and Seungho raised an eyebrow.

            “oh look, a rabid wolf.” A laugh echoed from a point above them. The team looked up and saw a skinny vampire with a childish grin on his face sitting on the edge of a fire escape.

            “control that dog, Kris or we’ll call animal control on him.” A tall blonde vampire added.

Tao snarled at his direction but Kris barked a command, which stopped him from attacking.

Jieun was sending Krystal a message not to follow them and to look for Chen. She relayed the message about the weakened barrier and it was up to the both of them to stop the ritual. In order to do that Jieun must cause a distraction.

She raised both arms in an attempt to his the barrier with a stronger spell but before she could cast it she felt magic, dangerous magic being flung in her direction. She changed her spell into a protective barrier and managed to stop the attack before it hit. The impact made a loud boom like a grenade exploding.

            “tsk tsk, we can’t have you ruining our plans now, can we?” a fifth vampire emerged, he had slit-like eyes with an ominous glare next to him was a witch; a beautiful blonde witch standing tall with confidence.

            “G.O., Gyuri.” Xiumin spat with distaste.

            “we won’t let you get away with this.” Jieun yelled bravely. Gyuri laughed maniacally which totally ruined her perfect features.

            “oh? And you think you can stop us? you’re not even experienced enough, if you had been you wouldn’t even be able to get knocked down by a simple repelling spell.”

Hot anger spread through Jieun’s body and just wanted to wipe that smile off of the witch’s face.

Jieun suddenly froze. The yellow marble she always in missions started to burn in her pockets. Krystal and Chen were close. She looked up at Kris and he knew then what was going to happen.

It was like a second before a huge explosion and a blinding white light engulfed them as the barrier broke and exploded. The walls cracked and the ground looked like a giant punch it. The unsub laid in the 2-feet crater unconscious with the little boy still tied to the altar.

The Yin team looked up to the furious glares from the vampires. With a roar Seungho rushed and attacked Kris who managed to block the sword with the weapon Jieun conjured for him.

A bloody battle commenced. Tao, Luhan, and Lay had shifted back to their human forms and started to fight. Tao with Thunder, Luhan with Joon, Xiumin with G.O., and Lay with Mir. Chen and Krystal got injured breaking the barrier and was lying on the side. Chen seemed to be suffering from a broken femur and Krystal a slight concussion. Jieun wanted to get closer to them but was prevented by Gyuri’s attacks.

            “poor you, fighting so hard to survive when in the end we will win.” She grinned sending her sword down on Jieun who easily blocked it.

            “you will never win anything.” Jieun responded defiantly.

            “oh really?” she cackled. “we will when we have stronger magic on our side. Soon, young witch, your world will turn upside down and everyone will die.” she laughed evilly.

Jieun wanted to ask more but the police sirens were getting louder. Gyuri cussed and with a force from her magic she pushed Jieun to the side and Kris caught her before she could hit the brick wall.

            “looks like we have to cut this battle short.” Seungho smirked even when his left arm was hanging limpy at his side he gave Kris a condescending look.

Gyuri summoned a portal and one by one they all went through the portal with Thunder carrying a half conscious Mir and vanished.

            “we could’ve had them!” Tao yelled he had a bloody torso where Thunder managed pierced his side.

            “this is not the time to fight them, Tao.” Kris said and walked to the altar.

He untied the little boy and gave him to Luhan. Lay went over to Chen and lifted him up as the police cars arrived with a screech of their tires. Officers ran to the group and offered assistance and called the paramedics. But they rejected the help and Luhan gave the traumatized boy to the medical team. Tao hid his wound but he winced every time he took a step. Chen also tried to hide his injuries but failed.

Kris’ phone rang and as he fished it out from his pocket his brows creased when he saw the message.

            “what is it?” Luhan asked.

            “we’re needed back home. asap.” He stalked towards Chief Heins who was trying to assess the damage on the place and was already trying to find the source of the explosion they heard.

            “we need to go.” Kris informed. The chief of police turned and looked at Kris’ face. He knew he couldn’t deny him and just nodded. Jieun hurriedly came over and leaned towards his ear.

            “I already set up a gas explosion underneath the buildings, all investigations will point to that as the cause of the explosion.” She said hurriedly. He nodded and thanked her before she left to run after the others.

            “go, I will explain your departure.” He pushed Kris to follow his team. Kris gave him a curt nod and turned away. “Agent Wu!” he called and Kris looked back at him. “thank you.” Kris gave him another nod before walking away with his team.




