To the rescue

Life is a game but this isn't

Despite her promise to Sung-hee Delphine knew she couldn’t just sit by idly while Rena causes her more pain that in Delphine’s eyes Sung-hee didn’t deserve.  She paced in front of the J.Tune Camp building trying to decide if she should actually go in or not.  To be honest she wasn’t even sure if Rena was there or if Thunder was.  But then again she hoped that Thunder wasn’t there and he was trying to talk reason into Sung-hee.  She had gotten ridiculous over the past two days.  Embarrassment had set in and she still didn’t have the guts to answer any of Thunder’s calls.  And from what Seung Ho told Delphine, Thunder wasn’t doing too well either.  

Finally when she bumped into an older woman Delphine, after apologizing, turned to the building and marched straight into the practice room.  The four of them shoot up from the lunch they were eating, looking scared all except for Seung Ho who started to inch forward.  “Baby what are you-”

“Where is that ?  Are you hiding her so I don’t kill her?  Smart because I’d love to rearrange her face!”  She stomped over to Mir and put a sweet smile on her face, hugging his arm, “Mir-ah you’ll tell me where she is right?  Noona promises she won’t do anything too bad to her-”

Seung Ho walked over and grabbed her arm a clearly annoyed expression on his face.  “Why in the hell haven’t you been answering my phone calls?  Are you mad enough at all of us to not even check your voicemails you crazy girl?”

Delphine growled and crossed her arms over her chest meeting Seung Ho’s annoyed gaze with a glare.  “I’ve been busy protecting your dear sister from wanting to bash her head into the wall.  Or in case you didn’t know Rena is trying to ruin her life thus I need to rip her face off.”  She couldn’t help but be satisfied when she saw that he was upset hearing about how Sung-hee was feeling. 

Throwing up his hands in aggravation Seung Ho growled darkly and turned from Delphine.  “You think Cheon doong is doing any better?  She’s not answering his calls and won’t answer her door she changed the code and the managers have locked him in the dorm until we leave so he doesn’t do anything stupid.”

She opened to snap back at him that that Thunder deserved to be depressed until she realized that he said something rather important.  “Wait until you leave?  Leave for where?”  Seung Ho glanced at her before turning back to the wall still grumbling.  “Seung Ho what are you talking about?”

He turned back to her and sighed heavily, “I told you, check your voicemails.”

“But I-”

“Check it.”

After noting the look in Seung Ho’s eyes Delphine pulled out her phone and dialed her voicemail.  “You have four unheard messages.  First message sent yesterday at 5:30 PM.  Delphine pick up your phone.  Seriously this is important we have to talk.  Well more like they need to talk.  Call me back when you get this.”  Delphine looked over at Seung Ho who motioned for her to continue listening.  “Second message sent yesterday at 6:20 PM.  Seriously I know you’re there.  You’re probably watching Harry Potter to make her feel better aren’t you?”  Despite herself Delphine smiled, Seung Ho had long since accepted her obsession and even found it cute.  “Of course you are.  Would you stop being angry with all of us for two seconds though?  Just pick up your phone damn it.  Third message sent yesterday at 7:56.  Okay so maybe you’re not going to answer me.  Why?  I know you’re upset with all of us but come on we didn’t think Rena would really be a problem.  If we knew we would have stopped it and you know it.  Final message sent today at 12:05.  Alright this is getting stupid either you’re really not paying attention because you think we’re against Sung-hee, which is stupid by the way, or you left your phone at Sung-hee’s.  But you’ve got to stop acting so childish before we all leave for Japan for a month.  What do you think is going to happen then? You-” 

Delphine didn’t need to listen to the rest of themessage to understand what was going on anymore.  What she had feared was going to happen was indeed happening.  But she wasn’t sure if she could force Sung-hee to face him yet.  “When do you leave?”  Her voice came out in a whisper and Seung Ho sighed a bit in relief now that she wasn’t glaring at him anymore. 

“In four hours.  Thunder’s going to be in the dorm until then so, I suggest you grab Sung-hee and drag her over there by her hair if you have to.  You know a month away from each other right now could very well kill them.”

Without thinking Delphine bolted forward and wrapped Seung Ho up in a tight hug hoping that he would forgive her. “I’ll do what I can but she disappeared earlier this morning to go for a walk.  I think I know where she might be though.”  Seung Ho hugged her back squeezing her tightly for a moment before letting her go. 

“You better get going then.”

“Right.”  Without thinking she stood on her tip toes and kissed him and was a little surprised when Seung Ho wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer deepening the kiss.  Just as her head started to spin someone cleared their throat and the pair turned to see who it was.

G.O had his brow raised and jabbed his thumb at the door.  “Sung-hee.”

That finally brought Delphine out of her daze and Seung Ho reluctantly let her go with her blushing the whole time.  “Right well I’m still kicking Rena’s if I see her.”  With that she pecked Seung Ho’s cheek and ran out of the dance room her face on fire.  As soon as she was outside she smirked a bit to herself.  “Note to self don’t kiss them for two days and then they go nuts.”  Delphine wondered what it would be like after a month of not seeing each other.  She dreaded it but was far too curious at the same time. 

Her pleasant train of thought didn’t last too long when she saw Rena come out of another hallway and head towards the lobby as well.  With a growl she picked up her pace and without messing up her pace she raised her hand and smacked Rena as hard as she could on the back of her head.  Not even bothering to turn as she continued to walk away she smirked as Rena shouted after her.  “That’s for thinking you can with my best friend’s relationship!”

