
Screwed by Fate; Bound by Destiny

The warriors now followed after a fuming Jieun towards the empty Guidance office. Jieun was absolutely miffed that they had caused a scene again when they were supposed to work inconspicuously. She may have just been on this duty for a but more than 2 years, but this is why she’d never want to have members of other mage teams together. It just isn’t going to work out properly.

As soon as Myungsoo had closed the door, Jieun turned towards them so cold that all of the vampires felt a chill run down their spine.

            “I thought all of you know that we are supposed to our missions without getting attention?!” she growled. Suho was leaning on a chair looking groggy but still obviously mad.

            “it isn’t our fault that Mike keeps targeting us, Jieun.” Sehun defended and glanced at Sungjong who had pressed his lips to a thin line.

            “we do not tolerate excuses in fulfilling our duties, Sehun.” Rumbled Suho’s voice and Sehun gave a slight bow to his leader. Suho then fixed his gaze to the newcomers.

Jieun sighed and massaged her temples.

            “a part of me can’t blame you two and I am glad that at least you tried to control yourselves,” She looked up and glared at the newcomers. “but you two!” she spat with venom.

            “yes?” Myungsoo looked at her with a drawl a slight smirk on his face.

He may be only a decade older than Jieun but she still glare at him with no fear. Myungsoo may have great talent in weeding out information from the most tight-lipped informant ever but other than that Jieun could take him on.

            “don’t give me that look! You two caused a scene back there! It was careless and you should know it!” she spat at the two Yin warriors.

What angered her even more was that neither of the 2 looked remorseful, on the contrary they looked smug.

            “we were just protecting the defenseless as usual, Jieun.” Tao gave a cheeky grin. The weakened Sungjong and Sehun glared at him, their mage pride stung.

            “don’t be a smartass, ZiTao!” Jieun crossed her mind and she stared at Tao. “aren’t you supposed to be with Kris in China?”

for the first time since their arrival, Tao playful expression wavered a bit and his grin twitched. Jieun raised her eyebrow knowing that he did something without the knowledge of his brother.

            “no, I am not. Kris had me report of our progress back home. Seems like the rogues have started to take over Shanghai, but we made sure they were no near of succeeding.” his face broke into a menacing smirk.

Jieun wasn’t satisfied with his answer, she knew how Kris works like the back of her hand.

She took out her phone and dialed Kris’ number. After the first ring, Kris low growl answered. It was clearly obvious that the vampire leader was not happy.

            “what is it, Jieun?” He kept his voice cordial but Jieun sensed that there was something that’s not going well with the mission. Before answering he put the phone on loudspeaker.

            “do you know where your brother is right now?” she asked keeping her eyes on Tao who had paled and gulped.

A second of silence before Kris answered irritably.

            “I sent him home a couple of hours ago to send a report he should’ve been back by now.” then Jieun remembered it must have already been nearing dawn in Shanghai. “why are you looking for him?”

            “because I wanted to make sure you know where he is.”

            “get to the point, Jieun. We’re short-handed here and we need to do things before the sun comes up.” He snapped impatiently.           

Tao had started shaking his head vigorously. He knows how his brother would kill him if he finds out he got sidetracked…again.

            “your brother is here, Kris.” Jieun grinned not minding Sulli helping the wobbly Sehun and Sungjong beside Suho on the couch.

            “told you you shouldn’t have come along.” Myungsoo smirked. “you’re in for it now.”

            “shut up!” Tao hissed.

            “and where are you exactly?” all of them gave a slight shudder at the danger and coldness that emitted from Kris’ voice. Even from the phone they could feel the leader’s power.

Suho noticed it too and gave a chuckle.

            “Portland.” And that was the only word Jieun answered. A long excruciating silence before Tao started flinching unconsciously.

            “Jieun, give the phone to Tao.” He said in a venomous command.

Suddenly, there was a scuffling sound from the line and Xiumin’s livid voice rang.

            “TAO! Where are you, you little son of bi--!” Kris snapped at Xiumin, which cut him off for while. “YAH! You’re supposed to be at the tower tonight! If you are not here I swear I will cut off your tail!!!”

Tao grimaced as he held the phone far away from his ear.

            “Xiumin’s got quite a temper, doesn’t he?” Myungsoo whispered to Jieun. She ignored him.

            “Xiumin, I’m just accompanying Myungsoo I will go back after.” He said but he pulled the phone away again and they heard Xiumin yelling about how Myungsoo was capable enough to travel alone followed by a long tirade of curses. They heard Kris snatching the phone back.

