You're kidding right?

Life is a game but this isn't

A crash vibrated through Sung-hee’s apartment as the young girl shot out of her chair and slammed her hands on the kitchen counter.  “She wants us to what?!”  Facing her brother with the angriest expression she could she huffed when his expression remained calm.  “Has she lost her mind?  Oh wait no she thinks we have well she’s the one that needs therapy not us!”  Growling she hit the nearest object and her cookie jar tumbled to the ground all the cookies falling out.  Still huffing she stomped to the stairs ignoring Hyo’s pleas.

Just as she reached the first step Hyo grabbed her arm his eyes desperately searching hers hoping that she’d understand.  “She said that if we didn’t go she wouldn’t be able to handle our family anymore please Sung-hee I can’t lose her too.” 

Instantly Sung-hee’s harsh expression softened and she poked his forehead lightly, “You guys should be the one getting counseling not me.”

Sheepishly Hyo stepped back as if he was expecting her to hit him and twiddled his thumbs nervously.  “Apparently she blames you or something for a lot of it.”

Rolling her eyes, Sung-hee snorted in disgust and her heel to stomp up the stairs again.  “Of course she would your wife always wants to blame others for her issues.  She’s the one that needs to get her together not me!”  With another frustrated cry she was up the stairs and fell onto her bed punching the mattress.  “I’m not going to therapy again!”  As per the request of her doctor after her break up with Lee she went to a therapist that did help her for a while but eventually gave up on the young girl and moved to America.  Since then she refused to trust another therapist despite how much she probably did need one.

With a heavy sigh, Hyo walked up the stairs and over to the Sung-hee, taking a seat on the edge of the bed he tapped the bottom of her foot.  “Sung-hee I just want to save my marriage I may fight with her a lot but I love her and I don’t think I can survive losing her.  I mean what would you do if Sanghyun threatened to leave you?”

Sung-hee shot up and pointed at Hyo accusingly, “Don’t even mention that I’ve already got enough trouble with that Rena girl trying to get in his pants twenty-four-seven.”  Pouting she fell back into the bed and buried her face in her pillow biting at the cover in annoyance.

Blinking in surprise Hyo nudged her foot trying to get her to turn and look at him.  “She still hasn’t backed off?”

“Nope,” She shifted up just enough so the pillow wouldn’t muffle her voice, “you’d think she’d take a hint and back off but I think the fact she’s the most popular among the new trainee’s made her cocky as crap.”

“Dongsaeng this is when you smack people around and claim your territory.”

“Yeah but-wait a minute,” Finally she turned and smacked his shoulder, her eyes narrowed and a slight frown on her lips, “don’t try and change the subject! I’m still not going to therapy!”

Again Hyo looked surprised before shoving her back into the bed with a pout.  “I was genuinely curious about my dongsaeng god.  Now I don’t even wanna know you .”

“Oh grow up.”

“Says the one pitching a fit about therapy.”

Sung-hee grew silent after that.  With a sigh she grabbed her pillow and curled her body around it before looking up at Hyo with a small pout. Neither said a word for nearly five minutes and when Hyo showed no signs of speaking first Sung-hee sighed again.  “I’m not interested in someone ten times smarter than me picking at my brain trying to figure out what’s wrong with me.”

With a sigh, Hyo laid down next to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder squishing the pillow between them.  “You think I am?  But if it means saving my marriage with Mee-Yon I’ll do anything.”

“After everything she has done-don’t give me that look she’s done a lot of bull too- you still love her that much oppa?”

Hyo was silent for a bit before a small smile graced his lips, “Despite everything we’ve been through I still see that spark in her eyes and as long as that’s there I’m going to fight to keep her with me.  She may be overdramatic, whiny, demanding and judgmental sometimes but I can’t imagine my life without her.”

Sung-hee tossed the pillow away and curled up against Hyo sighing, “You know your commitment amazes me sometimes and I want you to be happy really I do.  But I still don’t want to go to stupid therapy.”

