Chapter 7 - Day 7

Tied Together


       Kwangyeon awoke to a share jab to his side.
       "Ow...what was that for?" He complained as he looked at his attacker.
       "Wake up, Kwangyeon. You and Kyumin are staying home today while Youngjun, Hanbyul, and I go out. Youngjun is going home for his mom's birthday, Hanbyul is going to visit a friend, and I'm going home just because. None of us will be back 'til tomorrow. Oh, there's no more food in the fridge, so you guys are going to have to get take-out or something. Wake up Kyumin unless you don't ever want blood in your legs again. We're leaving now. Have fun and don't do anything stupid. Remember to keep that cloth on." With that, Hyoseok joined the other two members at the door and left without another word. Kwangyeon glanced down at Kyumin with a sigh. Said boy was extremely hard to wake up. He shook Kyumin, poked him, blew in his face, tickled him, and even pushed him onto the floor. All of his attempts were futile. He stood up and fell on top of Kyumin due to the lack of blood flowing in his legs. Having his bandmate on his lap the whole night had painful consequences.
       He remained on the floor and waited for the blood to start flowing. Kwangyeon looked at Kyumin and sighed. Even after basically falling on him, the youngest was still sleeping soundly. While still waiting for his legs to work again, he continuously poked his bandmate. Eventually, Kwangyeon gave up.  He just stared at Kyumin and huffed. After a few more minutes, the youngest finally stirred awake.
       "Good morning sunshine. As cute as you are when you're sleeping, can you help me up?" Kyumin rubbed the sleep from his eyes and looked down at Kwangyeon.
       "Huh? What are you doing laying down? Why are we on the floor?" Kwangyeon groaned at Kyumin's cluelessness.
       "I'll explain after you help me up." Finally, Kwangyeon was pulled to his feet. He teetered for a bit before falling on top of Kyumin.
       "Ow...why'd you fall?"
       "A certain someone was sitting on my lap the whole night. The blood still hasn't fully gotten to my legs yet, so I am currently incapable of walking." Realization dawned on Kyumin's features and he gazed up at Kwangyeon apologetically. A second of silence passed and both boys realized the position they were in. A blush covered both of their faces, Kyumin's being more prominent. Since Kwangyeon still couldn't work his legs, they just lay there awkwardly. Kyumin cleared his throat a bit and looked to his right.
       "Where's everyone else? Where's Hanbyul hyung? I kind of need to talk to him. Is he out due to a schedule?" Kyumin rambled aimlessly. He didn't really need to talk to his hyung, but he just wanted to get out of the awkward situation.
       A small amount of jealousy burned within Kwangyeon, but he didn't understand why he felt so protective of his bandmate all of a sudden. It was like when he felt his heart contract when he told Kyumin he wanted to be friends again. He explained where everyone was and they fell into silence again.
       Kwangyeon began studying the youngest's face. He could only see the left side of his bandmate's face since the said boy was still looking to his right. The blush on Kyumin's face was still there, but it had faded to a light pink. At this point, Kwangyeon's head was filled with thoughts of how attractive Kyumin was. He felt an urge to kiss Kyumin,and he was shocked at his emotions. Kyumin was his friend. He never saw him in such a way as he was now. Kyumin slowly turned to face Kwangyeon, and they both froze.
       "K-Kwangyeon..." The younger trailed off, and Kwangyeon just gave in to the urge. He began leaning forward, and a panicked look flashed across Kyumin's face. Kwangyeon hesitated.
       Kyumin was having an internal conflict. When his crush's face inched closer, he began panicking. He wasn't sure if he was going to be kissed or not. He wanted to be kissed by Kwangyeon so badly, but he wasn't sure what was going to happen afterward. Kyumin was also worrying that Kwangyeon was playing a joke on him, or he didn't feel the same and that it was just a spur of the moment thing. He gazed up at Kwangyeon hopefully yet helplessly.
