Chapter 8

Behind these Nerdy Glasses

*Minji's POV*

I looked around the classroom and counted the group of desks. We were in the back, our desks in a circle like the others, but we had more seats due to how big the group was. The other groups of desks were scattered around and only had 6 seats per circle. I turned back to the group and smiled behind my notebook as I noticed the boys laughing and messing with each other. As I looked around my eyes stopped at Tao who was staring at me. I immediatly dropped my eyes.

5 minutes before the bell rang two guys came in. They were sent from the manager and were quickly setting up three cameras at different points of the classroom. When they were finished they nodded at Mr. Jung and the members before walking out. I almost forgot they were here for their variety show.


The bell rang for a short couple seconds before stopping. Mr. Jung straightened up from his seat and placed his guitar on the stand. He glance over at us in the back before rubbing the back of his neck, "I hope you've prepared yourselves for this. I certainly haven't."

I gulped as I remembered the crazy fangirls we have at our school. My fear of being bullied even worse came back as I sunk lower in my  seat and pulled my notebook up to cover my face.

"You ok, Minji?" Luhan asked as I nodded slightly.

"I'm fine," my response came out more like a question, but I didn't want to further explain.

Before any of the other members could say anything, the door opened and students started coming in. And just like I expected, there were screams from the girls when they looked in the back.

"KYAAAAH!! EXO OPPAS!!" the fangirls screamed in usion and started to charge at us. I tried to hold back a laugh as I caught some of the members face.

Fortunately for us, Mr. Jung was already up on his feet and jumped in front of them, "Now, girls. Remember you are all being filmed and you wouldn't want to embarass yourselves and the school on live t.v would you? Which would result witha visit to our lovely principal."

The girls' all gave some form of a pout and nodded reluctantly,

Mr. Jung smile, "Besides, EXO is here to be normal students. Treat them as though, neh?"

Several girls nodded excitedly while the males in the group snickered.

"Now I was going to assign seats," a series of groans were heard, "but I won't unless you all promise to behave."

A chorus of promises and agreements went around the classroom as Mr.Jung smiled, "Alright then find your seats please."

All the girls ran and sat in the groups as close to us as possible, leaving all the guys to grumble about sitting in the front.

Kai whistled before looking over to Lay, "Remember what you said about us having space? Guess that's only a dream now."

The members chuckled nervously while Lay rolled his eyes.

I could already hear the girls whispering around us on how cute they were.

Mr. Jung now stood at the front of the classroom as he clapped to grab everyone attention, "Okay, class! Good Morning! Who's ready for class? So, today the group you are in is the group you will be stuck with for the rest of the semester. With your group I want you to discuss a song you will perform for the class. I want everyone in the group to participate and since this is music class you are required to have instuments in your performance, not just vocals. And with that being said, you may start."

Before Mr. Jung could sit down one of the girls raised her hand, "But Mr, Jung! Don't you think it's unfair how EXO oppas are together? Shouldn't you maybe split them up?"

Mr. Jung smirked as he glanced over at us, "I could, but I don't think you or your friends would be able to concentrate well if I did."

The guys erupted in laughter as the girls blushed, "Besides Minji is in their group so it's not exactly just them."

I mentally groaned as I sunked down in my seat. No one had noticed me here until Mr. Jung pointed it out and everyone stared at me. If looks could kill, I'd definately be dead right now...

Oh my gaaawsh! I am SO sorry, guys, I've been so busy over the year that I completely forgot that I had this up here! Please don't hate me TTnTT I'm working on chapter 9 right now, but if you guys have any suggestions on what I should put into the story or who you want Minji to be paired with please comment and let me know. Once again, I am soooo sorry and sorry this chapter is so short. I actually thought I uploaded this earlier this year, but when I was working on chapter 9 I noticed that 8 was still in "hide chapter" option. I promise to update in less than a week!! I love you guys and sorry!

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Chapter 11: Please update soon.
Chapter 11: Wiheee! Its good! :) cant wait for the update.
Kuty123 #3
Chapter 11: I enjoyed reading can't wait for the next update:)
Taelin #4
Chapter 11: i love this , author-nim this is one of the best romcom stories i have ever read , hwaitiing
ByunShari #5
Chapter 10: great story! Cant wait for the next update :)
Chapter 10: This story is really good!! Please continue to write it!!!! >.<
whoisdis #7
Chapter 10: I love your story! I hope you update soon! :))))))))))
Cutear-ar #8
Chapter 8: Waaahhhh~ Hope U Update Soon!! ^-^
ILoveMyWIFI #9
Chapter 8: awwwh exo r really nice..... the story is awesome plz update soon author-nim
MsAmazing #10
Chapter 8: owhhh exo are soooo nice and thanks unpade ^-^