He nodded slowly understand her aversion though a part of him wished that she would just do it to make him happy.  “What if she came to?”

With a raised brow she looked up at him a look of disbelief on her face.  In Sung-hee’s mind there was no way that Mee-Yon would be willing to go to therapy unless she recently got an attitude adjustment.  “What?”

Hyo shrugged, “Like all three of us go that’s what I was thinking about in the first place.” 

Pursing her lips Sung-hee shook her head a bit, “Still wouldn’t want to.”


“I cannot believe I’m doing this.”

Mee-Yon scoffed and smoothed out the wrinkles of her skirt, “You can’t believe you’re doing this?  I can’t believe I’m doing this.  You dragged me into this just because you’re a little baby.”

Sung-hee turned to Mee-Yon “I’m the little baby?  I’m the baby?  Who is the one that is forcing all of us to go because you can’t handle a little bit of tough times?  You would not last one day with the drama I’ve had to deal with over the past three years.”

“I’ve dealt with enough-”

“You have a gun held to your head and then tell me you’ve dealt with enough.”


Scoffing she got right in Mee-Yon’s face a little surprised that Hyo hadn’t tried to stop her yet and sneered, “I can’t even count the number so shut your trap.  You’ve got just as many issues as oppa and I do.”  With a huff she got up and took a seat on the other side of the waiting room, grumbling darkly about how she shouldn’t have to be here.

A few minutes later a woman with her hair pulled back in a tight bun and a clipboard firmly held to her chest appeared, “Doctor Won will see you now.” 

Hyo looked at both of the woman in his life and sighed before offering his arm to Mee-Yon.  Sung-hee knew she was supposed to help him, she could still see the love he held for her in his eyes and Mee-Yon she knew deep down was willing to stay.  But god she just wants me to smack her doesn’t she?  Why the hell does she like to test everyone?  I’m not some lab rat.  The assistant drew her attention again and she realized all three of them were waiting for her to stand.  “Right.”  She mumbled before standing and shoved her hands into her pockets motioning for the others to go ahead with her head. 

A few turns down some hallways and ignoring the looks of some other patients or workers Sung-hee wasn’t sure, they arrived in a large room.  She ignored the woman as she fed the typical line that the doctor would be there soon.  A large couch sat on one side of the room with a painting above it and a large window to the right.  Diagonally from the couch was a large desk with a lap top open and papers stacked up on either side of the desk.  Across from the couch was a comfortable looking sofa chair and behind the chair on wall were a row of bookshelves.  Sung-hee nearly scoffed, it was a typical set up she had seen too many times.

Surprisingly she was the first to sit down, on the far left cushion and looked up at Hyo and Mee-Yon.  Of course Hyo had been in this position before and Sung-hee could see just the hint of a smirk on his face as he noticed the same things that she had.  Mee-Yon however looked completely out of her element and maybe a little nervous.  Hyo moved to sit next to Sung-hee, patting her shoulder a bit instantly relaxing the younger girl.  They would get through this together she was sure of it.  Mee-Yon finally took a seat right before the doctor arrived. 

A middle aged man, balding with just a bit of weight on him, a notepad in one hand and glasses rested on top of his head.  Bows were exchanged and he introduced himself while Hyo introduced all three of them knowing that Sung-hee was still in too fowl of a mood to do anything.  “So my assistant tells me you’re here because of family problems?”  He glanced down at his sheet to verify, “Yes and as I’m sure you know nothing leaves this room we’re in a strict confidentiality policy.”  When no one spoke he sighed and flipped to a new sheet of paper, “Alright now how about ladies first?”  He looked at Sung-hee and then Mee-Yon, ignoring the way that Hyo stiffened in anticipation, “Well”

Mee-Yon looked over at Sung-hee before starting, “We’re here because of her,” she pointed to Sung-hee, “She’s put so much stress on this family with all her drama that it’s put a strain on my relationship with my husband.  I don’t care if she’s family or not she needs to get her act together we wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for her pathetic drama.”