       Kwangyeon was still hesitating. In the short period of time, he came to terms that he had feelings for the panicking boy below him. He decided that he had the feelings for a while, but they were just hidden and buried away by the hate Kwangyeon illusioned himself to hold for Kyumin. He still had the urge to kiss the latter, but he didn't know how to go about it. He was certain that Kyumin was straight, and he didn't want to lose his friend. Kwangyeon now realized that his heart contracted the night he made amends with Kyumin because he didn't want to be friends with the younger again. He wanted them to be something more. The two boys were yet to move, and Kwangyeon came to a conclusion. If he didn't take the risk, how was he going to get the reward?
       Kwangyeon began leaning forward again, and Kyumin's panic retuned. The former lowered his face slowly. He wasn't sure how the latter was coping with the current situation, so Kwangyeon wanted to give Kyumin time to push him away if that was what he wanted. At this point, their faces were about an inch away from each other. Right when Kwangyeon's lips almost met Kyumin's, a hand acted as a barrier and blocked any further advances. Kyumin pushed Kwangyeon's face away gently with watery eyes.
       "I-I'm sorry." Kyumin stuttered out an apology before scrambling out from under Kwangyeon and running to the nearest room. Right when he reached the room and moved to enter it, he was yanked back. Kyumin landed on the floor with a thud, and he just sat there.
       Kyumin would have been able to enter the room and close the door, but Kwangyeon grabbed the cloth and pulled before the younger one could step foot in the doorway. He wasn't going to allow Kyumin to run away with just an apology. He wanted an explanation. He moved to Kyumin and tapped him on the shoulder. Said boy shied away at the touch. He moved a foot away and kept his back to Kwangyeon.
       "Kyumin-ah, look at me. Please, I want to talk to you." It was silent for a few seconds, and Kwangyeon heard a sniffle. He stared at Kyumin's back and saw his shoulders shaking. Guilt overcame him when he realized that he was crying. "I'm sorry Kyumin. I don't know what came over me. Please don't cry. Let's just talk this out, okay?"
       Kwangyeon moved closer to the youngest and hugged him. Kyumin tensed at the touch and wouldn't relax. He continued crying and refused to turn toward his bandmate. Kwangyeon was getting impatient, so he moved in front of Kyumin. Said boy attempted turning away again, but he was held in place. Kwangyeon kept his grip firm and tried coaxing Kyumin into looking at him.
       "I'm sorry for upsetting you. Please look at me so we can talk this out." He received a small no and he tried keeping the impatience from his voice. "Kyumin, I know that trying to kiss you wasn't the best thing to do, and I'm sorry. I just don't see why you're so worked up over it. It was a mistake trying to kiss you. I didn't know about your feelings, and I'm sorry. Let's just forget about this."
       Kyumin continued crying, and eventually it died down to occasional sniffles. He finally looked up at Kwangyeon with a weary sigh. They stared at each other for a moment before Kyumin rose to his feet. Kwangyeon stood up with him and they stared at each other again. Kyumin moved past the older and paused. He looked back at his crush and sighed. Kwangyeon turned his head slightly and froze when Kyumin lightly pecked his cheek.
       "I'm sorry." Before Kwangyeon could get a word in, Kyumin scurried away and locked himself in the bathroom. The older was still frozen in place. A few minutes passed, and a blush ghosted over the boy's features. Questions upon questions whirred around in his head, and he fell to the floor with a thud. A smile never left his face.
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Chapter 9: WOW:)))))
I really love your Story!
It would be great when you look at mine:)
I like LEDapple too:))
i died at the youngbyul moments. you are a fantastic author. thank you for making my night better <3
Chapter 17: cute!!!! hyoseok dont feel bad take me as urs! kekeke
Chapter 13: wow~ so long confession! yet it's sweet! hey, i have read through this till here now...
i love it!
and yeah like u say, so little ff bout ledapple! i love them so much! ^^
love dis ff too! good job~

-Question:who is the current leader? my sis n i are agrueing over this a day...hihi hope u willing to answer..ty!
SanderpBANA #5
Chapter 17: I know this comment is probably late, but OMGOSH.*jumps around* I loved your story! Ugh!!! My LEDApple feels >_< *stands straight * Anyways, great story.
Chapter 17: Oh my gosh...hyeoseok come to noona, ill make sure youll not be alone,,hahhaha so sweet couples,,
This was a really good story~! I love Led apple as well and aff is frickin ledapple fic deprived... >.>
MonsterVip #8
Chapter 7: I love this story!!