So done

Life is a game but this isn't

Sung-hee couldn’t think.  She couldn’t breathe.  All instinct told her to run back there and find out if it was all true.  But she couldn’t even pick up her phone no matter how many times they all called.  And they had called, multiple times.  So many times in fact she had taken the battery out.  She even refused to open the door whenever someone knocked.  Another sob wracked her body as she hugged the stuffed bear that Thunder gave her as if it was her last life line.  “This can’t be happening.  This just can’t be.”  Shakily she took a breath and fell into the couch wishing that everything would just swallow her whole. 

About fifteen minutes after Sung-hee decided she was never going to get up from the couch ever again a hasty knock at the door nearly made her jump out of her skin and she fell off the couch in shock.  Before she could crawl back on the couch and ignore the knock a familiar voice accompanied the frantic knocking.  “Sung-hee Park you changed the code what the hell!  Open up the door before I kick it in!”  Even with Delphine’s angry words Sung-hee could barely bring herself to move at a normal pace.  When the knocking grew more frantic she finally reached and opened the door greeting Delphine with puffy, make up smeared eyes and a pained smile.  Before Delphine could get a word in edgewise Sung-hee wrapped her arms around her best friend tightly and cried once again. 

“Y-yah Park what are you doing?  Crying like this it’s not cute stop this nonsense.”  While she was talking Delphine carefully brought her back inside and kicked the door shut supporting her fragile best friend all the way back to the couch. 

“S-she’s re-replaced me.”  Sung-hee hiccupped while crawling into the corner of the couch and holding the bear tightly.

“Who Rena?  Please Sung-hee you know your relationship with Cheon doong is too-”

With a cry of frustration Sung-hee pointed to a manila folder on the coffee table and shouted, “He thinks I cheated on him!”

Delphine couldn’t speak for a few moments out of shock.  Why in the world would Thunder think that Sung-hee, the girl who practically worshiped the ground he walked on, think he was cheating on her?  Hesitantly Delphine grabbed the folder off the coffee table and opened it to find pictures of Sung-hee with another man at a café talking.  To Delphine they didn’t look that incriminating considering Sung-hee didn’t even look that happy.  “Who-”

“That’s my ex-boyfriend Daniel.”

“Don’t tell me he’s crazy too.”

“No he’s normal but that’s not the point Rena got these somehow and showed them to Sanghyun and he was avoiding me and then I saw him and Rena kissing!”  Wailing she fell into the couch beating the arm nearest to her as hard as she could not even bothering to be quiet as she cried and cried her eyes out.  After a while Sung-hee gave up the bear and clung to Delphine.  Usually the younger girl would make a comment about how Sung-hee was ruining her shirt or the makeup but she realized that right now was not the time for that.  Switching into overprotective best friend mode, Delphine held Sung-hee close and soothingly rubbed her back waiting for her to calm down enough to get the full story.

That didn’t happen for nearly half an hour.  Sung-hee continued to stammer that Rena was a home wrecker and a life ruiner and how she was too embarrassed to face Thunder now.  Mostly she wished that she knew if Thunder actually believed the pictures or not.  Finally she calmed down until she was just hiccupping every once in a while.  With the help of Delphine her face was cleaned up and a tub of ice cream found its way between the two as they took their places back on the couch. 

“Okay so can you explain this to me from the beginning?  I need to know if I have to talk sense into you or kick some first.”

Sniffling, Sung-hee took a large scoop of ice cream and pouted, “Well I would still prefer that you kick first.”

With a small smile Delphine leaned back into the couch waiting rather impatiently.  “Come on just tell me if you don’t then I really can’t do anything besides be annoyed that I’ve been left in the dark.”

Taking the verbal bait, Sung-hee sniffed once more and took another bite of ice cream before starting from the “beginning”. 


Three hours earlier

Two months had passed since Rena made the promise that Thunder would be hers.  Sung-hee tried not to think about it too much but when she started spending more and more time with the MBLAQ boys Sung-hee grew more suspicious.  But she trusted Thunder there was no need to worry.  In fact she was on her way to meet him and the others for lunch.  She had picked up some of their favorites in celebration of their next step taken in Japan. 

