Your Eyes

An Angel In My World
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"Stay" Luhan orders as he pushes your shoulder down; you send him a noticeable pout before shrugging your shoulders in an attempt to change his mind. The deer boy shook his head as he tried to concentrate on something else, he already has a hard time to control his blood thirst for you. Now that you add the burden of controlling his true feelings, he wasn't sure if he was going to last any longer.

Thankfully, Sehun came into aid as he just came back from Yunhee's office, the exo members agree that they wouldn't let you near Yunhee until they've found a sense of trust in her. So here you are, supposedly doing your daily duties to stroll to  Yunhee's office and send her the things the teacher told you to give. But no, Sehun and Luhan both requested that they're going to take your job from now on. You didn't know why they were upset, you were just dieting for a few moments... maybe. Ok, maybe not short moments but come on! It's not like you're starving... coughs.

The moment you told them the reason for your lack of food intake, they were howling with how ridiculous that is. Come on, getting ier? Don't you know how good your body is already? Well, it seems someone doesn't check themselves out in the mirror. 

They momentarily assured you that you were y enough, holding in the pink tints that's growing on their cheeks. Before their face exploded in red, their breathings becoming more shallow than ever. You were confused, but then caught on, why were you trying to get ier? For who else. Oops.

So yeah, that was the story and now you're stuck here, hu hu.

Class ended in a strike of lighting, happening so fast that you were almost dazed by it. You went back to your dorm with Sehun and Luhan by your side, occupying the elevator with you and glaring at anyone who tries to step in.


The door opened and this was one level below your dorm's floor. Sehun was getting ready with his deadly glower while Luhan had his best pokerface on. Turns out, it was Chanyeol who came back from one of his friend's dorm.

"Hold your horses, knights!" he shrieks, surprised from the sudden invisible daggers.

You smiled at his funny self and shook your head in amusement. Sehun rolled his eyes, "Hurry up or we'll leave you" he says, not wanting his time to be wasted. The tall male steps in hurriedly, squishing in between you and Sehun, making the younger glare even harsher.

"So Hyeeunnie, what did you do today?" Chanyeol asks gleefully, wrapping one arm around your shoulder.

Your smile grew as you started using body language do describe the best you can, sometimes leaving Chanyeol's brain to wreck but other times were, it was pretty clear. 

"Ah" Chanyeol nodded, fully understanding your actions. "If Thehun or Lewhan is being mean to you... tell Chanyeol oppa, alright?" he grins, showing his neat set of pearly white glamor. You bobbed your head twice, now amused at the nicknames he had created for his friends.

"Thehun...?" Sehun raised a brow.

Luhan scoffed, not even bothering to repeat his new nickname.

"Yah! If I'm Thehun then you're Chanyolk... You yolk!" Sehun blurts out quickly, before taking his collected composure back. 

You held in your laugh at this funny scene. Thehun and Chanyolk are definitely nicknames that are going in the year book. If this school even has one? 

The long yet short elevator ride ended, you find yourself back in the dorm, doing your homework on the stools. *This doesn't seem right* you pout, your science homework isn't going very well at the moment and you didn't want to disturb the exo boys at all. Sehun, Kris, Tao and Suho have all gone to training while the rest are scattered all over the place. Your glance back and saw Baekhyun and Kai sitting on the couch silently, staring at the TV with blank eyes. As if they heard you slight movement, their heads snapped your way. You grew startled and did a little jump, causing them to muffle their laughter. 

There was a sudden bang and the door opened wildly. The pack of exo boys threw themselves inside the dorm, faces full of exhaustion. You craned your neck slightly, taking a peek to see them. Lay finds your curious eyes and offered you a charming smile. You felt your heart flutter a little at the generous movement and nodded back a shy smile.

"You ok Hyeeun?" 

You looked to your left to see D.O sitting next to you, eyes gazing on your work. You scratched your head before shaking it. Gripping once more on your pencil, you wrote on the edge of your paper.

'I don't understand all of this'

D.O chuckled, amused at your reaction. He bends down and starts to carefully explain the points one by one. His voice was warm and gentle, his doe eyes always amazed you, you accidently gazed too long at his face. D.O, of course, noticed it right away. Sharp senses are a vampire's second nature. They know almost everything, amazingly.

After a whole lot of clarifying from D.O, you have finally understood your homework. Who knew it was so easy if you break it into steps? You smiled at the result and skipped towards bedroom, ready to submit your papers into your bag. Your eyes momentarily glanced towards the TV screen, unaware of where you've placed your foot. Just as you were going to take another step, your leg hits the edge of the table and you fell face flat on the ground.

The atmosphere suddenly dropped as cold air began to linger. Your shivered. It doesn't feel right, lifting up your aching forehead, you managed to get a glimpse of the boys. Their whole expression reads shock and surprise. You were about to open your mouth but realized that you couldn't talk, you couldn't say you were ok. So instead, you gave them a gentle smile. 