Even Hyo looked at Mee-Yon in disbelief not understanding a word that came out of .  He couldn’t understand where the sweet, understanding Mee-Yon he fell in love with went.  Sung-hee on the other hand felt her patience slowly disappearing.  Gripping the arm of the couch tightly she gritted her teeth and waited for Mee-Yon to say something else but the doctor said something instead, “What makes you say that Mee-Yon.  Don’t worry you’re not judged here and we’ll all keep this civil.”  He gave a pointed look to Sung-hee who sneered darkly. 

Mee-Yon glanced over at Sung-hee shakily before regaining her composure and nodded, “Well for starters she’s constantly getting in the middle of disputes with her this ex-boyfriend of hers.  Did you know that Dae guy that is on trial knew her?” 

Sung-hee turned towards Mee-Yon and growled dangerously, “Yeah because he shot me you stupid !”

Hyo looked over at Sung-hee in shock, “Sung-hee!”  He wasn’t reprimanding instead his voice was begging for her to let Mee-Yon say her piece and then she could defend herself.

Mee-Yon sneered right back her confidence shining through once again the more that she spoke.  “Maybe if you didn’t have terrible taste in men that never would have happened.”

The Doctor cleared his throat as he scribbled some things on his notepad trying to understand the jumbled mess of information that he was getting from the two girls.  “So that Dae man was your ex-boyfriend?”

Mee-Yon turned back to the therapist her tone polite once again and almost a smile on her face like she enjoyed putting Sung-hee through this kind of scrutiny “No his friend was.  That corporate heir that killed himself last year.”

He nodded slowly and scribbled faster on his notepad.  “I see.”

As confident as ever Mee-Yon straightened up and continued on.  “And she’s always causing trouble it’s like she has a nose for trouble and my poor husband is stuck having to save her from it every single time.”

That was it.  Sung-hee was not going to sit back and let Mee-Yon degrade her like this anymore.  Slamming a hand on the arm she drew attention to her and growled darkly before turning her gaze back to Mee-Yon who looked smug.  “Oh you think I wanted to get kidnapped five times?  Or held against my will for a month with an obsessive ex-boyfriend?  You think I ing enjoyed it?  What did you imagine I was having a ing tea party?  No you stupid I was running for my life-”

Hyo placed a hand on her shoulder but Sung-hee shrugged it off while standing and threw her hands up in the air.  “Sung-hee please-”

But his pleas fell on deaf ears, “No this I’m done with her thinking I’m some worthless piece of !”  She stood and got right in Mee-Yon’s face, “Every time I was kidnapped I was running for my life every single time.  I didn’t know if I was going to survive and sometimes I didn’t want to, knowing how much trouble I’ve caused.  God damn it Mee-Yon it’s not like I wanted to do all of this.”

Mee-Yon stood and tried to get right into Sung-hee’s face as well poking the younger girl’s shoulder just a bit.  “You listen here you little-”

Growling Sung-hee shoved Mee-Yon back down to the couch who finally looked scared of what Sung-hee was going to do to her.  “No you will listen to me for once!  Just as everything was getting better you decide to have a ing break down now?!  Out of all times?  You don’t deserve my brother.  If anyone here is the trash it’s you!  I will not be blamed for your inability to let go of the past and handle your goddamn problems on your own!  You’re acting like a five year old who didn’t get her favorite doll at the store grow the up Mee-Yon.  Put on your big girl and learn to it up.  Just because the attention isn’t on you for once doesn’t mean your husband doesn’t think the world of you.  He loves you more than life itself and honestly I can’t see why.” 

“Miss I’m going to ask you to calm down we can work-”

Sung-hee chuckled darkly and glanced at Hyo and she could see just a hint of pride in his eyes.  That was all the encouragement she needed.  “No this.”  Without another word she stomped out of the room, the door slamming behind her and out of the office not caring about the looks she received.  She didn’t stop for the elevator; instead she took the stairs down hoping it would help her cool down a little bit. 