Tao rubbed a finger to his ear and handed the phone back to Jieun.           

“I hate it when he starts yelling curses in languages I don’t even know yet.” Tao complained and glared at Jieun who just smirked at him.

“you don’t have to worry about that. The thing you need to be mindful of is when he finally gets his hands on you.”            Myungsoo warned with a chuckle.

“get him here, Jieun.” The tone of Kris’ voice was deadly and Tao gulped. He knew he was dead meat. He really was supposed to be back asap to be on the tower to watch for movements from the rogues in the area but he just got sidetracked.

“I will gate him right now, Kris. Give me your location.”

She nodded when she finally got their exact location and opened a portal for Tao.

            “you are so mean to me, Jieun.” He said facing the portal.

            “you know all those times that you scared me back when I was still new?” she asked and Tao looked back at her with a frown. “Consider this as payback.” She winked.

Tao grimaced before stepping into the portal. When his back finally vanished, the portal closed with a small pop.

            “now, all of you go home, including you, Suho.” She said looking down at the groggy mage. Although Suho didn’t like it, he nodded.

            “Sulli, you proceed with your duty after you take us home.” Suho instructed then faced Myungsoo. “Jieun will fill you in on the details and you two will follow the other possible victims. Sulli will so to you once she’s completed with her duties.”

Jieun and Myungsoo nodded.

As the two walked out of the room Myungsoo asked a few questions and Jieun filed him in.

They were now outside Mike’s house for the stake out, luckily all three of them were together. But the obvious problem would be if they started to separate, they would have no choice but to leave Mike and follow the 2 separately.

            “you really didn’t get to see the banshee’s face I your vision?” Myungsoo asked as both of you sat on top of a huge oak tree unseen by people.

            “no, like I said I saw it through her eyes.”

            “her pain must be agonizing that she snapped like this.” Myungsoo commented pursing his lips unconsciously as he thought.

Jieun knew what he meant. Myungsoo was brutal to those that they have captured and torture was his weapon. Pain is what he knows best. Yes, he knows it best for one cannot torture rightly without knowing which buttons to push.

For that, Myungsoo and his brother, Jonghyun had asked Sora to give them pain. They did this without their parents’ knowledge and because of their determination and willingness Sora obliged. Sora didn’t torture them physically but with their minds. She cast a spell of what the kinds of pain are. What it felt like being hit at certain parts of the body, being electrocuted, burned, poisoned, even heartbreak. They’ve experienced to all kinds of pain unimaginable, that’s why those 2 are considered the most immune to physical and mental pains.

But Yonghwa had once shared that from what Jonghyun said, the pain he had the hardest time to recover was heartbreak. He didn’t know why it took a long time, as he had no one he loved in that way but still he said it felt like all his hope and strength had left him.

Jieun looked back at the house and remembering Yonghwa’s words, it made her wonder if that is what caused Jonghyun to be so carefree with his attitude towards girls.

Suddenly, Myungsoo stiffened and Jieun looked up at him.           

            “she’s close.” He said in a low voice.

            “she won’t attack all 3 of them at once, she isn’t that powerful yet.” Jieun said as she scanned the area closely not using her magic, as banshees could smell it.

            “no. she will be weighing her coptions.” Myungsoo said and crouched low on the branch.

Then the front door of Mike’s house and one his friends, the one named James walked out of the house and started to walk home.

Myungsoo inhaled the passing breeze deeply; he opened his mouth and gave out a breathy hiss, his fangs glinting in the night.

            “she’s there.” He pointed at the house beside Mike’s. a shadow moved and they knew she was on the move.

            “Let’s go.”



Mt. Shia Council Room


            “this is not looking good, Yunho.” ZhouMi looked at Yunho latest report from his mission in Alaska.

The flickering lights from the torches in the room added to the ominous mood in the place. The council members have gathered now due to certain disturbing occurrences that had been happening. Usually before any rogue attacks there will be some sort of spark. But now there were no traces at all. They all have half a mind to think that this was not the work of the rogue ones but there is no other explanation.

            “I know, there are things happening that we can’t explain nor understand.” Yunho gritted his teeth in frustration. Ara placed a comforting hand on his arm and looked at Hangeng who also looked grim.

            “Hangeng, is there still no progress?” she asked worriedly.

            “no.” he answered crisply. “these unexplained deaths are still happening. People are starting to panic.”

