The 11 warriors start to wake up. DO wakes up. He is touching his head.

DO: where am I?

                He looks around. He saw himself to a field. He started walking.

DO: Suho? Kai? Where are you guys?

                DO is trying to locate them but he can’t they are just too far from him. He continue to walk. He approach a girl

DO: excuse me, what is this place?

GIRL: it’s Busan

DO: gomawo

                He continue walking

DO: how could I find the other? Kai, Suho, Chen…. And the others .. I can’t remember their faces. I only knew about Goddess Gu Kitsune I must use my powers to locate her.

                DO create an opening on the earth’s crust and jump on it. Meanwhile

KAI: *wakes up* Kyungsoo…

                Kai look around

KAI: Where am I?

                He started to walk.

KAI: excuse me, miss

                The girl turn and suddenly screamed

GIRL: omo! Kai of EXO!

KAI: uhm… do you know the way to Myeondong?

GIRL: ne, just wait for a bus in the shed *gives*take this and pay to the driver

KAI: kamsamnida

GIRL: can we have a picture?

KAI: ne

                Kai and the girl had picture together. Kai sit on the bench and wait for a bus.

KAI: wait, why would I use a bus if I could teleport to Myeongdong? Aish… I shouldn’t ask the girl.

                Kai teleported to Myeondong and it was a riot. People are busy. He asked for directions and asks people if they know about a girl who had a little blonde hair.

KAI: ajussi, do you know a girl like in 17’s of age, eyes just like fox and she had a little blonde hair.

AJUSSI: ne, I know someone

KAI: can you tell me the directions?

AJUSSI: just look for a golden gate and red roof.

KAI: kamsamnida *bows*

                Kai look for a golden gate and house with red roof. When he found it, he teleported to Seojae’s room.

SUHO: kai!

KAI: what happened to you?

SUHO: I was left behind. Then, one of the Goddess killed me. Luckily, a man found me and a unicorn’s blood was dropped on my mouth.

KAI: Lay’s blood!?

SUHO: don’t freak out! It’s from a pet unicorn not like Lay. Where are the others?

KAI: I don’t know what happened. The goddess attacked us and caused us to be separated.

SUHO: It will be easy to track the others if Goddess wakes up

                After a few hours, Seojae wakes up

SUHO: Goddess Gu Kitsune, You wake uo!


SUHO: You know me!?

SEOJAE: of course, you’re the leader of EXO K

KAI: how did Goddess Gu Kitsune knew our planet? Lord Hana Kitsune was imprisoned for over centuries and never seen the outside world of EXO, he never told anything to Goddess Gu Kitsune

HANA: there are two reasons, first was you copied somebody’s face or reincarnation.

SUHO: we copied somebody’s face because we wanted to be adapted to this world.

KAI: we have to find others!

SUHO: Goddess Gu Kitsune, locate the other warriors!

SEOJAE: how?

SUHO: mollayo!

KAI: Suho, we should tell the whole story to Goddess Gu Kitsune.

SEOJAE: Goddess Gu Kitsune?

SUHO: Your name is Gu Kitsune since you are a kitsune, we should show our respect and your position, that’s why we Called you Goddess. While you were a new born baby, The Evil Kitsune Generation planned to take you and use your powers to rule the world. The remaining seven kitsune fought but they died, the enemy too were killed but except one… The prettiest & worst Kitsune on their Generation, her name is Yoo Na. She is hunting you down. Earlier, she came here and trying to take you, but Hana can’t take Yoo Na, luckily I came and fought Yoo Na. She wants your powers to make her sisters rise and rule the world. The heads of the Kitsune planned to send you to Earth to protect you. Yoo Na is finding you for over 17 years in the galaxy and now the she spotted you. She will come back here but Don’t worry, We will be protecting you.*caressing Seojae’s hair*

SEOJAE *blush*

SUHO: we have to put some walls around the house so Yoo Na can’t enter the house easily, if you may Excuse us, Goddess Gu Kitsune?

SEOJAE: araseo, but don’t call me Goddess Gu Kitsune, just call me Seojae

SUHO: NE,Seojae *bows*

                Suho and Kai left Seojae and they create a shield all around the house. Meanwhile

SEOJAE: aigoo!! Suho is here! His face features are just like EXO K’s Suho!! Kai!! And he addressed me as a Goddess!! And Kai… his hotness!

                Mr. Suro knock on the door.

MR. SURO: can I talk to you?

SEOJAE: sure

                Mr. Suro went to Seojae

MR. SURO: about what I planned earlier, I’m sorry for being blind for fame. I waited for the moment to see a mythical creature. They never believe me and they even told me that I’m a lunatic. I hate when someone isn’t believing people who is serious while they are always believing the mouths of the Senators and making promises!

SEOJAE: calm down, Mr. Suro. I know that it is hard to persuade people like the Government workers. Don’t mind them. Why don’t you sleep it is almost night.

MR. SURO: kamsamnida *bows*

                Mr. Suro left all sleep. Suho and Kai sleep on the chair. 

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