Why me?

Babysitting Super Junior

~No One's POV~

"HAHA! YOU CAN'T DEFEAT THE OVERLORD! TAKE THIS! AND THAT!" Heechul jabbed Leeteuk with a broomstick. Heechul was wearing an over coat but had it ed. A bandana was uses as a mask and his eyes were covered by a pair of pink neon sunglasses.

Leeteuk pretends to be stabbed and falls to the ground. Leeteuk wore his shorts and a ripped Under Armour long sleeve. Holding his ribs, he looked up at Heechul with intense eyes. "This isn't over Overlord. You will be punished for your crimes against humanity."

Sang sat calmly in the corner of the room while flipping through the newspaper. Pfft. Newspapers. Who reads them anyway? He folded it up and placed it on the coffee table next to the fallen sofas. He took my phone out and started to read stories on Wattpad. I didn't realize the extent of fan girls' imaginations with these boys.

Heechuld grins devilishly. "Oh, and who will be punishing me? You?" He scoffs. "You can't even land a scratch on me and you think you can-"

"Huzzah! I am Lord Dong, ruler of the seas and might waves." Shindong stood in the hallways with a blanket around his neck. He tied small pillows to his shoulders to create some sort of armor. He had a strainer on his head and his eyes twinkled in delight.

"Prepare to be defeated!" he yells and starts running towards Heechul.

"You think you're little stick can kill me?" Heechuls laughs.

"Unless it can transform into the mighty sword that can defeat evil."

Heechul's eyes widen. "You wouldn't...that's impossible."

"Or is it?" Shindong smirks.

"No!" Heechul starts attacking Shindong furiously. "I WILL NOT GIVE YOU THE CHANCE!"

"You know, someone's gonna get hurt eventually." Sang mutters.

Heechul flies dramatically and falls next to Sang. As Sang gets up to move, Heechul rolls onto the sofa as Shindong threw a pillow.

"If it's a rock throw you want, a rock throw it is." Heechul grabs the pillow and flung it. Shindong merely brushes it aside and drops his sword. He bends to pick up other pillows and throws it all at the same time. Sang continues to read from his phone as he dodges flying pillows.

"I'm warning you, if one feather of that pillow hits-" Sang's words were muffled from a thrown pillow. The room fell silent as the three members look at Sang in shock with big eyes.

"RUN! THE TERROR OF THE DEMON KING HAS BEEN UNLEASHED!" Leeteuk yelled as he scrambled away. Shindong and Heechul glance at each other quickly before rushing off towards their rooms.

"YAH!" Sang yells as he throws his phone onto the nearest couch and grabs Heechul's broomstick from the ground.

~Sang's POV~

"I cannot believe that was the reason you ended up here." Eunhyuk laughed. Leeteuk and Heechul struggled to hold in their laughter. I shoot them a glare and turned towards Shindong.

"Did you learn your lesson yet?"

"Hrm." Shindong crossed his arms and simply looked down.

"Eh? I'm sorry but I don't think I heard that."

"Yes, I learned my lesson."

"And what lesson does that happen to be?"

He mumbled again and I rolled my eyes. "Come again?" I leaned in while cupping my ears.

"Toneverhityouwithapillowandrunningawayagain." He mumbled quickly.


"I'll never hit you with a pillow again!"

"Good, and don't you forget it." I smiled and went to sit down when my phone rang.

"Annyeong samchon!" The boys stopped laughing.

"Oh he's fine I assure you. They'll behave from now on...hopefully. Uh huh. Oh you want to speak with them?" I grinned at the boys as they waved their hands.

"I'll put you on speaker. There."


Shindong winced at the tone my uncle was using. "Mianhe. I will do better next time." He said sheepishly.

I roll my eyes as my uncle stayed silent.

"Oh come one! Don't be all quiet. We know you're going to punish us for something!" Shindong said.

I smirk. "He's learned his lesson samchon."

"Good, does he looks scared?"

"He looks like he's about to make a mess of himself."

"Yah! I am not!" Shindong protested.

Samchon chuckled. "I was joking Shindong. Get better and rest well alright?"

"Yes hyung."