For a few months now there have been reports and occurrences of strange things deaths and disappearances. Humans murdered in the most horrific way possible, some with huge chunks of flesh missing, there are some with faces still marred with the look of horror and traces of black magic.

            “we tried to cover up the murders as much as we can and modify people’s memories but we can’t keep this up for too long.” SaeMi said.

            “do you think the rogues are behind this?” TOP asked to nobody in particular.

Yunho scoffed.

            “who else could have enough power to do this?”

            “we need to get to the bottom of this fast.” Leeteuk said in an angry growl his fists clenched.

There had not been something this serious for centuries and they would not let this get out of control.

            “do we have to keep this from the others?” Victoria asked. they all know what she meant; the junior warriors.

            “it’s the best thing for now. If this will come to a fight, I don’t know if they are ready.” Heechul said seriously his face full of worry and concentration.

For now none of the junior warriors know about the situation but one of their missions in the future will definitely be linked to these strange occurrences and they will start asking questions and when that time comes, answers must be given.

            “but we can’t keep this from them for long. They will have to find out… sooner or later.” Sora assured them.

There was a knock on the door and as it opened the grim figures of Henry, Taeyang, Eunhyuk and Junsu entered the room.

From the looks on their faces they clearly didn’t bring good news.

            “what happened?” Leeteuk asked straightening up.

Eunhyuk stepped forward and handed them a folder full of pictures. As Leeteuk spread it across the table gasps of horror filled the room.

            “what is this?!” TOP growled his grip on the table tightened.

The pictures were of people all over the muddy grounds of the forests, their faces disfigured from an obvious vicious attack. Gigantic claw marks along the torso, their innards strewn all over, some with missing limbs. Men, women and children all dead, sprawled along their yards and the streets, some of them with limbs twisted in odd angles.

            “this was taken from a small village deep in the forests of Puerto Rico.” Eunhyuk started. “Kangin, Yesung and I scouted the area after reports of a monster sighting.”

            “monster sighting?” Sora asked narrowing her eyes. “you mean some kind of animal did this?”

            “no.” Eunhyuk’s fists clenched. “the place reeked of  the darkest of magic. It was intense we almost felt sick to our stomachs.”

            “there were no survivors?” Ara asked.

            “no, every single villager, dead. Hyoyeon and Rin had already modified the bodies but a wipe out of a whole village…I don’t know how their government will think of that, not even a simple animal attack could kill those many people in one night.”

Yunho sat back down then glanced back up to the other 3 in the room.

            “I guess you bring us bad news still?” he asked rhetorically.

Henry nodded dismally.

            “this is from one of the islands at the very south of the Philippines.” He placed a folder on the table and again spread the pictures on the table. “this is from a small clan living in the mountains.”

All the maja in the room stood up horrified each grabbing a picture.

            “this can’t be happening.” SaeMi’s voice shook as she sat back down. Heechul took the photo and stared at the sight of the dead bodies.

They all had their mouths wide open and their faces were blackened.

            “this…they had their souls out!” Heechul shouted aghast. His grip on the photo tightened as he shook in anger.

            “that’s what we thought too.” Henry said.

            “this is absolutely demonic. Whichever maja who did this must be very very strong.” Hangeng commented and held Victoria’s hand.

            “no, a maja’s ability, however powerful, is still limited.” Jia said in a low whisper.

Every mage looked at her.

            “what do you mean?” TOP asked.

            “magic as dark as this did not just come from a maja. You must not forget why we were created. We are here to protect the people. Even rogue majae are bound by that rule, they cannot kill humans with their magic.” Jia answered.

            “She is right. Just as mage cannot drink blood from a human, we, majae, cannot use magic against the humans. The magic will bounce right back at us.” Sora said her thoughts were already working overdrive.

            “then what could’ve possibly caused this?” Heechul snapped.

All majae were silent. Heechul then turned his head to Henry.

            “did you guys find any more evidence from the scene.”

            “we scoured the area up to a 2 km radius but we got nothing. We had Amber and Yoona do a tracing spell but still nothing. It was as if all traces just disappeared.”

Leteeuk sighed and massaged his head and gestured for Junsu to step forward.

            “please not any more deaths.” Yunho groaned and Junsu gave him a slightly jerky expression.

            “well, it isn’t…I think.” he said his voice half glad to be the bringer of less bad news but half was sad coz it is still bad news.

            “what do you mean by that?” Yunho said a bit snappishly at his team member.

They all noticed he didn’t bring out pictures.