From that point on, everything happened so quickly. Flashes of wind comes and go and you found yourself harshly shoved against the wall. Red eyes taunt you with sharp fangs. The smile on your face faded as it was replaced with horror. You couldn't imagine this... It wasn't something that you planned on experiencing.

*So last time it wasn't a dream... they're all... they're all* before you could finish your though, a hand snakes it way to your wrist, having a firm grip before faces inch closer to your frantically pulsing veins on your neck. You shut your eyes closed, not brave enough to see this scene. 

"I- H-hyeeun" he croaks.

You shook you head. You wish this was all another dream but their fogging breaths and cold warmth was practically sticking to your body. It wasn't a dream, it was reality. Whether you liked it or not.

Whether you liked it or not, the boys were vampires. 

Are your classmates vampires too? They should be. They must be. Since last time wasn't a dream at all. 

You took a deep breath and remembered your odd dream in the swings. 


“I hope… I hope you can accept us” Suho smiled innocently at you.

You blinked at him, *What does he mean?*

“And I hope when you really find out, you could embrace us like last time” Lay added, his gaze softened as his eyes landed on you.

Before you could ask anything, they all gave you smiles and the dream vanished into the darkness.

“I hope… you can still love us the way we are”


You your lips nervously and used your free arm to wrap around the person's neck. 

Chen's eyes widened as the red flames ceased to loving brown. His eyes were back to normal, and all it took was a gentle hug. A warm embrace. He can feel himself tearing up out of the blue. 

"You..." Chen wheezed.

Electricity runs through your arm and before you knew it, everything turned black. As if someone turned off the switch. As if they all left your side. As if they all ran away.

The moment you opened your eyes, you knew you had to find the exo boys. You felt as if this was a life and death situation. Although it was hard to accept the fact that they were all vampires, who were probably just after your blood, you knew they had good intentions in that. Something along the lines of love? Maybe. Just maybe. 

You felt a sting on your left leg and turned to check it out. There was a long gash, the blood seemed dry but the wound was aching. It hurt to just walk but you knew you had to tell the boys that it was ok to be themselves. It was ok to be their species. It was ok to be a vampire. 

So you wobbled towards the first aid kit and took out a long, thin plaster. You bandaged it carefully along your stinging cut and winced every now and then. But there wasn't enough time so you couldn't take that while to cater your injury. You took a look a the edge of the table and found slight dribbles of blood on it. You frowned at it before walking off. 

If only that table wasn't there. If only you weren't clumsy. But these things you can't change. It already happened. And all that you can do right now is give comfort to those who needs it the most. Your boys.

You coughed. It was hard trying to activate your voice again, you knew it was there but it wasn't willing to come out. You weren't really mute. Well, not fully. Sometimes your voice comes and goes, like the wind. But much quicker.

You cup a hand around your mouth and tried to yell, but all that came was rasp and chokes. It wasn't working, if you can't call out for them, you'll just have to sharpen your senses and keep a good look out at your surroundings. 

You hear a number of sighs coming from a tree, you blinked. There was a sense of familiarity in that and you looked up to find a foot dangling from one of the sturdy branches. Your eyes widened. Is that one of the boys? Could it be? It doesn't hurt to try. You started by hugging the tree and wrapping both legs around it, the gash on your leg screamed for attention but you had this weird habit of ignoring pain. Because pain would gradually walk away, no matter how long it takes. You winced while trying to

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Stellybinx12 #1
You haven’t updated in ages
Chapter 40: I enjoyed the story, as short as it was. I don't think hoping for a future update is realistic considering how long it has been since the last one. The story was cute and lighthearted and an easy read. Though, I do agree with some users: the use of Romaized Korean words is unnecessary. The story is, technically, set in SK and all the characters are speaking Korean or Chinese and the use of random Korean words disrupts the pace of the chapters. You could use italics instead to put emphasis on certain words or when the Chinese members switch to their native tongue.
There were some plot holes such as the confusion regarding whether the main character knows the boys are vampires or not. At some point it seemed like it, but then she returned to her initial obliviousness. Why didn't she question the principle who was able to turn her into a kitten???
Regardless, I enjoyed it.
Chapter 2: This fic seems like it would have a nice story line. I think it would have been better if the cringy Korean wasn't used
Chapter 40: Is it done already? Have you given up on this story? Just wanted to tell you that your work is really great. So please continue this. You can't leave us hanging here T.T
Lolypop123 #5
Chapter 3: Lol the girl turn into cat so cute :3
Alosya #6
Chapter 40: Have you give up on this story
ReenRieX #7
Chapter 40: Authornimmmm~ its been one year already since ur last update right ? So can u make an update again soon this year ?
Chapter 40: A www I like this fic ....hope you'll update soon author-nim
Chapter 40: Author-nim please update, this story is so good. I just found it, but have already read every chapter.
butterfly555 #10
Update soon PLZ