After class, Seojae goes to the canteen and found three guys.

SEOJAE: it’s complete…

                Seojae approach the three men.

SEOJAE: let’s go home.

BAEKHYUN: can we teleport?

SEOJAE: even you have the powers I don’t want to abuse it.

TAO: let’s take a bus instead.

                They go home.

SUHO: We’re complete.

                All look at him.

DO: what are you saying? Are you thinking of something?

SUHO: Goddess found the three other warriors.

YEOL: how do you know?

SUHO: I’m the Guardian

ALL: ? *looks blankly*

SUHO: just continue what you are doing.

                Suho can’t believe his fellows are so slow so goes out and went to the terrace. He saw from a distance Seojae walking with three men.

SUHO: they are here.

                All warriors went out.

DO: Goddess!!! *waves*

SEOJAE: it’s DO! *waves*

TAO: do you found us all?


BAEKHYUN: yes, we are going home!

SEOJAE: not yet.

                All look.

KRIS: wae?

BAEKHYUN: we travelled here to find you. We took a lot of time because Yoo Na had made us separate each other.

TAO: you were born in EXO PLANET

SEOJAE: but I was raised here and I don’t want to leave my father alone. Once I got away from him, he will weaken and die.

KRIS: but, if we continue to stay here, it will be more dangerous for you, Since Yoo Na is here.

TAO: If you can kill Yoo Na, you can stay here, but for now, we want to save your life since you are one of the Tree of Life’s parts. You are the last one since the Tree of Life in EXO PLANET was been destroyed by Yoo Na’s sisters. We must keep the last part or it will be the end of us.

BAEKHYUN: we are endangered now.

                They soon reach the house.

SUHO: Goddess is the only one who could reborn Tree of Life.

YEOL: maybe she is a seed too.

SEOJAE: if I were going to exo planet, I will take my father.

SUHO: you can’t, he is too weak.

HANA: wait, if she is the seed her life will be taken, her soul and spirit will store inside the tree. Once the tree of Life is reborn, it will stop creating any Kitsune more. Me too, I’m part of the Tree of Life.

XIU MIN: how about us?

HANA: you will still live.

LUHAN: how will we live?

HANA: Just like what humans do here on Earth.

LUHAN: how can we reproduce since we are the last generation.

HANA: no comment.

SUHO: we are only created in this world to protect Goddess. She had given us life and we must thank her.

DO: how loyal. *teasing*

SUHO: Goddess, I think you can’t continue your college here. Yoo Na is hunting you, the more time you stay here, the more dangerous it is.

TAO: just kill her Goddess.  

SEOJAE: I can’t *nods*

KRIS: she almost died earlier when Yoo Na attacked her.

PROF. BAE: Seojae-ah, can you come with me in the supermarket?

SEOJAE: ne, You guys continue talking. Behave yourselves.

                Seojae and Prof. Bae left.

PROF. BAE: it’s okay for me to be left behind.

SEOJAE: but I love you appa.

PROF. BAE: I will be okay.

                They went inside the supermarket and were buying foods. A girl suddenly came to Seojae.

YI JAE: excuse me, miss. Your father got into an accident outside!

SEOJAE: chincha!?

YI JAE: the people take him to the hospital.

                Seojae and Yi Jae went inside the taxi.

PROF. BAE: excuse me, miss. Have you see a lady a while ago here?

JAE MI: yes, sir. A lady approach her too because the father was sent to the hospital.

PROF. BAE: but…. *runs*

                After a few minutes, Seojae notice that it is not the way to the hospital.

SEOJAE: excuse me, Miss. This isn’t the way to the hospital. *turns* Yoo Na!?

SEOHYUN: yes, it’s me. Goddess Gu Kitsune *smirks*

SEOJAE: where are you taking me?

SEOHYUN: to the EXO PLANET. I will bring my sisters alive. But don’t worry, I will not kill you this time. You will just sit on my Throne of the Dead to make my sisters alive.

                Meanwhile, Prof. Bae rush to his house.

PROF. BAE: Seojae was been kidnap!

HANA: Yoo Na’s empire got the Throne of Dead, if Seojae sit on it, her sisters will live and war will soon start. We are too weak, out-numbered.

SUHO: they are surely in the EXO PLANET.

                They began to travel in EXO PLANET. 

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