Chapter 6

Behind these Nerdy Glasses

*Minji's POV*

"And why not?" Ms. Khan asked raising an eyebrow.

I bit my lip as I looked over to the group members. Obviously, saying it was because I'm actually hiding the fact that I'm the maknae of one of the girl groups in SM and I don't want them to find out, was out of the question. But I couldn't lie either...

"Must I have a reason?" I gulped, glancing at the guys watching us.

"Ms. Kim, I have no time for this." she sighed as she waved her hand dismissively before pulling out a paper and handing to me,"I pulled you out of class early so you could have time to give them a tour around our school. After your tour is over I want all of you to go to your destined class, which is, lucky for you, music."


"No buts, Minji. You are dismissed." she smiled before standing up and opening the door of her office, "All of you. Out."

I grimaced as I trudged out the door with the EXO members and their manager following behind.

"Not you." I heard Ms. Khan yell as she grabbed the managers collar, "If I have to beat you to get you to understand my conditions on this reality show at my school, I will!"

I sighed as look down at the paper, which was our schedule. Dang it, why me?


"Eeep!!" I jumped back as I realised there was someone walking besides me. Too bad for me I ended up tripping on someones leg and fell completely backwards.

Laughter broke out in the group as I blushed before realising I lost my glasses! I'm not wearing my contacts so I really couldn't see, so I started patting the ground around me as I looked for those stupid glasses.

"Could one of you guys help me?" I asked softly, still searching.

Suddenly a blur of what looked like hands with something in them apeared under my face, "Looking for this?"

I tried to look up at the face, but squinted instead since he was too blury.

I felt hands brushing away my hair as I realised he was putting my glasses on for me. I blinked at the guy in front of me before blushing, "Th-thanks..."

He smiled back before standing up and grabbing my hand to help me up.

"I-I'll show you guys to your lockers first." I stuttered as I quickly walked ahead. 

"Hey!" a voice called, causing me to stop, "How about introductions first?"

I turned back giving the well known baby face Luhan a confused look, "But I already know all your names. Basically everyone here does."

"But we don't know your name." he smiled.

"Oh." I blushed as I realised how rude I was being, "I'm Kim Minji. Nice to meet you all."

"Nice to meet you!" they all said in usion.

I rubbed my arm uncomfortabally before turning around, "Alright, lockers are this way..."

I'm so sorry! I haven't updated since *checks date on story*...July.... I'm sorry! It 's been on my mind to update, but...erm...I got distracted. ^_^" This chapter isn't even long enough to make up for lost time! I actually had to re-type this chapter because I didn't like the first draft. The first draft made Minji too much of a crybaby and Kai too much of a jerk. But no worries, I'll update soon, my dear friends!! ^u^ And thank you to everyone who stayed subscribed to my story though I don't deserve you all! >n< So....HUGS FOR EVERYONE!!! *hug, hug, hug, hug, hug* 'Till next time!

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Chapter 11: Please update soon.
Chapter 11: Wiheee! Its good! :) cant wait for the update.
Kuty123 #3
Chapter 11: I enjoyed reading can't wait for the next update:)
Taelin #4
Chapter 11: i love this , author-nim this is one of the best romcom stories i have ever read , hwaitiing
ByunShari #5
Chapter 10: great story! Cant wait for the next update :)
Chapter 10: This story is really good!! Please continue to write it!!!! >.<
whoisdis #7
Chapter 10: I love your story! I hope you update soon! :))))))))))
Cutear-ar #8
Chapter 8: Waaahhhh~ Hope U Update Soon!! ^-^
ILoveMyWIFI #9
Chapter 8: awwwh exo r really nice..... the story is awesome plz update soon author-nim
MsAmazing #10
Chapter 8: owhhh exo are soooo nice and thanks unpade ^-^