She wasn’t too far from the recording studio where Thunder said they would be when she ran into Rena. Sung-hee lately made a habit of pretending that Rena didn’t even exist.  Despite the fact she had just debuted and everyone was pleased with her performances so far Sung-hee never batted an eye at any news of her.  But today she looked especially smug holding a manila and tapping those heels that Sung-hee hated so much.

“Well hello Sung-hee.”

With her eye twitching Sung-hee sighed and tried to pass Rena only to have the girl step in front of her with that same smile on her face.  “You seem especially chipper did you kick a dog this morning on your way in?”

“Well aren’t you so funny.”  Even though her tone was sugary and sweet her eyes told the whole story.  The term if looks could kill certainly came to mind.  But then again Sung-hee probably would have killed her seven times over with looks of her own. 

Matching Rena’s smile, Sung-hee tried to get around her only to have Rena step in the way again.  One more time and I’m popping her in the mouth she’s being more annoying than usual.  “I know it’s a gift.  Now if you’ll excuse me I’m here to have lunch with my boyfriend.”

Finally Sung-hee managed to get past Rena only to have the slightly taller girl grab her arm and hold her in place.  “I’m not so sure he’ll want to see you.”

Roughly pulling her arm out of Rena’s grasp, Sung-hee turned around and glared at the new idol darkly.  “No I think you don’t want me to see him.”

Holding up the manila folder the smug look was back on Rena’s face.  “After he saw these I’m pretty sure he wants nothing to do with you.”

Rolling her eyes Sung-hee snatched the folder away from Rena and opened it up expecting something terrible.  Instead she found pictures of her and Daniel talking casually.  “Do you really think this scares me?”

“Your boyfriend is very convinced you’re cheating on him deary.  And he just won’t stand for that.  You’re lucky these didn’t get out to the press.  Good thing MBLAQ’s manager is so good at intercepting press photos.  I suggest you leave while you can with your dignity.”  With that Rena left towards, leaving Sung-hee shocked, confused and angry.  Incredibly angry and in disbelief. 

Refusing to believe a word that Rena said Sung-hee decided to make a quick stop in Kaang’s office.  The walk wasn’t long but it felt like she was walking towards her doom with each step.  She arrived at his office just as he was going inside.  “Kaang-ssi!”

He turned in surprise but a smile spread over his face.  “Oh Sung-hee hi you’re here to see Thunder right?  He’s-”

Though she knew it was rude she needed to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible.  So despite better judgment she interrupted him.  “I know I just need to ask you a quick question.  Did you happen to intercept any press photos pertaining to me today?”

Blinking in surprise, the hand that was holding the door open dropped and the sound of the door closing loudly vibrated through the hall.  That was all the answer that Sung-hee needed to know Rena was lying.  “What?  No,” He paused his expression suspicious, “should I?”

Shaking her head a bit, Sung-hee held out the folder for Kaang to take.  “Well if these count.”

With a slightly raised brow he took the folder and started flipping through the contents his brow raised and not particularly impressed.  “And what exactly are these?”

“Me talking to a friend.  Rena told me that you intercepted them and then told me Cheon doong hated my guts.”

Shock crossed over his face for a moment before he mumbled something under his breath and handed the folder back to Sung-hee.  “I see.  Well this is my first time seeing these and she’s got a few loose screws if she thinks that he could hate you.”

“Ah well that was all I needed thank you.” She bowed a little and gave him a small smile, “Have a wonderful day Kaang-ssi.”  Turning swiftly she felt better with each step she took; ready to call Rena out on her stupidity.  Right after lunch with her boys. 

But as she reached the recording studio all previous confidence and cheer disappeared.  Rena had her arms around Thunder’s neck and their lips were locked. 


Sung-hee sighed helplessly and looked down at the now empty ice cream tub.  “I know I should have pulled her off and demanded an explanation but for some reason I couldn’t.  It was like something inside me snapped seeing the man I’m so dependent on being kissed by another woman.”  Finally she looked up at Delphine who was still in too much shock to speak.  “I know you want to hit me right now for being stupid and not facing it now but I just I can’t.  I wish I could but right now I just can’t.”  Delphine still didn’t speak and Sung-hee scooted a little closer and bit her lip in concern.  “Would you say something?  I’m starting to ramble here.”

