A day before Sunday

Living with 12 demons

Time did take its place for a short while and then it was the weekends.

On Saturday, Kai had everything all planned out, The hyungs were included in the plan as well, afterall, two of these hyungs were your parents, non-biological that is. Everything was ready, except for the clothes they needed to wear. The maknae line did not need to worry because they had thought maybe Zelo saw them as friends instead of siblings- so they were out of the plan. 

Most of you guys went to go shopping for clothes, while some just stayed at home. Those people include Baek, who had homework, Suho who has to look over the members ( especially the sneaky Kai and Chen ), Xiumin and Lay who still needs to work on their lines.

The others just went inside DO's car, drove by Kris. It was better and a bit spacey- rather than Kris's car eventhough the driver was tall and big as . Chanyeol chose to sit in the front, he liked the sceneries from it, it was more towards 'full screen' and 'realistic' as he said. You sat in between Luhan and DO. DO was abit nervous, but not as nervous as Luhan. Eventhough the air conditioner in the car was a full blast, Luhan kept on sweating. 

DO reminded himself that you're his daughter, because your surname was related; While Luhan, he couldn't think of any reasons why he felt this way towards you, all he could think of was that he needed to poo- BADLY. But it worries him that he did not give out any farts... none at all. Both males had to endure their feelings for an hour in the car to Myeongdong. Chanyeol had suggested to use the subway since it was faster but DO refused to let his car be more than a mile from him.

After the awkward moment in the car, you guys finally reached Myeongdong. Kris purposely parked the car in an area of valet parking near to the buildings where they were going to shop at, scared of DO's nagging. By the time you walked down the streets, you were wondering why alot of people looked at your direction. Infact, you were always wondering the reason why. Even at school.

" I guess this will take a while, " kris said as he looked over the shops from his left to right. The streets reminded him of his trip to Japan once, with DO and Baekhyun as his company. They were trying to get to the theatre on time but the people in streets were blocking their way. So, they didnt get to watch it in the end. Kris was trying to avoid it, desperately since he wanted to watch his weekly gag concert on TV at night, especially when he saw Cho Yong pil was involved in one of the skits during preview.

" let's do this in pairs, I dont want to miss gag concert later on so meet me here after 3 hours, ok? " Kris looked at them expectantly, waiting for a movement.

Luhan looked at you with shining eyes, wanting you as his pair but Chanyeol beat him to it. " I'll be with Mihyun! See you guys later!!~~~ " and took you away.

Kris looked over both DO and Luhan. " So, you guys go in pair and I go alone. "

DO walked away, " I'm going to be alone, you guys go ahead. See you here later. "

Luhan was really worried being alone, since he didn't know the place well. It was the first time he went here since his birth. Kris sighed and both of them ended up as a pair.


Chanyeol & you

Both you and Chanyeol were in a small boutique near to the area where all of you first stood. You were checking out the dresses for Chanyeol, but none of the sizes were big enough for Chanyeol. But Chanyeol on the other side, was posing in the mirror, how he should look like when Zelo was there. The mirror was also the door of the dressing room, So when Chanyeol did a duck pout at the mirror, a lady in her 40s came out of the room.

" YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " She screamed and slapped Chanyeol's face.

" Maam, I can exp- "

" ERT! HELP! THERE'S A ERT! " The lady screamed and continued to hit chanyeol, and one of those beatings, was a kick in his leg, making him fall.

You looked over and saw Chanyeol being hit, instead of worrying, you laughed. You walked towards the lady and bowed, still laughing, and brought Chanyeol away from the shop. Chanyeol was breaking down in shame, but you insisted no one saw it except for the lady, the shop keeper and you. As you both walked, Chanyeol was still covering his face, embarassed. You felt guilty laughing at him earlier so you decided to make it up for him.

You stopped at your tracks and let the people walk by you guys. You smiled as you pulled down both of Chanyeol's hand down. You then grabbed his left hand in your right hand, locking both of your hands together. Chanyeol's eyes widened as he saw your actions, but before he can say anything, You pulled him away to the nearest ice cream shop, ignoring the now flustered giraffe.


Kris and Luhan

Kris was always good looking, he would always look like a model even if he was stark , and together with Luhan, Both of them made the world stop and stare ( and faint as well. ) Kris's role was still a father and Luhan acts as the son in college ( well, he is actually ). Kris doesn't usually wear professional suits to work, just shirts, tie, shoes and trousers. Even so, he still looked like a model. But there are some things you guys don't know about this perfect being.

