Seojae can’t fight Yoo Na.

YOO NA: once you sit on the Throne, it will fully control your body. You can’t move. There will be Prikursaurs guarding you, preventing outsiders to take you.

                Yoo Na force Seojae to sit. Seojae slowly close her eyes and the throne began to observe her power. The 8 dead lying bodies are starting to regain life.

YOO NA: my sisters…

                After a few minutes, the 8 dead were alive.

TAEYEON: Yoo Na…        

                The warriors reach the EXO PLANET.

SUHO: they are alive…

HANA: we must get her out from the Throne.

                They went to the empire.

SUHO: there were many Prikusaurs everywhere.

HANA: the sisters are surely planning for the attack in other planets.

SUHO: we should stop them

HANA: not yet, only Seojae can stop them all.

DO: but, Goddess can’t use her power much.

HANA: don’t worry, she is unstoppable and uncontrollable. What she sees, she kills.

YEOL: The war started when the sisters found out that they are not fully Goddess. They want more power.

HANA: we will kill these Prikusaurs silently.

                Tao stop time and the others attack. Tao easily weakens so, it didn’t stop the PriKusaurs long. Meanwhile the sisters are watching Seojae.

YOO NA: she can’t use her power well, so it is easy for me to take her.

TIFFANY: she is too young hold such a great power.

JESSICA: we must get her power.

TAEYEON: only a male can get her power. Don’t worry as long as she supports us, we will be strong.

SOOYOUNG: let us attack the Mercury first. We may find someone there.

                The sisters fly away. Hana and the other warriors went inside the room.

SUHO: keep your eyes open. There is a trap here.

                When they reach the center, Prikusaurs appeared. They started to fight but many Prikusaurs are attacking them. It is endless.

HANA: DO get Goddess and Suho look after DO.

SUHO: ne!

                DO gets Seojae and Suho is guarding them. Meanwhile, the 8 sisters suddenly weakens.

SEOHYUN: what happened?

YURI: someone snatch Goddess from the Throne of Dead.

SEOHYUN: the warriors are there.

TAEYEON: let’s go!

                They return to the EXO PLANET.


SUHO: you are now safe…

                The sisters crash on the room.

TAEYEON: how dare you snatch her?

HANA: snatch her? She belongs to us.

TAEYEON: but not now, Hana.

HANA: Guard her.

                The boys attack the sisters.

SUNNY: you are no match for us.

                Sunny use her dagger and stab it on Luhan’s shoulders.

LUHAN: ah!!


                Kai teleported and get Luhan then take him to Lay to heal.

LAY: the dagger has a venom and it will not heal easily. Suho kill Sunny so the venom will stop poisoning Luhan.

SUHO: araseo.

                Suho attack Sunny but he was been wounded too. Seojae can’t take it. She stand up, tails are going out. Her eyes glows and red lines her cheeks appeared.

SEOJAE: I don’t let anyone hurt my warriors.

                Sunnye can’t move since Seojae is using her shadow possession technique. Seojae took the dagger and stab it on Sunny’s stomach.

YOO NA: Sunny!!!

                Yoo Na attacked Seojae but she was been stabbed too.

SEOJAE: stay away from them and fight me!

                All stop. The girls saw their sisters lying dead.

TAEYEON: Sunny! Yoo Na!

                Taeyeon attack Seojae. They continue to fight. The other girls join.

SEOJAE: you are no match for me. *smirks*

                The girls were thrown away. Taeyeon attack Seojae easily kill her. Jessica was next. The tails grab Jessica’s body and made Jessica into ashes. The others attacked too but were killed, Seohyun is the last one.

SEOHYUN: I could have just killed you.

SEOJAE: even if you kill me, you’re not going to be a Goddess.

                They fight. Seohyun was thrown away. Seojae went to her warriors and continue to heal them. Seohyun stand up and had a dagger with her hand and was going to kill Seojae, Seojae don’t know about it so she was been stab at the back. Then, she took the dagger then darted it to Seohyun then she die. The warriors immediately take Seojae to the Tree of Life.

HANA: Lay heal her.

                Lay sit next to Seojae, lean then kiss. After a few seconds, Seojae push Lay.

LAY: Goddess…

                Seojae stand up and hug Suho.

SEOJAE: Goodbye, Suho *kiss*

                Seojae takeS Hana with her and stand on the Destroyed Tree of Life. Seojae and Hana suddenly glow and Suho can see that Seojae is looking at him and was crying. Then the two disappeared. A small plant grow where the two Gods stood then disappeared. Suho comes to the newly grown plant.

SUHO: I’ll take care of you, Seojae-ah…

                Tears drop on the plant and the destroyed place began to change. They heard a soft voice echoing

SEOJAE: don’t worry about the number, The tree of Life will be giving  new lives every three years. We will continue the flow of life here at EXO PLANET. 





Thank you for reading even it is not that good.


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