Chapter 11- 5 More Days...

~The Wallflower~

It was only 5 days until the talent agency seach thingy was going to come up.You came to your practice room every single day.You always think,Should I do this dance? They'll laugh at me when they hear this song come up... What if I make a mistake??

"ARGGH!"You sighed in frustration.

You got on your knees and messed up your hair a bit."What am I going to do?I practice this every single freaking day..."

You stood up and looked at yourself in the huge mirror in front of you."You know what?I'll do it.Mistakes or no mistakes...I still have to do this."You tide your hair in a messy bun and started to practice 'MaBoy' again.

You liked this feeling of dancing and being yourself again..It felt right.

Should you reveal everyone your identity?....Molla..I don't know..But,senior year is only 10 more days until...graduation day...Should I?...

Once again you sighed and just continued on dancing,just leaving Buddha deciding on your future.

The bell rang meaning time for dissmisal or no more time to practice here.

You put back of you black thick-rimmed glasses and put up your hair into a ponytail,and walked out.

You went to the alley where you left your motorcycle there.

You walked towards you motorcycle.But suddenly halted when a familiar voice called out to you..

"Stop."A male voice said.

"W-who...w-what do you want?"You stammered.

He laughed."What are you doing going on a motorcycle?"He asked.


"Neh,L to be exact."You rolled your eyes."Who names themselves after a letter?"You mummbled.

"What?"He asked.


"Yah!You didn't even answer my question!"He yelled.

"It's my motorcycle."

"You have a motorcycle?"You nodded proudly.

"I thought you were 'home-schooled'"You gulped.

"Well,I'm not..."You whispered enough for him to not hear you.

"Well?JinYong?Or...Gold-Dragon."He smirked.You flinched at that name.

Dammit...I'm caught..I'm trapped..

"Fine you caught me...but I tell you at my house..Come on."You patted the seat of your motorcycle.

He raised a eyebrow." YOUR motorcyle.And ME on the back?Hell no."He complained.

"Okkkaaay then,I won't tell you the reason why..."You put on your helmet and got on the motorcycle.

"FINE!"He got on."Okay,let's go!"You drove away.

"YAHH!!!DRIVE SLOWER!"He kept on yelling.


He closed his eyes tightly thinking,I'm going to die early...

You stopped infront of your house and got off while Myungsoo was still there...with his eyes closed and messed up hair.

"Are we there yet?"He asked,still not opening his eyes.

"Nope,I'm still driving.."

"But I don't feel any wind.."

"That's because I'm driving reeeeaaaaallllllyyyy slowww!"You exclaimed.He slowy opened his eyes.

He saw a big white mansion."YAH!"You gave him a look.

"YAH!What?You chose to close your eyes!"You snapped back.

"Who knew Miss Wallflower can be a sometimes..."He mummbled.

You heard him and turned to face him."Who's a sometimes?!"You yelled.

"No one!"He squeaked.

You smirked in victory and went inside.

You both walked up to your room.

"Wait here."You pointed to your bed.

He obeyed and sat there.

"I'll just be out in a minute."You walked towards the bathroom with clothes in one hand.

Myungsoo's POV

"Damn she can be a nice and a y sometimes.."I say to myself.

"I STILL HAVE EARS YOU KNOW!"She yelled at me.

"Cool!I HAVE EARS TOO!"I yell back to her.

I heard the shower go on.

"Wait here,she says.I'll be out in minute,she says.More like 'I'll be out in one hour'"He muttered.

JinYong's POV

What now?He knows my secret?

"I'll just spill the beans,No biggy...Right?"I say to myself as the hot water pours on my body.

I dress out like 30 minutes later and go out.Fresh and clean.



"What?Like,20 or 30 minutes?"You say to him.

He looks at you in disbelief."20 to 30 minutes?!You've been in there for one hour and thirty minutes!"Myungsoo shouted.

"So?A girl need her time."He shakes his head."Just tell me."You look at him curiously.


"Your secret."


"Yeaahhhhhh....Now tell me."He said with a poker face.

"I just want to...I know I'm pretty and I know that how?Because everywhere I go,boys keep following me and try to ask me out."You say to him.

"And,I don't want that during school.I want to get through school and go to college."You finished.

Myungsoo nodded in understandment."But what are you going to do during that talent show?"He asks.

You shrugged."Molla,I'll maybe just reveal myself...but I don't really know."

Awkwardness filled the air and silence too.

Myungsoo took this chance and stared at your face as you stared down at the floor not daring to look at his face too.

He studied your facial features and your long wavy hair.It was just too stunning.

"You know..."You broke the silence.

"Staring isn't really polite..."You finished.Myungsoo snapped out of his thoughts and listened.

"What are you doing for that talent show?"He changed the topic.

"I'm dancing and singing 'MaBoy' by SISTAR."Myungsoo looks at her with big round eyes.And imagines her dancing and singing...and those,kinda revealing clothes.

He was lost in space.

"YAH!Kim Myungsoo!"You yell his name.He snaps out of it and looks at you.

"Wae?"He asks.

"You have a bloodly nose!"You yell.

He touches his nose and looks at his finger.

"Give me some tissues!"He shouts.

You give him some tissues."Lay down."


"Lay down on my freaking bed!"You shout.

He obeys and lays down."You took a tissue and wipe away some of the blood.

"I'll be back."You stood up and went out of the room.

You went back inside of your room with a wet warm-ish towel in your hand.

You place the wet towel on his forehead.You grab some more tissues and wipe some more blood away.

"...Thank you."L says to you.

"What else could have I done?If I hadn't done that your blood will be all over my floor."You say to him.

"JinYong."Myungsoo says.

You look at him.He motions his finger to come near him.You put your face near him.You turn your face a bit.

"Thank you."He whispers in your ear and kisses your cheek.

You blush madly and sat up straightly."W-what was that for?!"You stuttered.

"It's a 'Thank You' gift from me."He pouted.

You continued to blush as well Myungsoo continues to pout.

_____Done :)







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{~The Wallflower~}-Chapter 17 is up!


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Chapter 18: Update soon!~
Chapter 18: I love Jinyoung's relationship with GD oppa!!
Chapter 17: Aww! So cute! Thanks for the update unnie!!
Chapter 16: Unnie thanks for the update. Fighting!
Chapter 15: Unnie thanks for the update! I love this couple... ALOT!
Chapter 15: YES MAN! You updated!!!
I love this.. and I ain't gonna spoil it for anyone!!!
Chapter 14: Unnie! Wae!!?! Wae? Why a cliffhanger!!!!
Inspirit93 #8
Chapter 14: Say yes! Haha update when you can ^^
Chapter 14: love it! Update again soon!
Chapter 13: Wahh! Thanks for the update!!