Inside the Ralph Lauren store, Kris brought the suit that he and Luhan agreed to pick together, to the cashier to pay. Luhan had his own money, but Kris offered to pay, since he was working as a team captian of a group of police/detectives ( in which in Korea, seen as one of the high paid jobs* ).

The price came out of the screen- $1009,89

Kris looked at the cashier and smiled as he took out his wallet. Holding onto few notes, he asked, " Is there a discount? " and continued to, " Can you reduce the price to $500?? I thought those jackets had 70-80% discounts??? "

Luhan covered his face in shame. the truth was that, Kris is actually stingy.



He wasnt sure what he would buy. His role was a mother- not a male mother, but a FEMALE mother. If he wasn't so self centered about being alone at first, he would've joined you and Chanyeol, since both of them were assigned as females in the house, and also because he was worried if you had money to buy for your dress. He handed you a $500 bill that morning before you guys left for Myeongdong, but he was scared that amount of money he had given would not be enough for you alone.

He walked passed by few stores and looked at the dresses from inside the window. It was a Chanel brand, he liked the dresses, but it wasnt for him- It was for you. Without thinking, he walked into the store.


Chanyeol and you

You and Chanyeol were eating at Baskin Robbins again. You've decided that Baskin Robbins will forever be your favorite ice cream shop. Chanyeol wasn't hungry for ice cream as he thought about you both holding hands. He was used to it ever since you're 3 years old, but suddenly he felt this one was more different. Thinking of it made him nervous, he didn't know why.

" Oppa, are you going to finish that? " You looked inside his still full ice cream cup. Chanyeol regained back his energy and grabbed a spoonful of his ice cream.

" hyunnie, open your mouth~~ "

Innocently, you opened your mouth and Chanyeol shoved the ice cream in your mouth. You then realize what was happening and laughed. You dipped your finger in your ice cream and rubbed it on his cheek. Chanyeol gave you a fierce look and more towards pissed but his expression changed and the next thing you know he did the same to you. The ice cream fight made both of your clothes messy and sticky and you realized it was time to continue shopping.

You and Chanyeol walked into a department store, where you both can find clothes for both males and females. Chanyeol picked up his on clothes for pay, wore it and went to you after that. You were still choosing a dress and finally you found one for yourself. You took the dress and then you continued to search for a dress for Chanyeol. After few minutes of finding it, you found a perfect dress and size for Chanyeol. You didn't have to worry to buy a dress for Baekhyun since DO already volunteered to buy a dress for him. You took the dresses to the cashier to pay but Chanyeol stopped you and paid for it instead.

The next thing you did was change to the dress you just bought, and as you came out of the dressing room. Chanyeol looked at you with shining eyes and mouth agape. To him, you looked much more feminine than your usual outfits.

" Okay! we're done here~! Next, beauty saloon! " You chimed.

Chanyeol was still in his trance so he couldn't hear you well, but you didn't notice and continued pullling him by his hand. By that, his reality smacked him back in the face. He then realize you were dragging him into the beauty saloon. Luckily, it was a uni saloon and that there were no customers but you guys.

Chanyeol looked around the shop and the wigs. You helped him choosing the best wig and made him try it on too. Next was the make up plan, When Kai gave Chanyeol a role as a female, that female is a secretary for a rich company, so Chanyeol needed to look professional. You were just looking at Chanyeol being given make up with his wig on and smiled. The lady of the shop also offered you make up and hair styling for free since you're their first customer that day. You accepted but you insisted to pay because you thought it'll be a big loss for their business if they gave it for free.

Both of you were done and you noticed how beautiful Chanyeol looked, more beautiful than you. You pouted but then Chanyeol looked at you. He couldn't believe his eyes. Few minutes ago he saw you as a high school student during their weekends, but now, right infront of his eyes, he saw a different you, a more mature part of you. His heart could not stop beating and he swallowed every saliva forming in his throat.

After all that, Chanyeol and you left the saloon, thanking the workers. Chanyeol still had his wig and make up on but then he told you to wait outside of the toilet since he wanted to get rid of the make up and pull of his wig off. Few minutes after that, your task with Chanyeol finished. You both were hungry and went to the restaurant near to the valet parking to eat.