            “well, an orphanage in Kenya…” he started and everyone raised their eyebrows. “all the kids there vanished.”


            “come again?” Jia looked at him confused.

Junsu exhaled.

            “all the kids disappeared 2 nights ago…again no traces. Jaejoong and Yoochun are still there now with Bomi and Tiffany but I doubt they will find anything more.”

Nobody in the room could say anything, everything was already happening too fast and too much.

            “what have you got for us, Taeyang?” Leeteuk said motioning him forward to get all bad news of the day over with.

            “no deaths but strange happenings have been occurring in Ireland.” He said putting the folder down on the table.

            “what kind of strange happenings?” Yunho raised an eyebrow.

Then Heechul had a funny thought about the return of the loch ness monster. Of course he knew that was true but that was a slight mistake they had centuries back but they had safely taken the beast back to Mt. Shia.

            “unexplained electrical currents all over the hills and ravines and electromagnetic fields are detected in some areas as well. There was static almost everywhere in the main square. When we went to investigate, there was this otherwordly feel to the place. We cannot explain it, being there it felt like we were in another dimension. The air tasted strange too, sickly sweet and then suddenly becomes bitter.”

            “Are you sure about this?” Sora asked.

by far that was the strangest news of the day and it tickled their curiosity by a great amount.

            “yes, Dara tried her magic to follow the ‘scent’” he made air quotations. “but it gets cut off by something.”

Leeteuk glanced at Taeyeon then at Sora.

            “we need to get to the bottom of this asap.” He stood up, Taeyeon followed suit and waved her hand over the papers, which magically went into their respective folders.

            “what’s your plan, Leeteuk?” Sora asked. the head of the council sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose for a second leaning over the table with his other hand, before he straightened up.

“Hangeng, please go with to your team in the Philippines and see if you can widen the search area and scour for evidence. Yunho, gather more intel on the disappearance in Kenya and also if there are any more children that disappeared from around the globe, and recall your team from Kenya. Heechul, you go with Eunhyuk, maybe SaeMi can get something from those bites. TOP, Taeyeon and I will go with you to Ireland.” He breathed and then looked at the last person. “ZhouMi, get a hold of all of the junior warriors that are out in missions.”

Everyone in the room looked at him in surprise.

            “what do you want me to tell them?”

            “tell them to finished their missions as fast as they can and get back to Mt.Shia as soon as possible.” He said and ZhouMi nodded but all of them, other than Taeyeon, looked at him in curiosity and confusion.

            “what are you planning?” Jia asked.

            “we can’t tell them yet that something is up but they need to be prepared.” He said darkly. Sora’s eyes widened.

            “you mean-?” she started but Leeteuk cut her off.

            “Yes, Sora. Hell training is back up again.”

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shooploop #1
Very interesting!
Chapter 27: omfg what!? Heechul and Zee, dead???!! O_____O
Chapter 27: And am I right to think that Yifan is slowly starting to accept his feelings for Jieun? :) That impulsive jump got me like, asdfghjkl. But then when I reached the last part of the chapter I was like, no :c
Chapter 27: First thing I did after coming back to the dorms from a 12 hour long lecture was to open AFF and check to see if there were any updates while I was gone. Omg. Jie. You updated. Finally. Huhu. Though it took you months, I think this update was worth the wait. I wasnt even a bit disappointed with anything in this chapter (except for the cliff hanger, maybe. loljk) I seriously missed reading this story. See you on your next update~
Chapter 27: Unnie! I've been waiting for your update... I know it's still hiatus but I'm curious and excited for the story. Did you already forget these story? I just really like it. Unnie! It's already 2015. Please do update. This story is the best!
Chapter 26: Im reading this on my birthday and I am absolutely thrilled. Hoho. Good job Kris! :)
Chapter 26: 0? is that a countdown?
Chapter 25: I literally slammed both my hands on the table at frustration. WAYLT >_>
(Somehow, Theian cross my mind if he has anything to do with this kkkk~)
Chapter 25: I was so excited to read this chapter because the title reminded me of my favorite song Almost (by Tamia), and I don't even know why I'm relating that to your update but ASDFGHJKL. That ALMOST bit at the end. IM SCREAMING. WHYYYYYYYYY. WHY ARE U DOING THIS TO ME. why so bitin??? ASDFGHJKL ulit.
Chapter 24: Kris, you better start opening up on Jieun before this important person slipped away. Before it's too late. Cos I'm gonna kick your sorry srsly /sorry i rant haha nn;;