Two wolves jumped out of the portal followed by the rest of Kris’ team. No explanations were given with the request for their immediate return which puzzled them greatly. Not too far away Onew and CAP’s team also stepped out of the portal and all of them also wore masks of confusion and curiosity.

            “I see we’re not the only ones who got recalled.” Onew sighed as Kris walked towards them.

            “your father gave no explanations?” the Yin leader asked. Onew shook his head and gave a small chuckle.

            “if yours didn’t, mine sure won’t either.” The two leaders conversed walking in front of them while Luhan noticed a small brown wolf limping behind CAP.

            “what happened?” he asked the new Yin leader.

            “Ricky had a small accident in the field. His leg got stuck on a bear trap.” CAP replied. Changjo smirked and whispered something to Ricky, which made the wolf snap at his leg.

Both stopped when the temperamental gray wolf, Chen, snarled at their direction.

Reaching the familiar double oak doors of the council room, Onew raised his hand and knocked thrice before entering. The doors opened and Onew and his team stepped in first, followed by Kris’ and then CAP’s. The 3 teams noticed the other teams were already there looking curious and slightly uncomfortable. Even the junior majae were there standing with their teams. Onew stood by Sunggyu’s team, Kris by Suho’s and CAP by Jonghoon’s.

The council room looked very crowded and Kris noticed that all of the senior mage and majae were there. Suddenly, Jieun let out a sharp gasp almost the same time as Krystal who was leaning slightly on Xiumin.

            “what is it?” Kris asked concernedly in a whisper.

            “don’t you smell it?” she asked. “the foreign magic!”

Kris stiffened and took a deep breath. It was indeed the same magic he had encountered and he couldn’t help but be on guard. But he also noticed that this magic was less contaminated, much purer in essence. He looked at the leader, Leeteuk then at his father, all of the senior mage and majae looked highly distressed. That was when he noticed that there were other people in the room. Other people he didn’t know. There were 7 of them. 5 wearing brown cloaks, 1 with gold and one with silver.

Leeteuk then suddenly stood up and faced the junior teams.

            “now that you’re all here, I can finally tell you why we called you back from your missions urgently. As you can see we have visitors in our midst.” He gestured at the 7 people there. Their faces were covered; especially the 2 with gold and silver cloaks who seemed to just look like statues but they all knew that those two were very powerful beings just by the aura they exude.

            “we can’t explain things thoroughly right now but they are here to help us fight the mysterious force that has been happening in our world. Tomorrow we will call you by teams to explain.” Leeteuk continued. “ we expect you to treat them with hospitality and welcome them. They are here to learn our ways and vice versa, you will also be training with them so please work together, understand?”

            “yes, sir!” all of them replied.

            “for introductions…” Sora said gesturing at the 5-cloaked people. “will you do the honor, your highness?”

your highness? A hushed whisper escaped through the junior teams, which stopped from the look Heechul and TOP gave them.

The man beside Leeteuk took off his hood and looked up and gave the crowd a small smile.

            “greetings, I am King Olwe Linwelin ruler of all of Lessien.” He a had a soft low voice and it made all who heard it very comfortable even if they were in the presence of a king. He had long silver hair and beard with a gold lace tied around his head.

The junior teams gave a bow and some stared in astonishment at the long pointed ears the king had. He was an elf! The junior teams wanted to ask but chose not to as Leeteuk was clear that they will be informed tomorrow.

The next person, the tallest of the five took off his cloak and stared at the teams with his long golden hair and bright, emerald green eyes. His gaze caught Jieun’s and she couldn’t look away. The green eyes enchanted her like she was spellbound by it. Kris noticed the gaze and a low growl threatened to escape his chest. He didn’t like the way the newcomer was staring at Jieun.

            “hello, my name is Prince Theian, crown prince of Lessien.” Goosebumps ran through Jieun’s skin. His voice was low, very assuring; it was like music.

Then the two people next to Theian took off their hoods. Two females faces emerged from the hood. One looked like she was younger by just a few years than Theian the other looked like she was 4.

            “hello, I’m Princess Nienna, crown princess of Lessien.” Her voice was like honey and her eyes shone bright sapphire blue. Jieun heard Chanyeol purr with delight.

            “and my name is Princess Adina.” Her voice tinkled and gave a small curtsey. the majae couldn’t help but give her a smile.

The last one took off his hood. He looked burly and thick and somehow looked a little buffer than Siwon.

            “I am Grendal, Captain of the royal guard.” He gave a bow, which was returned.

“Mage leaders, step forward and introduce yourselves.” Yunho called.