Unfortunately she still wasn’t calm after seven flights of stairs and ended up walking to a nearby park hoping that if she hid there for a bit she’d feel a little better.  Finding a bench away from the main crowd she sat down and pulled out her phone dialing Thunder quickly knowing he was the only one who could calm her down.  But much to her surprise Thunder wasn’t the one to answer his phone.  “Cheon doong’s phone how may I help you?”

Pinching the bridge of her nose with her pointer finger and thumb she sighed heavily before answering the pointless question.  “You know who this is Rena.”

Rena pretended to act surprised and gasped a bit out of happiness and Sung-hee wished that she was in front of her just so she could punch her in the face.  “Oh Sung-hee!  How are you?”

Clicking her tongue against the top of Sung-hee rolled her eyes a bit and shifted against the bench.  “Oh ing fantastic.  Why do you have my boyfriend’s phone?”

Rena’s laugh was really starting to get on her nerves and she had only heard it a few times in her life.   “Oh he went to the bathroom I’m sure he’ll be back soon.”  That answer was not comforting at all to the overprotective and already upset girlfriend.

“That still doesn’t-”

“Here he is!”

“What are you-”

Before Sung-hee could finish what she was saying the sound of the phone changing hands stopped her and Thunder’s voice reached her ear, “Hey baby what’s up?”

Almost instantly Sung-hee felt herself calm down a little bit, it always amazing her, what a few words from Thunder could do to her mood, good or bad.  “I just got out of therapy with Mee-Yon and Hyo and I don’t think I’m going to be let back in their house for a while.”

“What why?”

“I’ll tell you when I see you but for right now,” She chewed on the inside of her cheek a bit, “Why did Rena answer your phone for you?”

“Oh we’re working on a dance routine together for a competition the company is making us do.  I guess she was just trying to be nice?”  He made sure to stress that it was the company that was making him do it and he wasn’t doing it by choice. 

That of course didn’t help her mood in the slightest.  She completely ignored the fact that Rena had answered his phone.  That wasn’t important anymore.  “Their making you do what?!”  She tried to sound calm but she knew she was failing and in the background she could hear the faintest laughter from Rena.

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findhamarizka #1
Chapter 28: I sincerely think this the greatest story I have ever read to date. Amazing!
That was an amazing ending! like, my eyes are tearing up now! This is my favorite Cheondoong story <3 thank you for creating it!
Ah so happy about the ending :D not that it ended but that it was such a nice one.<br />
I'm really gonna miss this story but I can't wait for other ones from you!<br />
themixedtape #4
NOOOOO IT'S OVER! :( I can't believe it T^T but at least she got the happily ever after she's always deserved. But dang, I'm gonna miss reading about her. Thanks for completing this story :) you're awesome
Taisha #5
God I'm crying!Not really-but you get it....I would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO upset when Thunder goes to the army!<br />
I LOOOVED this story!<br />
Thank you so much for writing it! MUCH LOVE-Taisha!!!
Awwwwwwww. . . . That's so freaking cute. I can't believe this is how this story ends. I'm happy that is gone and they can now be happy. ^-^ Yay.
Ethrel #7
@aristargirl: I love spoiling you though my wonderful bestie :D Well I hope this makes up for all the messing with cheonhee that I've done. And I think you'll like the next chapter as well ;)<br />
<br />
@iabello: Yes! Super satisfying moment for me to write really. Well we'll just have to see about that one I don't want to give too much away ^^
Oh yeah!! Finally Rena got what she deserved from Sunghee, finally!! <br />
I really hope that Sunghee's and thunder's relationship will be fine again when he returns, I don't want awkwardness or anything like that between those two~!!!<br />
Great chapter!!! ^^
Ethrel #9
Have I mentioned how much I love you girl? Because that just about made me die laughing xD But yes even I want to shoot her.