Finding a suspect

The murder of Kim Jongwoon

Emiko and Kibum worked side by side for the past couple weeks to figure out who killed Jongwoon. There were many people who didn't like him because of his looks, talent, fan club, etc but none of them hated him enough to murder him in cold blood. The libaray has been closed down ever since the crime. Many students at the Chenon University were upset due the to fact the libaray was the best place in the university.

"So I have one possible suspect for the murder." Kibum said looking at Emiko. "Do you know anybody by the name of Anna Gold?" 

"Yeah she's some spoiled who used to date Onew. Why do you suspect her?" Emiko asked giving him a confused look." Anna maybe a horrible person but I highly doubt she would be heartless enough to kill anyone." 

"Here look at these tapes I received."

Emiko got up and sat infront of Kibum's laptop watching the tape. For the first couple of seconds it was nothingness then a shadow and noises appeared. Someone was trying to break into the school culinary room that offered cooking classes. The person was wearing the same gear that was seen in the libaray tapes. Emiko knew Yesung was stabbed but she never really thought that someone would use a knife from the culinary room. Those knives were never strong enough to cut through paper. The person went into a drawer and grabbed a really sharp knife. There shouldn't be any really sharp knives like that because; 1. The school won't allow sharp knives and 2. The school culinary teacher, Mr. Yeun always takes sharp knives home if he brings any for the class to use.

"You see when my good friend Donghae checked the scene out he saw the knife was in Lee Jinki's locker not Anna's."

"Wait a minute.......Are you trying to tell me that Onew killed Yesung? All due resepct but your friend is wrong to suspect Onew! As you see in the Library tape shows Onew running in seconds after Yesung died!" 

"Yes but that's still enough time to hide the knife and get the gear off." 

"It takes atleast three minutes running fast to get from that door which the killer exited the library to the door where Onew and Ryeowook entered the libaray. Even if Onew is the killer why would he be stupid enough to put the knife but in his own locker?"

"Good question but still...."

"Why did you even bring up Anna if you're suspecting Lee Jinki?" Emiko yelled

"Because she's the one who suspects him." Kibum said 

"You know what. I think Anna killed my boyfriend and is framing Onew for it."

A moment of silence occured before Donghae entered the room. He was with another man when Emiko turned her head she reconized him. Kim Jonghyun or Jonghyun.

"I hope we're not interupting but this young man said he has some useful evidence to this case." Donghae said. 

"It's not interupting us if it'll help us solve this case." Kibum said getting up. "What's your name and what do you got?"

"My name is Kim Jonghyun." Jonghyun respectfully bowed to Kibum. "I have reason to believe my friend's ex killed Yesung. Her name is Anna Gold and the week after Jongwoon died I overheard Anna and her friend speaking about fleeing the country. She didn't say why but she said if everything goes as planned she's gonna leave to go back to South America in a week. That's my reason to believe it was her who killed Jongwoon." 

"So you were right Ms. Jung. It seems Anna tried to frame Onew but thanks to Jonghyun she failed in doing so." Kibum said. "Thanks for your help. It was brave of you to come forward."

"Jongwoon was a close friend of mine too. I want to see that pay for killing him." Jonghyun said.

"I'll tell Anna's parents that we suspect her." Emiko said

"Really? It'll be hard telling someone's parents that their child is a suspect of murder." Kibum said

"It must be harder telling someone's parents that their child is a victim of murder." Emiko replied patting Kibum's shoulder. "I got this."

A couple of days later Anna's parents were secretly called to the police station at noon. The conversation was in English

"So why were we called down here?" Anna's mom asked looking at the two detectives infront of her and her husband.

"Mrs. Gold, my assissant Emiko has to tell you something." Kibum looked at Emiko who looked confiedent. He looked at Emiko and spoke Korean. "I'm here if you need."

"I got this Kibum." Emiko said in Korean. She switched back to English. "Mr and Mrs Gold, I'm sorry to say but your daughter is a suspect in the murder of Kim Jongwoon at Chenon University." Despite Emiko's thick Japanese accent she was still understandable.

"What?" Mr. Gold said. "How is she a suspect?"

"The murder weapon had her DNA on it and she tried to frame Onew for it." Emiko said. "She said she planned on fleeing the country in less than a week or two. We need you to make sure that doesn't happen." 

Mr. and Mrs. Gold agreed to help even though they had a tough time believing their daughter could be a murderer.


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Finished this in under a year! Woohoo~!


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Chapter 10: It was all serious right up until the ending with Zelo
Looking forward to reading this!
Chapter 9: AWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! poor Dubu :'(
Chapter 8: Poor Jjong
Chapter 7: HAH!!!!! Lol I hope that their right
Chapter 4: Gah this Anna girl I do not like.
Kibum's pregnanttt~
HAHAHAHA SIwon! "I really have powers!"
Chapter 3: Aweee I feel so bad for his parents...
Chapter 1: OMFG YESUNG!!!
Woah woah woah.
I'm already hooked xD