
The murder of Kim Jongwoon

Jonghyun soon passed out from blood loss. Other college student came out to find out what happened most of them freaked out annoying Emiko.

"Well don't just stand there! Someone call the ambulance! Someone else get the nurse! We need to keep him alive and from lossing too much blood!" Emiko commanded. Two students called the emergency at the same time. Three more went to go get the school nurse. "Hang in there Jonghyun! You'll make it but most importantly you better not die on me!" She said covering his stab wound with her jacket. One of the two students ran back

"The ambulance should be here soon." She said gasping for air. 

"What's going on?" Kae said just arriving. "I heard screaming and- oh. bloody hell. Not another one!" She said making a shocked face. 

"Maybe if you help me keep him alive he won't become another one." Emiko grunted angerly looking at Kae with a 'get your over here' stare. "Andrea, reach into my pocket and call Kibum. Let him know the suspect has escaped and is armed most likely heading home or to the airport! Tell him to send her parents a warning telling them to leave the house before she gets home!"

"On it." Andrea said reaching into Emiko's pockets. She called Kibum letting him know about the sititution. 

"Move out of the way! The school nurse need a clear path to the patient." Another student shouted. All the students moved out of the way to make a path. 

"He lost alot of blood. We need someone to donate blood. Anyone know his blood type?" The nurse asked. No one knew Jonghyun's blood type. "Anyone know for certian that they're an O blood type?"

Kae raised her hand. "I was tested a week ago." 

The nurse looked at her. "Are you willing to give blood? I can understand if you're afraid of needles." She showed Kae the needle that she'd be poked with a bunch of times for long periods of time.

"It's okay. It's to save a life and I care for Jonghyun." She removed her hoodie, rolled up her sleeve. 

"We needed to get him on this bed." The school nursed watched as Kae picked up Jonghyun without problem. She sat next to Jonghyun holding his hand. "Okay, the needle is about to be stuck in your arm. Look away if you need to." The nurse stuck the needle in Kae's arm. Kae's attention was focused on Jonghyun. The nurse started the blood transfer after she managed to stitch the wound closed. "Everyone else go back to class please. We need to allow the EPA a clear path to him. Go now." 

"Yes Mrs. Kim." Everyone left.

The paramedics arrived finally. They got to the dying student the nurse was soon revealed a retired nurse. Kae got on the bed since the needle was still stuck in her arm. It wouldn't be fun to have a needle rip out of her skin tearing a few veins. The paramedics lifted the bed into the ambulence to be taken away to the hospital.

Emiko met up with Kibum at the airport. She ran up to the man approving the tickets with a picture of Anna. 

"Have you seen this girl?" She asked the man.

"No." Answered the man.

Emiko went back to Kibum. "He claims that he didn't see her and this is the only way to get in the airport. This is also the airport where Anna's ticket came from."

"I'm going to call Donghae for back up. Ask him to get the other airports to set watches for her." Kibum said pulling out his phone calling Donghae. Emiko called the spys watching Anna to see if they've tracked her.

"Yeah we got her. It was a tough search but we managed. As of now we can suspect she's looking for Onew. She's probably planning on killing him before she leaves. If so should we move in for the arrest?" The spy said.

"What? Are you out of your mind Cho Kyuhyun? You maybe the closet we have to a psychpath but we don't need your risking your life or Onew's life. If it comes to it shoot her." Emiko paused before saying. "For the kill...."

"Got that. You hear that Sungminnie~~?" Kyuhyun squealed pitching his cheeks. 

"I will hurt you after this!" Sungmin threatened still keeping focus. "Get back to focus."

"Kibum, I told Kyuhyun that if it comes down to it to kill Anna." Emiko said

"Alright." Kibum didn't seem pleased with Emiko's order. "I'm not too pleased as you know. I know you want her dead but I told you about my policly on shooting people. I don't-"

"Kyuhyun predicts that Anna might try to kidnap Onew." Emiko inturrupted. "Should I call him?"

"Yes. It's best if he knows his life is in danger." Kibum ordered.

"Kibum, are you at Incheonan International airport?" Kyuhyun asked through walky talky.