Delphine suddenly shook her head and stood.  “I’m going to go kill Rena and then hit your boyfriend I’ll be back soon.”

She made it about halfway to the door before Sung-hee realized what she had said.  With a squeak Sung-hee shot after her and latched onto her legs effectively holding her in place.  “Please don’t leave me right now Del.  I don’t want to be alone.”

“You need a stern talking to too!  Why didn’t you kick her yourself?!”  Delphine turned her upper body to see tears forming in Sung-hee’s eyes once again.  Sighing helplessly she motioned for Sung-hee to get off her.  “I’m not being fair am I?”  Sung-hee shook her head while she stood up and Delphine slung an arm around her shoulder.  “Alright I’ll cut you slack tonight and ignore the calls that Seung Ho and the others are sure to make.  Tonight it’s you, me and the wonderfulness that is Harry Potter until you pass out our actually smile.”

“I think I’ll probably pass out first.”

“True but I’m going to try my damndest to make you smile first.”  Sung-hee found her way back to the couch as Delphine started to grab all the DVD’s they would need and all the needed candy and majority of the junk food in Sung-hee’s house. 

Just as Delphine put in the first movie Sung-hee had the bear squished against her once again and had angrily rubbed away her tears.  “Thank you Delphine really I’d go crazy if it wasn’t for you.”

“It’s what I’m here for Sung-hee.  But I’m seriously killing Rena tomorrow.”

“I know.”  Sung-hee sighed and turned her attention to the movie, nibbling on a cookie that Delphine had set out. 

About ten minutes later Delphine’s phone buzzed signaling a text.  She glanced over at Sung-hee who was too absorbed in the movie to care.  Hesitantly she pulled out the phone and glanced down to see Seung Ho on the caller id.  Are you going to let him talk to her?  Glancing over at Sung-hee’s tear stained face Delphine shook her head.  Not tonight she’s too emotionally drained and I’m too pissed to let her be put through more today.  Before Seung Ho could even text back she turned off her phone and turned all her attention to the movie.  “By the way Park how is that flying motorcycle you promised me coming?”  Though Sung-hee didn’t smile appreciation shone in her eyes and that was enough encouragement for Delphine to continue trying into the night until that smile came back.

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findhamarizka #1
Chapter 28: I sincerely think this the greatest story I have ever read to date. Amazing!
That was an amazing ending! like, my eyes are tearing up now! This is my favorite Cheondoong story <3 thank you for creating it!
Ah so happy about the ending :D not that it ended but that it was such a nice one.<br />
I'm really gonna miss this story but I can't wait for other ones from you!<br />
themixedtape #4
NOOOOO IT'S OVER! :( I can't believe it T^T but at least she got the happily ever after she's always deserved. But dang, I'm gonna miss reading about her. Thanks for completing this story :) you're awesome
Taisha #5
God I'm crying!Not really-but you get it....I would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO upset when Thunder goes to the army!<br />
I LOOOVED this story!<br />
Thank you so much for writing it! MUCH LOVE-Taisha!!!
Awwwwwwww. . . . That's so freaking cute. I can't believe this is how this story ends. I'm happy that is gone and they can now be happy. ^-^ Yay.
Ethrel #7
@aristargirl: I love spoiling you though my wonderful bestie :D Well I hope this makes up for all the messing with cheonhee that I've done. And I think you'll like the next chapter as well ;)<br />
<br />
@iabello: Yes! Super satisfying moment for me to write really. Well we'll just have to see about that one I don't want to give too much away ^^
Oh yeah!! Finally Rena got what she deserved from Sunghee, finally!! <br />
I really hope that Sunghee's and thunder's relationship will be fine again when he returns, I don't want awkwardness or anything like that between those two~!!!<br />
Great chapter!!! ^^
Ethrel #9
Have I mentioned how much I love you girl? Because that just about made me die laughing xD But yes even I want to shoot her.