Jonghoon, Yonghwa, Onew, Sunggyu, Kris, Suho and CAP stepped a foot forward and introduced themselves to the newcomers.

            “you can ask them for help and if you want someone to show you around they’ll be glad to help.” Hangeng said.

            “may I choose who I ask?” Prince Theian suddenly asked earning a surprised look from his father.

            “certainly.” Replied Leeteuk.

He started to edge away from the round table and towards the teams. His eyes still fixed with Jieun’s. Her teammates noticed the stare and couldn’t help looking from the elf prince to their friend. They wanted to say something but the room was so quiet they couldn’t get themselves to break it. Some were holding their breaths; Jieun was blushing scarlet while Kris started to shake.

He couldn’t explain why he was shaking; he had no idea why. All he knew was that he hated the look the stranger was giving the maja. He wanted to stand in front of Jieun to break the eye contact. But before he could act on the impulse, the elf prince was already standing in front of the maja.

Jieun felt like her whole face was on fire. The gaze Prince Theian was giving her was so enchanting, she just could not bear to tear her eyes away from those astonishing green eyes. If eyes could hold magic, this is what she imagined it to be. It also didn’t help that Theian’s perfectly chiseled face was so smooth and fair that he looked like he was glowing in the light of the candle.

A few silent seconds passed and Prince Theian raised his right hand in front of Jieun’s face; not quite touching but close enough that the tiniest movement then they’ll be in contact. He ran his hand over Jieun’s face and she suddenly felt tingling feeling on her face, which also ran through her spine. The growl that finally broke through Kris went unnoticed from the people closest to them. Luhan and Xiumin looked at the leader questioning the action even the wolves Chen and Tao looked up and twitched their ears.

            “will you do me the greatest honor of showing me around your dwelling?” he smiled and extended his hand asking for Jieun’s. She swallowed and did an unconscious move of looking up to Kris who was looking livid. Theian saw the action and looked at Kris then back to Jieun. “unless of course if you’re not spoken for.”

That snapped Jieun out of her momentary daze.

            “oh, uhm, no, I’m not…spoken for.” Her voice shook and gave the prince a short bow. “I’d be honored to show you around Mt. Shia.” She saw the prince’s hand and extended her right hand and placed it over the elf prince’s.

            “thank you.” He replied and kissed the back of her hand. Jieun blushed and Kris almost exploded. “may I know your name?”

            “Jieun.” She replied in almost a whisper. The prince smiled and gave a nod.

            “it’s a great pleasure to meet you, Jieun. And you can call me Theian.”

Before Kris could act on his urge to push the elf back, Prince Theian had let go of Jieun’s hand and fixed his gaze at the two abnormally large wolves beside Jieun. Tao’s muzzle shot up in a move that was unmistakably a scoff.

            “you have a beautiful beast.” The prince said gesturing to the wolves. Chen and Tao gave him a withering look. Tao rustled his fur and in a few seconds the human Tao appeared and so did Chen. The prince took a step back in surprise.

            “you know if I wasn’t a wolf then I would’ve been highly offended.” Chen said controlling his glare. A few of the senior magus held back their grins.

The former composed prince was now gaping at the two vampires who were just wolves a minute ago. Tao stared at him.

            “what? never seen a shape-shifting vampire before?” there was a tiny hint of mockery in his voice that made Grendal frown. He must’ve been informed that these people did not grew up in a king’s rule and do not know how to act properly around royals. Maybe human royals but elven royalty is definitely out of their books.

Prince Theian pulled back his composure and swallowed. Kris wallowed with glee in his discomfort.

            “my apologies, but no.” he raised his hand to his chest and gave a slight bow. Tao waved his hand.

            “nah, don’t worry about it. if you turned into a tree or something I would’ve been surprised too.” That broke the ice. Everyone in the room burst into laughter. Even the elven royalty laughed.

Amidst the laughter, no one noticed the youngest princess make her way into the crowd and towards the team right beside Sunggyu’s. Adina looked up her eyes shining bright blue, the color of the skies. She reached up wit her tiny hands and tugged softly on the sleeve from the vampire’s coat. The person of interest looked down and stiffened. His team members saw the little girl and started gushing towards her.

            “can you play with me?” she asked in her tinkling voice again.

            “wah! So cute!” Key gushed and kneeled to her eye level. “we’ll play with you, little princess.”

She pouted slightly at the lack of response from the person she wanted to play with.

            “I want to play with him.” She pointed at the leader who still couldn’t move.

            “Onew?” Key glanced at him. Minho and Jonghyun started guffawing.

Taemin smiled and kneeled beside Key.

