School Sports Festival




Two weeks have passed.Everything began getting better.I would still get humiliated by others,especially Tiffany,but Ren alongside with his friends Jr,Minhyun,Baekho,Aron and many others from the school would defend me.

I would be with them all day long,every single day.We had so much fun together and they didn't have any problem I was mute.

Also the school sports festival had arrived!I was really looking forward to it,since I love sports,especially football and volleyball.

They had divided us in teams,according to what sport we wanted to take part in.I,of course,chose football and volleyball.I would lose a lot of lessons but I didn't really mind.The only thing that made me sad was that I wouldn't be able to see Ren so often.

Jr and Baekho were with me as well,since they both loved football as much as I did.That helped us to come much closer to each other,not that we were not close otherwise.

One day,we had an unexpected audience.We were about to begin practise,when suddenly somebody tapped my back.I turned around and saw Ren.That made a sudden smile to appear on my face,without noticing.

''Hey,Dara!I came to see you practise,since I don't really have any chance to see you otherwise...'' He said huffing and I chuckled.I showed him where to sit and ran to the others.''Alright,take this San,so that you can tell us when you want to pass the ball.'' Baekho gave me a whistle.

He and many others would call me 'San' from Sandara,since only Ren wanted to call me 'Dara'.I wore the whistle around my neck and we began playing.Me and Baekho were close to their goal,and Baekho had the ball.

I whistled and he passed me the ball.I kicked it and scored a goal.Baekho ran to me and raised me on his shoulders and began running around.Ren was looking at me smiling and clapping.I waved at him,laughing by Baekho's silly action.

When the game was finished,we congratulated each other and then I went to Ren.''Great game.'' He said winking at me and I thanked him.''So,wanna go for a walk?'' he asked and I nodded.I took my things and we went to the park.

He offered to carry my bag for me,making me blush.''So,where do you wanna go?'' He asked and I shrugged my shoulders.He began thinking for a while,touching his chin with his forefinger,when he raised his eyebrows.

''What do you say about Lotte World?'' He asked and I nodded smiling.''Cool!'' He reached out his arm and I wrapped mine around it.We began walking to Lotte World.When we got there,we were making strawls in the building,while checking the shop windows.

Ren seemed thinking about something,but he didn't actually consinder me.''Hey,Dara,wait here for just a sec!'' He said and let go of me.I shook my head and began wondering what he was up to.I was waiting for him,while bitting my lips.

Suddenly he appeared in front of me.''Here!'' He gave me a small box.My eyes widened and I glared at him.''What?I really wanted to buy you something...Take it,Jebal!'' He begged.I huffed and took the box from his warm hands.

I opened it and saw a beautiful necklace with a small bow,hanging on the edge of it.I was gazing at it,crazed from it's beauty.To say the truth,nobody had ever given me something,exept Baro of course.''I guess you liked it.'' He smiled.

I nodded with a wide smile.''Let me help you.'' He proceeded wearing it to me.''It looks great on you...'' He said smiling.

''Come on,let me send you home.'' He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we began walking towards my place.I was about to enter my house,when he shouted my name.''Dara!'' I turned around and looked at him confused.''Um...H-Have a good day!'' I chuckled.

He smiled awkwardly and turned around to leave.*Ren!* I tried to shout but in vain.A tear rolled down my cheek.*I like you...* I said inside my head then closed the door behind me.


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Chapter 14: Yeah, you're right, it was a 'funny' ending xD but at the same time I'm reading another fic and the main char just tried to kill herlself so imagine xd
well, its all for now! See you soon!
Chapter 13: Ah~ so cute~ and Yongguk deserved a happy ending~! so I am happy now n-n a-and, it will be a final chapter next this, right? hehe, but.... please do it diffewrent from the ending of your other fics, arasso? I liked the ending of "My prince arrogant" when they ran away and all, like, it was different! So, it would be cute and funny if the end of this story is they enjoying each other, Idk, traveling around the world and that stuff.
Don't take it the wrong way, it's just my opinion...
Love, Little Sushi
Chapter 12: I feel really bad for Yongguk but Ren and Dara deserves one another. ahh confusing -.-
Chapter 12: Awwwwwwwww TT TT granny!!!!!!!
poor dara.... The first person who loved her like that... and dies... gosh ;-; good thing that she still have ren, right? you wont make him leave her of dara leave him again, right? update soon ! Fighting~~~
Love, Little Sushi
Chapter 11: OH YES REN IS BACK! (?) ok I feel really bad for Yongguk! D: why? why did you do this to him? TT TT I'm gonna cry! No, not really but I really feel bad for him, you know, to see your girlfriend kissing another and then telling you that she doesn't love you.... I would've felt like the person was just using me to forget, or something and feel really bad.
But anyways, Ren is super lovable too!!!
gosh, I'm just talking sdafasfd. Update soon!
marzixx #6
Chapter 9: No! I want ren and dara. :-(
But thanks for the update!!
Chapter 9: Wah. Surgery. Yongguk. A new life.
And what's going on at Korea? How is Ren? O_O I wanna know~~
Maybe she can visit, right? Or not? Idk, just update soon! Because I'll die!
Chapter 5: hmmm weird. I wonder what is Tiffany planning...