Rather proud of herself Delphine glanced around trying to decide which place she should try first.  She knew that Sung-hee wouldn’t want to be home; too many days in the house would drive her crazy.  From what Delphine figured she was either at work, that bridge she dragged Delphine too numerous times, their favorite Mandu stand stuffing her face or she was stuffing her face at Dunkin Donuts.  “Okay if I was her would I torture myself going to places with memories or stuff my face?” 

After a bit of internal debate she decided on the bridge.  If she wasn’t there then she’d try the Mandu stand next though a tiny part of her figured she would be at Dunkin Donuts but Delphine didn’t want to risk it.  Knowing that the bridge was close by she hopped on her motorcycle and drove as fast as she could. 

The looks she got when she pulled up to the sidewalk didn’t surprise her.  If anything Delphine laughed a bit and waved at them only to have them walk away faster.  Maybe she had been spending too much time with Sung-hee.  Speaking of the girl, Delphine narrowed her eyes trying to find a hint of her anywhere but so far there was nothing.  She went up and down both sides of the bridge a few times before finally deciding that she wasn’t there.  But Delphine wasn’t too worried.  Well not until Sung-hee wasn’t at work, or the Mandu stand, or her house or Dunkin Donuts.  And she wasn’t answering her phone either.  “Come on Delphine think.  Where else would she go?”

It suddenly clicked in her head.  Why in the world did she not think of this earlier?  Hopping back on her motorcycle Delphine sped off towards Hyo’s house.  If she wasn’t there then Delphine was certain she was going to explode.  But as she drew closer and closer to the house her confidence on the matter grew more and more. 

Nearly sliding her motorcycle into the fountain in front of Hyo’s house Delphine ran up the steps and banged on the door repeatedly.  “Yah!  Park if you’re in there you better open this door before I break in and I don’t think your brother is going to like that!”  When there wasn’t an immediate reaction Delphine banged on the door harder. 

A few seconds later Sung-hee opened the door looking disheveled.  If Delphine wasn’t so excited she would have fussed over Sung-hee’s hair and dark circles but now wasn’t the time.  “Why can’t I just wallow in my brother’s house in peace?”

Smiling reassuringly Delphine tried to pull Sung-hee out while motioning for the older girl to grab her shoes.  “Because we’ve got places to go and people to see.”

Pouting Sung-hee yanked her hand from Delphine’s grasp and started go further into the house.  “I don’t want to see anyone.”

With a small roll of her eyes Delphine stepped inside just a bit too still be in grabbing distance of Sung-hee who honestly looked scared.  “You do want to see him Sung-hee and you know it.”  Grabbing Sung-hee’s wrist she tried to pull her out of the house.

With her bottom lip quivering Sung-hee didn’t have the strength to pull her hand from Delphine’s anymore.  “No please Delphine he probably hates me I can’t face him right now.”

Growling a bit Delphine successfully yanked Sung-hee forward.  “Hell no he’s leaving in two hours to go to Japan for a month, get your in gear I refuse to let your love life go down the drain.” 

Shock crossed Sung-hee’s face and she gulped a little bit as the scenarios of what would happen when he came back if they didn’t work this out.  Or even while he was there and decided that he was done with her.  “He’s not supposed to leave until next week.”

“You should know by now that nothing ever stays perfectly on schedule with these boys.”  Bending down Delphine put Sung-hee’s shoes on her for her.  “Now come on let’s go get your man.”  Without a moment’s hesitation Delphine grabbed Sung-hee’s wrist and pulled her to the motorcycle.  Shoving the helmet over her head Delphine smiled a bit at Sung-hee’s expression.

As she wrapped her arms around Delphine’s waist Sung-hee chewed nervously on her lower lip.  “What am I even going to say to him?”

“How about you start with an I love you and I’m sorry.”  With that she revved up the engine bringing the purring machine to life and they sped off towards the MBLAQ dorm as fast as they could.

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findhamarizka #1
Chapter 28: I sincerely think this the greatest story I have ever read to date. Amazing!
That was an amazing ending! like, my eyes are tearing up now! This is my favorite Cheondoong story <3 thank you for creating it!
Ah so happy about the ending :D not that it ended but that it was such a nice one.<br />
I'm really gonna miss this story but I can't wait for other ones from you!<br />
themixedtape #4
NOOOOO IT'S OVER! :( I can't believe it T^T but at least she got the happily ever after she's always deserved. But dang, I'm gonna miss reading about her. Thanks for completing this story :) you're awesome
Taisha #5
God I'm crying!Not really-but you get it....I would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO upset when Thunder goes to the army!<br />
I LOOOVED this story!<br />
Thank you so much for writing it! MUCH LOVE-Taisha!!!
Awwwwwwww. . . . That's so freaking cute. I can't believe this is how this story ends. I'm happy that is gone and they can now be happy. ^-^ Yay.
Ethrel #7
@aristargirl: I love spoiling you though my wonderful bestie :D Well I hope this makes up for all the messing with cheonhee that I've done. And I think you'll like the next chapter as well ;)<br />
<br />
@iabello: Yes! Super satisfying moment for me to write really. Well we'll just have to see about that one I don't want to give too much away ^^
Oh yeah!! Finally Rena got what she deserved from Sunghee, finally!! <br />
I really hope that Sunghee's and thunder's relationship will be fine again when he returns, I don't want awkwardness or anything like that between those two~!!!<br />
Great chapter!!! ^^
Ethrel #9
Have I mentioned how much I love you girl? Because that just about made me die laughing xD But yes even I want to shoot her.