Chapter 7

Behind these Nerdy Glasses

"Well, she seems nice." Xiumin grinned.

"Nice, but a little wierd." Sehun shoved his hands into his pockets as the group started walking, "Not what I imagined our guide to be."

"I'm actually glad she's not what I was thinking of." Kai scoffed, "I'd pick her over some of our over-estatic fans."

"Good point." Sehun agreed.

Up at the front of the group, Minji was looking over the schedule given to her. At least these were mixed classes, so there was a chance she'd have a class with Nathan or Seokie. She smiled at the thought.

"So how much longer before we gotta get to class?" 

"Gah!!" Minji held her hand above her heart, "How do you do that?!"

Lay raised an eyebrow, "I think you just need to pay more attention to your suroundings."

Minji coughed as she started walking again, "You may be right."

"Um, you still didn't answer my question." Lay grinned as he walked besides her.

"Oh, right, sorry." Minji brushed her bangs away as she took out her iPhone to check the time, "We have about half an hour."

"Nice cell." Lay eyed the sky blue iPhone in her hand, noticing the photo sticker in the back, "Oh are you a fan of SHINee? I don't think I've seen that picture before."

Minji quickly shoved her phone back in her pocket, "I guess you can say I'm a fan. This picture was given to me so..."

"Just curious." Lay scratched the back of his neck as he looked back to his friends behind him.

"Here are the lockers." Minji turned left before stopping and handing the schedule over to Lay, "On the schedule it shows which locker is yours. You can't put anything in yet because there aren't any locks on them, but take the time to remember which is yours."

The group dispersed as they looked for there lockers.

"Hey, Minji," Chen called out, "Looks like you have a locker here, too."

"Eh?" Minji blinked, "But I don't need one."

Chen shrugged as he handed her the paper.

"17?" Minji looked up, searching for the number, finding it at the end.

She walked over to the locker and opened it only to find it empty. 

"Where you expecting something?"

Minji jumped, startled at the voice. She turned expecting to face Lay, but instead she faced Tao. 

"I was just checking." Minji mumbled.

"So are we going to go check in to our class or what?" Luhan asked.

"We can go now." Minji pushed her glasses up, "It's actually pretty close."

"By the way," Sehun walked closer to Minji, "What grade are you in?"

"I'm a sophomore." Minji scooted away, "The classroom should be at the end of the hallway at the next right."

"Oh." Sehun raised an eyebrow, "Are we early?"

"Just by 10 minutes." Lay answered.

"It's ok though," Minji speaked up, "He doesn't have any classes now so we can go in."

"How do you know?" Luhan asked.

"I come here during lunch with my friends, so we know Mr. Jung a bit more. He's really cool." Minji smiled.

"Whoah," Baekhyun's eyes widened as he stared at Minji, "You almost look cute when you smile."

The smile on Minji's face autamatically fell and she looked down as she walked over to the door to the classroom, "Oh."

"Did I say something wrong?" Baekhyun asked confused.

Kai smacked the back of his head, "You're an idiot, Bacon."

A man in his late 20's sat at the front of the classroom as he played his guitar, his fingers smoothly playing over the strings. He nodded his head to the beat.

His head snapped up when he heard his door open and his student walked in, "Ah, Minji. What brings you here?"

"I'm in your class now, but I'm a bit early. I was told to give our school's new students a tour. They're on the otherside of the door." Minji smiled at the music teacher as he put his guitar away.

"Well, bring them in then."

The door opened and in walked the members of EXO.

Mr. Jung stood there looking at his new pupils with an amused look in his eyes. He smiled at them before saying casually"Oh, I forgot. You guys are the new students. Welcome. I'm Mr. Jung."

"Annyeong haseyo, we are-"

Mr. Jung held up a hand, "I know who you are. No need for introductions.

"What is it with everyone not needing us to give proper introductions?!" Chen asked, s grumbling in agreement.

Minji smiled at the group.

"Well, since you're here, go ahead and pick your seats. First come first serve." Mr. Jung grinned at them.

The members started to circle around a corner of the room and sat in the desks. Tao noticed that Minji wasn't sitting with them. Looking around the classroom he spotted her sitting at the opposite corner, her desk farther from the rest of the others.

"Yah, Minji." he called out, getting her attention he patted the table next to him, "Come sit here."

Minji looked over to the door, shifting uncomfortably, "Aniyo. Thank you, but I'll sit here."

Tao frowned at her desicion before standing up.

"Yah, where you going?" Kai asked.

Tao didn't reply as he walked over to Minji, who was pulling out her books onto her desk. As he got closer he pulled the chair near her closer and sat down. Minji blinked in surprise as Tao sat down next to her, moving the desk even closer to her, "What are you doing?"

Tao glanced at her before shrugging, "Sitting."

"I-I mean with me..."

Minji stared at Tao, waiting for an answer. Tao turned in his seat and faced her, "Do you like sitting alone?"


"Then you won't be." he turned back to face the front, "Plus since we will be in the same classes together, we might as well try to be friends, right?"

Minji stared in awe at the boy sitting next to her. 'Wow, that's...nice.'

"You don't mind us sitting with you two, right?"

Minji and Tao looked up and saw the other members standing around them, grinning.

"We may be idols, but we don't mind being friends with you." Suho sat behind Tao, "We just didn't think you liked any of us. With your reaction this morning, you can't really blame us."

"Oh." Minji's hand flew up to her lips, "It's not that! It's just that..well..."

Minji quieted as she opened her notebook and started writing, "I think you guys are very nice. I have nothing against any of you."

"You don't need to explain," Xiumin smiled as he ruffled her hair and sat behind her, "Let's all just be friends now, ok?"

Minji smiled as she brushed her bangs away, "A-alright."

"And no need to be formal with us, ok?" Kris said, "Right now, we're just normal students, not some popular boy band. We'll basically all be together all day."

"I'll try." Minji's smile falltered as she mentally groaned, 'I think I just made things harder on myself for hiding my secret."

TADA!! I updated sooner than I thought! Haha, I'm a little proud of myself for that. On the other hand, I feel like my story isn't going anywhere. *Pout* IT NEEDS ACTION, ROMANCE, DRAMA!!! But I'm a bit of a novice at writing if you haven't noticed yet. Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter! ^_^ See you all next time!

And as always, HUGS FOR EVERYONE!!

Sending a hug to all my followers~ >u<


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Chapter 11: Please update soon.
Chapter 11: Wiheee! Its good! :) cant wait for the update.
Kuty123 #3
Chapter 11: I enjoyed reading can't wait for the next update:)
Taelin #4
Chapter 11: i love this , author-nim this is one of the best romcom stories i have ever read , hwaitiing
ByunShari #5
Chapter 10: great story! Cant wait for the next update :)
Chapter 10: This story is really good!! Please continue to write it!!!! >.<
whoisdis #7
Chapter 10: I love your story! I hope you update soon! :))))))))))
Cutear-ar #8
Chapter 8: Waaahhhh~ Hope U Update Soon!! ^-^
ILoveMyWIFI #9
Chapter 8: awwwh exo r really nice..... the story is awesome plz update soon author-nim
MsAmazing #10
Chapter 8: owhhh exo are soooo nice and thanks unpade ^-^