Chapter 10

Behind these Nerdy Glasses

A/N: Sorry, guys this will be a short chapter and kinda y :( I really wanted to add an interaction with EXO and Minji's friends so I apologize if its a bit meh. Okay on with the story!

"Alright, everyone! By next class I want you all to come in with a song you want to learn how to play on the guitar that at least has the four chords I showed you today." Mr. Jung walked around the classroom, handing out one index card per table, "And if you can put down all the names of your group members on here and write the part they will be playing in your group. Thank you, everyone, and have a good day!"

The bell rang, signaling the end of the class, and everyone started packing away their things. It was clear from how slow some of the girls were putting their books away that they wanted a chance to walk with the pop idols in the class.

D.O and Kai were arguing over who would keep the index card while the others stuffed the other papers Mr.Jung gave them into their bags. Minji had already packed 5 minutes before th bell rang and was waiting to her new found "friends" to their next class. She recieved a text earlier from Nathan that his next class was English, same as her, and she was looking forward to the class. She found it ironic how his mom named him Nathan, but he was terrible at English, though he tried to pull it off as if he knew.

"So, English next, right?" Luhan swung his bag over his shoulder as he walked over to Minji, "Are you any good in that class?"

"Better than Kai, I bet." Kris grinned as he lightly punched Kai who returned the gesture back.

"I'm alright at it, I guess. English is a hard language, though, so I'm not exactly perfect." Minji replied as she headed out the door.

The rest of the group followed, making jokes over who was the worst at English. So far Kai, Xiumin, and Sehun are in the lead.

nLay was in the front of the group with Luhan and Minji, watching in amusement as Luhan told Minji about the time Xiumin asked Chanyeol to play soccer with him.

"You're staring, again." 

Lay glanced over at Tao and smiled, "From what I've seen today from you, it's not just me, right?"

Tao's face flamed up, but before he could retort he noticed some guy running towards Minji as she continued to laugh with Luhan, not paying any attention to her surroundings. The guy looked like he was aiming for her, to do what he didn't know, but he immediately sprang into action as he jumped in front of Minji as soon as the guy came close and he delivered a sharp spin back kick. The guy's eyes widened and quickly ducked and retaliated with a low sweep kick that threw Tao off gaurd and sent to the floor. The group stood in shock as the scene played out in front of them.

"Are you okay?" Minji rushed over to Tao to help him up, only to have him snatch his arm away as he stood on his own and glared at the guy. He missed the hurt look that crossed Minji's face as she backed away.

"Listen up, ." The other guy seethed as he continued to glared back at Tao, "I don't know what you're trying to pull here, but if you want to fight me then you better prepare to get your kicked."

Minji jerked her head up as she just realized who it was that delivered the kick that sent Tao down, "Nathan?"

Nathan turned to Minji and back to Tao and to the others in the back who glared back at him. A light switched on in his mind as he recognised the guys in front of him.

"Ugh!" Nathan groaned as he ran his hand through his hair, "I forgot these guys were supposed to be here. Why are you with them, Minji? Especially this !"

"If I recall correctly, aren't you the one that just attacked Tao?" Kai confronted as he moved to the front, "So wouldn't that make you the ?"

"Hey, he kicked first, alright?" Nathan growled as he stepped up to Kai, "I just defended myself!"

"Who the hell are you anyway?!" Tao clenched his fists as he tried to control his breathing.

"Who the hell am I?" Nathan narrowed his eyes at Tao and he moved to take a step closer, "You know, you're really starting to piss me the fu-"

"UMMA!" Minji saw from the moment his eyes narrowed that there would be trouble if she didn't step in, so thinking quickly she ran over and squished his cheeks together, ignoring his bewildered eyes, "We're gonna get late to class!"

"Ah! Inji at te ell ar ou oing??(Yah! What the hell are you doing??)" Nathan mumbled through his squished face, trying to peel her hands off him, "Ishh! ot meh fsh!! (Aishh! Not my face!)"

"Yes! I totally agree! We should go now!" Minji nodded as she ignored the words she understood him saying.

And with that Minji grabbed his arm and dragged him two doors down the hall, once more ignoring his protests and swearing. She shoved him in and turned to the confused members, waving them in before ducking into the classroom.

"Did she just?" Luhan pointed to his cheeks as he and the other members stood rooted at the same spot.

"Yeah...and called him 'umma'..." Chanyeol frowned, still looking down the hall, "It's always the quiet ones that are really weird, isn't it?"

"I don't like that guy." Tao crossed his arms.

"Did she just ditch us?" Luhan asked as he looked at the others.

"Basically." Suho smiled.

As if on cue, Minji stuck her head out of the door and frantically waved them in again, "Hurry up! The bell is gonna ring soon!" 

The boys eyes widened as they ran down the hall, all safetly entering the classroom right before the bell rang.

I know!! I'm sorry it's so short!! But at least it's something right? See you all soon! :)

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Chapter 11: Please update soon.
Chapter 11: Wiheee! Its good! :) cant wait for the update.
Kuty123 #3
Chapter 11: I enjoyed reading can't wait for the next update:)
Taelin #4
Chapter 11: i love this , author-nim this is one of the best romcom stories i have ever read , hwaitiing
ByunShari #5
Chapter 10: great story! Cant wait for the next update :)
Chapter 10: This story is really good!! Please continue to write it!!!! >.<
whoisdis #7
Chapter 10: I love your story! I hope you update soon! :))))))))))
Cutear-ar #8
Chapter 8: Waaahhhh~ Hope U Update Soon!! ^-^
ILoveMyWIFI #9
Chapter 8: awwwh exo r really nice..... the story is awesome plz update soon author-nim
MsAmazing #10
Chapter 8: owhhh exo are soooo nice and thanks unpade ^-^