"Yes, I am. Why?" Kibum asked. "Any info on our suspect?"

"The copy of the ticket we got says she can only go to that airport so if she tries to go to another one it won't work." While Kyuhyun and Kibum talked Emiko called Onew.

The phone rang a couple times.

"Come on Jin-ki pick up the damn phone!" She yelled in fear.

"Oh Hai Emiko. How's the case going? I heard about Jonghyun, is he going to make it?" Onew asked.

"Onew-kun where are you?" Emiko asked

"At home. Why?" Onew asked

"Does Anna know where you live?" Emiko asked in panic

"No, why?" Onew asked. He started to get what Emiko was going to tell him. "She's coming after me isn't she?" 

"We believe so. So far the safest place for you is at Cheon, Seoul hospital in room B32 where Jonghyun is. Kae is there so you will be safe. Get there! Hurry!" Emiko commanded. 

"I'm on my way. I know how to get there. I'll call you when I'm th-" Just then a loud crashing sound occured. 

"Onew-kun? Are you okay?" Emiko asked. No responce. "ONEW!" She heard footsteps.

"Hello Ms. oh so powerfully Japorean detetective. Let's make a deal, shall we? If you don't want your new boy toy to share the same fate as your old one i suggest you meet my every request." The murderous known as Anna Gold spoke.

You ! Emiko said to herself. "Alright. What do you want in exchange for Onew's life?" Kibum over heard Emiko's question he ran quickly over to her placing a chip on her phone allowing Siwon, Donghae, Sungmin and Kyuhyun to listen in. 

"First, obviously what spoiled like me wouldn't want money? So that. Make it in American dollars but you only have won don't you? Let me make it easier for you. I want 10,000 won." Anna smirked. Emiko and Kibum looked at eachother in trying not to laugh. "Is that too hard for you?"

"No. I can get you the money. What else do you want?" Emiko asked doing her best not to laugh at how stupid Anna is. 

"I want you to bring me the money. I want you unarmed and no police or Onew dies." Anna told Emiko the location of the place. It was an old abandon warehouse just outside of town. "Finally I want to be able to leave the country scott free and no one in the US is to know about this so keep my records clear!" She demanded. "That is all. Old Jung's ware house, 3pm 10,000 won and no police!"

"Anna, how about I make it 10,640?" Emiko asked

"You love Onew that much?" Anna laughed.

"Yes." She answered confiedently. 

"Fine. 10,640 won." Anna cleared before hanging up. Emiko closed her phone letting out a deep sigh. Kibum put his hand on her shoulder.

"It's going to be just fine." He said. "We're going to get Onew back alive."

"If I can help I do know of a gang that lives near by that warehouse." A woman said. She looked familiar.

"Yes, please any help would be great!" Kibum smiled.

"Their name is B.A.P. They're good guys and they're sneaky. I know their ninja boy Zelo. I'll call him up and ask him to spy." The woman pulled out her phone and left. 

"I think Kae might know them. She's interested in gangs. I'll call her." 


At the hospital Jonghyun was still unconcious but getting better. Kae had to drink a lot of water to keep up with the donations. Most of the time she sat there looking at Jonghyun still holding his hand. She looked at the table to see a button that she was supposed to press if Jonghyun started flat lining. 

She started to feel really light headed and couldn't see straight. Kae looked to the button and attempted to get up and push it but she was so weak and about to faint so with her remaining stregnth she pushed herself stretching her arm toward the button. 

She managed to push it before collasping head and arm onto Jonghyun's chest.

Just then her phone started to ring from Emiko's call.





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Finished this in under a year! Woohoo~!


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Chapter 10: It was all serious right up until the ending with Zelo
Looking forward to reading this!
Chapter 9: AWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! poor Dubu :'(
Chapter 8: Poor Jjong
Chapter 7: HAH!!!!! Lol I hope that their right
Chapter 4: Gah this Anna girl I do not like.
Kibum's pregnanttt~
HAHAHAHA SIwon! "I really have powers!"
Chapter 3: Aweee I feel so bad for his parents...
Chapter 1: OMFG YESUNG!!!
Woah woah woah.
I'm already hooked xD