Chapter 8 - Day 9

Tied Together


       It had been two days since the entire kissing incident, and it was so awkward between Kwangyeon and Kyumin. They only talked when they absolutely needed to, and the other members of ledapple could feel the tension. It was difficult to even be in the same room with the two that were tied together. It was just so AWKWARD. They wouldn't talk to each other, so being caught in the middle was just so weird.
       Kwangyeon knew that things weren't completely ruined between Kyumin and himself for when he had fainted, he woke up in his bed with Kyumin snuggled up against him. It was when he woke the younger up that things got awkward. When Kyumin was awake enough to comprehend the situation, he grabbed the blanket and ran to the nearest corner. Kwangyeon didn't know what to say in such a situation, so he just went about his morning routine, Kyumin being dragged on the floor behind him.
       Hyoseok was fed up with the awkward tension, so he yanked Hanbyul and Youngjun into the kitchen to hold a band meeting, minus two. The drummer had a plan, but it wasn't a very good one. However, since the guitarist and singer couldn't think of any alternatives, they went with it. The three were going to shove the drummer and bassist into a closet and let them talk it out. They were not to be let out until they resolved everything. It was going to help the two that were tied together, but it would also be a revenge on Kwangyeon for locking Hyoseok in the closet once before. In all honesty, it was a foolproof plan. That is, unless the two never talked it out and died of hunger instead. Shaking all negative thoughts aside, the three boys rose from the table and went to locate their victims. It wasn't very difficult. They were sitting on opposite ends of the couch in the living room. They were just staring at the television that wasn't even on. Kwangyeon glanced at Kyumin occasionally, and the level of awkwardness increased as the seconds ticked by.
       "Okay, you know what, this. You," Hyoseok jabbed a finger in Kwangyeon's direction and glared. "get up and walk into the closet."
       Kwangyeon looked at Hyoseok in horror and didn't budge.
       "Relax! I'm not going to do anything to you. Ew. Why would I WANT to do something to you? That's just...gross...ew...ok...ew... Anyway, be a good Kwangyeon and go into the closet." This time, 광연 obeyed. He reluctantly dragged himself to the closet and sat in the doorway. Kyumin eyed Hyoseok curiously. "You too."
       At once, Kyumin got up and ran to the kitchen. Youngjun grabbed the cloth and kept the rapper from entering the kitchen. The bassist moved to leave the closet, but he froze when Hyoseok shot him a glare that could kill an elephant.
       "Kyumin, please go in the closet." Kyumin shook his head vigorously, and Hanbyul sighed. He walked over to Kyumin and threw him over his shoulder. The singer carried the younger to the closet and dumped him on top of Kwangyeon. "Stay."
       Much to the horror of the youngest two, the door was shut and locked. They slowly turned their heads to face each other and just blankly stared. Eventually, Kyumin inched away to the corner farthest from Kwangyeon. The latter sighed in annoyance and stood up. He began searching around the closet for something unknown to Kyumin.
       "What are you doing?" The rapper squeaked out the question as if he were afraid of speaking. Kwangyeon, on the other hand, was shocked that the younger had even dared to speak.
       "I'm looking for a key..." He trailed off and continued searching.
       "Why would there be a key in here?"
       "Since the lock of the door is outside, it can be unlocked from the inside. If I find the key, we can get out." Kwangyeon was relieved to be communicating with Kyumin again, even if it was just over a key.
       "I know about the lock, but why would there be a key IN HERE?"
       "I locked Hyoseok in here once. I hid the key in here so that if he found it he could get out. I told him that if he found the key and got himself out, I'd clean his room for a month, but he never found the key. He thought I was lying about the key being in here, so he started yelling at me instead. He never looked for the key, so he was in here for three days. I eventually realized that he wasn't looking for the key, therefore he would never get out on his own. I let him out, and he's held a bit of a grudge against me since then."
       "So THAT'S where he was. You said he was at his house."
       "Yeah...I lied, obviously."
       "Do you remember where you hid the key?"
       "No. I'm not even sure if I left it in here when I let Hyoseok out."
       "That's just WONDERFUL. We may NEVER get out of here now."
       "Oh, quit your ing."
       "I don't want to quit my ing. We'll be in here forever thanks to you."
       "And how is this my fault, exactly?"
       "If you hadn't tried kissing me, we wouldn't be awkward. And if we weren't awkward, they wouldn't have locked us in here."
       "I'm sorry, who's the one that decided to ignore me when I tried talking it out?"
       "I'm sorry for worrying that you were just playing a joke on me. I'm sorry for thinking that you found out about my feelings for you. Im sorry for thinking you decided to mess with them."
       "Well this is coming from the one who kissed me on the ch- wait, what?" Kwangyeon stared at Kyumin in shock, and the latter froze when he realized that he had, in a way, confessed his feelings to the former.
       "N-nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. I didn't say anything. What? What are you talking about?" Kyumin began rambling in his panic. Kwangyeon, on the other hand, restarted his search more vigorously. He silently cheered when he finally located the key. He, much to Kyumin's shock, grabbed and hoisted the younger over his shoulder. Kwangyeon stuck the key in the lock and stepped out if the closet with a satisfied smirk. He walked to the front door and proceeded to put his shoes on while Hanbyul, Youngjun, and Hyoseok stared at him in surprise. When he finally succeeded in putting his shoes on, he grabbed the struggling Kyumin's shoes and walked out of the dorm. Right before he closed the door, he heard Hyoseok's shock and anger in his one sentence.
       "Holy , there really was a key in there."
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Chapter 9: WOW:)))))
I really love your Story!
It would be great when you look at mine:)
I like LEDapple too:))
i died at the youngbyul moments. you are a fantastic author. thank you for making my night better <3
Chapter 17: cute!!!! hyoseok dont feel bad take me as urs! kekeke
Chapter 13: wow~ so long confession! yet it's sweet! hey, i have read through this till here now...
i love it!
and yeah like u say, so little ff bout ledapple! i love them so much! ^^
love dis ff too! good job~

-Question:who is the current leader? my sis n i are agrueing over this a day...hihi hope u willing to answer..ty!
SanderpBANA #5
Chapter 17: I know this comment is probably late, but OMGOSH.*jumps around* I loved your story! Ugh!!! My LEDApple feels >_< *stands straight * Anyways, great story.
Chapter 17: Oh my gosh...hyeoseok come to noona, ill make sure youll not be alone,,hahhaha so sweet couples,,
This was a really good story~! I love Led apple as well and aff is frickin ledapple fic deprived... >.>
MonsterVip #8
Chapter 7: I love this story!!