Things are different here...





''So your name is Sandara?'' Chaerin asked me as we were making strawls in the corridors.I nodded smiling.''You can call me CL,or whatever..hehe...Do you have a nickname?'' My thoughts ran to Ren's nickname for me.I shook my head,saying 'no'.

''I see...I'll call you Sandara,then!Alright.Do you see those?Those girls over there.'' She pointed at a group of four girls.I nodded.''These are our school's queenkas.Their leader,Hyuna.The one with the orange hair.Those?'' She pointed at a group of six boys and I nodded again.

''These are our school's kingas.Leader,Yongguk,the hottest boy in school and also Hyuna's target.You better not mess with her,that's what they say but who gives a for that messed-up girl...'' I chuckled.Suddenly,Yongguk's gaze fell on me.He froze and stuck his eyes on me.

''Well,seems like Yongguk's already into you...Hyuna, in your face!'' CL seemed really happy but wait...into me?No way.If he learnt that I was mute,he would probably avoid me completely.''Come here girl I love you already!'' CL gave me a sudden squeezy hug,blocking my mouth and nose.

I pinched her,making her let go.I took deep breaths and then we both laughed.I threw a quick glance on Yongguk.He was still looking at me,smiling.Suddenly,a blue-haired boy lightly pushed him to wake him up,that's when he took his eyes off me.

''Alrighty,now the other 'groups'.This girl over there,name Eunjoo,our school's best student.Sulli,the music tracks maker,Amber the punk girl,some call her freak but I think she rocks!Daehyun,our school's second hottest boy after Yongguk and also a kinga.'' That school was much different than my last one.

The bell rang and I rushed to get my books.I had English and my class with C-1 were together at English,divided in Begginers and Advanced.I was with the Advanced students and so were most of the kingas in school,so I had them in my class.

It was our first English lesson so we had to choose with who we would sit.I was waiting for the one who was left alone,to sit with,when suddenly Yongguk approached me.''Hey,you're Sandara,right?'' He asked and I nodded.''Do you have anyone to sit with?'' I shook my head,saying 'no'.

''Mind if i sit with you?'' I shrugged my arms,meaning 'I don't have any problem'.He smiled and put his books on the desk.''Great!Oh,just to know i know about'' I pointed at my neck and he nodded.''Yup.'' I smiled,thinking that he probably didn't have any problem with my problem and put my books down as well.

Then,that Hyuna entered the classroom,she was with us as well and approached us.''Yongguk,why aren't you sitting with me?'' She asked,with a fake cute voice,which made me want to throw up.''Sorry,Hyuna,but I'm sitting with Sandara.'' He answered pointing at me and I waved at her,smiling.

''What-ever.'' She said,disguisted and then went to sit with Himchan,a kinga and also a friend of Yongguk's.''So,what do you like?'' Yongguk suddenly asked me,waking me from my thoughts.I grabbed a notebook and began writing.''I like dancing and sketching!You?'' I showed him the note and he smiled.

He decided to write as well,instead of speaking.''I like football,kick boxing and rapping:)'' I was making a 'not bad' expression while reading it,making him chuckle.Then,the teacher entered the room,making us stop talking.The lesson began and it was really boring.

Advanced class?My .We did those stuff at A junior,geez.

When school was finished,Yongguk offered to send me home and I agreed.When we reached my house,I found a note on the door.''Sandara,I will be back in the night,I had to go somewhere araso?There is food in the oven and hot water to wash yourself.I love you,little girl.'' It was from granny.

I waved at Yongguk and he waved back,then left.I got in the house and washed my hands,then ate some of the food.I took a shower and began studying for the next day.

Things seemed much more easier there,than at Korea.I felt like people understood me more and that they didn't have any problem with me being mute and I was glad.

I just hoped that everything would be so good and smooth as long as I would live there and that nobody from my past would appear in front of me out of the blue,ruining everything...

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Chapter 14: Yeah, you're right, it was a 'funny' ending xD but at the same time I'm reading another fic and the main char just tried to kill herlself so imagine xd
well, its all for now! See you soon!
Chapter 13: Ah~ so cute~ and Yongguk deserved a happy ending~! so I am happy now n-n a-and, it will be a final chapter next this, right? hehe, but.... please do it diffewrent from the ending of your other fics, arasso? I liked the ending of "My prince arrogant" when they ran away and all, like, it was different! So, it would be cute and funny if the end of this story is they enjoying each other, Idk, traveling around the world and that stuff.
Don't take it the wrong way, it's just my opinion...
Love, Little Sushi
Chapter 12: I feel really bad for Yongguk but Ren and Dara deserves one another. ahh confusing -.-
Chapter 12: Awwwwwwwww TT TT granny!!!!!!!
poor dara.... The first person who loved her like that... and dies... gosh ;-; good thing that she still have ren, right? you wont make him leave her of dara leave him again, right? update soon ! Fighting~~~
Love, Little Sushi
Chapter 11: OH YES REN IS BACK! (?) ok I feel really bad for Yongguk! D: why? why did you do this to him? TT TT I'm gonna cry! No, not really but I really feel bad for him, you know, to see your girlfriend kissing another and then telling you that she doesn't love you.... I would've felt like the person was just using me to forget, or something and feel really bad.
But anyways, Ren is super lovable too!!!
gosh, I'm just talking sdafasfd. Update soon!
marzixx #6
Chapter 9: No! I want ren and dara. :-(
But thanks for the update!!
Chapter 9: Wah. Surgery. Yongguk. A new life.
And what's going on at Korea? How is Ren? O_O I wanna know~~
Maybe she can visit, right? Or not? Idk, just update soon! Because I'll die!
Chapter 5: hmmm weird. I wonder what is Tiffany planning...