We all smiled as I hung up.

"Now who wants to end up like him next?" I rub my hands together.

As we shuffled into the dorm, I saw Sungmin in the kitchen, eating an ice cream cone. I was sure it wasn't his first or second. I decided not to say anything because of the awkwardness. Instead of going to get some food, I went straight to my room.

I could still hear the members talk about Shindong's accident.

"He just suddenly erupted and I have never seen him like that. I actually thought he was going to kill us."

"Aish, you were the one that hit him with the pillow."

"Nuh uh, it was Shindong."

"Either way, he had a reason to chase you down."

"I mean it's not like he was the one to push Shindong so he can slip on the pillow and fall."

"But have you seen him recently, he seems to be a little moody. Like one moment he's telling us what to do and the next, he's craving ice cream."

"I swear, he seems much worse than a girl on her period."

"Don't say that or you're gonna end up in the hospital next."

I roll my eyes and whip the door open. "You know I can hear you guys right?" I yelled towards the living room. It went quiet. I started to close the door when I saw someone standing next to the door.

"Oh hello Ryeowook. Did you need something?"

"Yeah, can some of us go visit him now? It's still visiting hours."

I thought about it. Only about half of the boys were busy tomorrow. I nodded. "I'll take you guys."

"Oh you don't have to."

"It's fine. I will be nice to again. Maybe even scare him a bit." I smirk.

"Aish, such an Evil Manager." He playfully pushed me. We walk to the living room to see everyone watching some afternoon drama.

"Who wants to go visit Shindong?"

Donghae, Yesung, and Siwon wanted to go. I nodded and everyone started to make their way out. I stayed behind to make sure everyone got out.

I start to close the door when I heard a voice call out.


"I wanna go too." He pulled on his shoes and scrambled after the rest. Well this is gonna get awkward.

We make out way to the elevator and since Sungmin and I were the last ones, we stood right next to each other with only an inch in between. I tried not to look at him or touch him but Donghae and Siwon were pushing each other and ended up pushing me against Sungmin. I was caught off guard when I lost my balance but Sungmin instantly wrapped his arms around me to keep us from falling. I blushed madly and tried not to meet his eyes.


"I need to talk to you." Uh oh, don't tell me this is about last time. Well of course it is! The other boys were oblivious and continued to fight. Sungmin didn't take his arms away.

I was relieved when the doors opened. I quickly made my way to the van and hopped into the driver's seat. This way, I don't have to speak with anyone.

The boys jumped in noisely. I started the car and drove towards the exit. I was glancing at the mirrors when I noticed Sungmin sit at the driver's seat. I groan silently. This is not helping. Thankfully he didn't say a word.

After an hour passed, I heard some snoring and music blasting from earphones in the back. I glanced at the mirror and saw all the boys knocked out. They must have been pretty tired.

"Sang. Can we please talk." It wasn't a question.

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Yes, there is. You, as well as I did, felt something when we kissed."

"Can you not say anything?!" Is he really gonna do this in the car with the other members?

"They're sleeping so don't worry. But you know I'm right."

"The only thing I felt was unwanted lip contact."

"Okay, it probably wasn't the best of ideas but still!" He protested.

"Look Sungmin, there is nothing and will be nothing between us."

"Is it because we're both guys? Because if it's with you I don't mind."

"Think about your image. Super Junior's image. You will be ruined! As you know, this country isn't like other places."

"I don't care about my image if I'll be with you! I lo-"

"Shut up Sungmin! Don't you dare say that. Just shut up and leave me alone."

He shut up after that. God, why me?

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2028 streak #1
Chapter 17: Hello there author-nim ^_^ remember me? I don't think so... anyway, I finally caught up to your updates. Sorry I was too late. can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon.
2028 streak #2
Chapter 16: Um, I'm slightly confused but the chapters were written nicely. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Please update soon :)
2028 streak #3
Chapter 11: Hello there :) A new reader here... I liked the story so far. I can't wait to read more. Hope you update soon...
ch3nya #4
Chapter 8: You updated! Made my day :)
ch3nya #5
Chapter 7: I love this story :P its not like the usual story with suju i like it C: can't wait for your update