Kris and Luhan

The shopping continues, they weren't able to get any discounts so Luhan offered to pay, but Kris denied and just paid. And after that, Kris revealed more of his shopping secrets, " you see the clothes I wear everyday to work and home? "

" yea... "

" i actually got them for $6 at the market, especially those ahjummas who sell 3 shirts for $10 "

Luhan was baffled. He was the second richest next to DO but his economic life is the same to those of the town ahjummas. Kris and Luhan passed by small market selling cheap clothes, in which kris stopped to check it out. Luhan saw a beautiful dress inside the window of a shop and thought how it would actually look good on you. He rushed into the store to get it for you.

back to kris-

" Ajhumma, how much is this? " Kris asked the seller as he picked up a calvin klein replica shirt. 

" $10 "

" Ayyyy ajumma, it's too expensive~ How about $7?? "



DO was tired from all the shopping. He still had alot of money to spend, he thought he brought too little amount of money but it was actually enough to buy everything he needed- Baekhyun's as well.

He was then feeling hungry as he waited for you guys near the valet parking but then he realized that eating wont hurt. So he went inside the same restaurant you and Chanyeol went. He then saw Chanyeol and his eyes light up, and then he saw an unfamiliar figure next to him and realized it was actually you. His eyes widened more than it already was and slowly walked towards your table and Chanyeol's. He guessed right, it was actually you.

You noticed a presence and looked up to see your umma. " Eomma! " you chimed and patted the chair on your right. " please, sit! "

DO cant stop looking at you. ' you looked  more mature than you usually look, it's beautiful... '

" hyung! Eat~! " 

" o-ok "


Kris and Luhan

They both finished shopping and rested near DO's car. They waited for a while, but then both of them became hungry. " Kris, isnt that a restaurant? " 

" Yea, let's go in, I'm famished! "

They walked in to see alot of customers everywhere. Kris searched for an empty seat but Luhan saw you guys first. He didnt believe it was you guys at first but when he saw all of your faces, he knew it was really you guys. He then pulled Kris to you guys. 

Luhan sat next to you while Kris sat next to Chanyeol. kris was too hungry to care about the awkward athmosphere and so he just took the fook you guys cooked on the grill. But when the meat on it was finished, he searched for meat to cook next but he saw you instead.

The meat that was still chewed in his mouth, was now swallowed, even if it was big. Some might have choked, but kris, he didnt care. He just couldnt believe what he saw. The girl he helped to raise, was a beautfiul mature woman.

The same goes to Luhan. But unlike others, He was the most nervous among them all.




It was totally quiet on their way back home.

Nobody dared to talk.

You didnt understand why and just ignored it as you exchange messages with Zelo on the phone, excited for tomorrow

*I heard about this alot from kpop fans and even saw it in dramas ( where parents are proud of their son for being a police? )


sorry, I'll have it checked by tomorrow ^^ Im studying for my exams now so hehe

Hello! It's me ~ CHEESEYEOL~~~ 

im back! :D

Im really sorry i didnt update >< I was quite busy with college ugh.

I was supposed to finish this up during the release of the second episode of the drama but I forgot :(

I felt really guilty for not going by my promises to update earlier

i suppose you guys were bored right?

I purposely made this longer for you! ^0^



i love you guys! :D

(i'll reply to comments tomorrow~! It's 12am in my place. Nightie!! )

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updateu! (dyosoo of lw12d)


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Nightingale99 #1
i'm still waiting :,)
doluhan #2
Chapter 15: Please..update..this...I'm begging you...I love this..
flower99 #3
when will you update this story?? it been soo long....
please update!!
author-nim i miss this story :3 please update!! <3 <3 <3
Please update~~~
Chapter 15: Can't wait for Zelo to come over~ and hehe are they falling for her..? hehe o(^▽^)o
Fanficsftw21 #8
Chapter 15: XD ahahaha oh man i cant wait to see chanyeol as a girl :) i bet he looks prudy as one ;P
Chapter 15: The guys are gonna pretend they're her sisters and all?? OMG I can't wait! ^_^ But I just can't imagine Chanyeol as a girl... Maybe because he's too tall? XD Also, Kris was really a troll in chapter 6. *chuckles*
Chapter 14: Hahaha xD updatw soon