            “little princess, Onew here is afraid of children.” He said brushing her cheeks. The girl’s brow furrowed into a tiny frown.

            “no one is afraid of little girls, that is just silly.” She replied and reached out and grabbed Onew’s finger. Onew stood there like a statue going pale.

            “you heard her.” Jonghyun teased with a slight mockery. “being scared of little girls is silly.”

Onew swallowed and looked down at the fairy-like princess. He let out a nervous laugh and his voice shook when he spoke.

            “yeah, silly.” His voice broke and Leeteuk shook his head at his son as Taeyeon smiled encouragingly at him.

            “so you’ll play with me?” her eyes sparkled with renewed hope.

            “s…su…sure.” Onew replied shakily. Minho thumped his leader on the back.

            “don’t worry we’ll have your back.” He said but burst out laughing after Onew gave him a gratified look.

            “how about you, Nienna?” Prince Theian looked back towards his sister. “anyone you’d like to ask to show you around.

Her expressionless face broke into a small smile. Chanyeol stopped breathing, which made Sehun and Baekhyun start sniggering. Both saw his fingers crossed and they knew he wanted to be the one the princess asked for help with.

            “yes, dear brother.” There was a slight playful mock in her perfectly musical voice.

she started to walk away from her father who started to look very uneasy. She didn’t walk very far and stood in front of the nearest team; CAP’s team.

All 5 vampires and the wolf Ricky looked down, too shy to look at the elf princess in the eye. She smiled wider and stood in front of the man with chocolate brown hair. She leaned slightly forward and tilted her head to look at him in the eyes. The young vampire stumbled backwards when he locked gazes with the beautiful princess.

Nienna giggled coyly, which in Jieun’s mind was unbefitting for a royal, but then again they knew nothing about these royals in their midst.

            “what’s your name?” she asked. this time the vampire raised his head and Nienna leaned back.

            “you can call me Chunji, your highness.” He replied. Nienna’s expression turned slightly sour. Chunji mentally panicked thinking he said something wrong.

            “just Nienna.” She said fiercely. Then added in a whisper. “I hate it when people call me your highness.”

Theian heard her and grinned.

            “let’s not be discourteous now, Nienna.” King Olwe reprimanded.

            “I was not, father.” She rolled her eyes then faced Chunji. She raised her hand like what her brother did to Jieun and ran her hand in front of the surprised mage in front of her. “and it’s very nice to meet you, Chunji.” Her eyes flashed the deepest blue and the young mage was fixated, unable to move.

Leeteuk cleared his throat and broke they broke eye contact.

            “you may all leave now and take a break.” He gave a hearty clap. “tomorrow night we will welcome our guests with a proper dinner.”

There was a cheer from the teams and they all bowed and walked out of the room. Jieun looked at the prince one last time before giving her bow and walked out.

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shooploop #1
Very interesting!
Chapter 27: omfg what!? Heechul and Zee, dead???!! O_____O
Chapter 27: And am I right to think that Yifan is slowly starting to accept his feelings for Jieun? :) That impulsive jump got me like, asdfghjkl. But then when I reached the last part of the chapter I was like, no :c
Chapter 27: First thing I did after coming back to the dorms from a 12 hour long lecture was to open AFF and check to see if there were any updates while I was gone. Omg. Jie. You updated. Finally. Huhu. Though it took you months, I think this update was worth the wait. I wasnt even a bit disappointed with anything in this chapter (except for the cliff hanger, maybe. loljk) I seriously missed reading this story. See you on your next update~
Chapter 27: Unnie! I've been waiting for your update... I know it's still hiatus but I'm curious and excited for the story. Did you already forget these story? I just really like it. Unnie! It's already 2015. Please do update. This story is the best!
Chapter 26: Im reading this on my birthday and I am absolutely thrilled. Hoho. Good job Kris! :)
Chapter 26: 0? is that a countdown?
Chapter 25: I literally slammed both my hands on the table at frustration. WAYLT >_>
(Somehow, Theian cross my mind if he has anything to do with this kkkk~)
Chapter 25: I was so excited to read this chapter because the title reminded me of my favorite song Almost (by Tamia), and I don't even know why I'm relating that to your update but ASDFGHJKL. That ALMOST bit at the end. IM SCREAMING. WHYYYYYYYYY. WHY ARE U DOING THIS TO ME. why so bitin??? ASDFGHJKL ulit.
Chapter 24: Kris, you better start opening up on Jieun before this important person slipped away. Before it's too late. Cos I'm gonna kick your sorry srsly /sorry i rant haha nn;;