Someone Like You

EXO Songfic Drabbles [indefinite hiatus]
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The Summer Set - Someone Like You




[Word count: 336]

Someone Like You



Jongin realizes several months too late that his girlfriend might be a little crazy; by then, he is way too in love. It is a warm summer night, and she has just snuck them onto the roof of one of the tallest buildings in the city so that they can look at the stars. Or, you know, maybe get arrested for trespassing.

“Why me?” she asks, as they lay arm in arm under the clear night sky. Her curious voice rings in the silence, so far away from the traffic down below, and her eyes are bright.

“What do you mean?” Jongin replies, hugging her closer as a soft breeze picks up.

“Well, you’re kind of the most popular guy in school, in case you haven’t notice, Kim Jongin,” she scoffs, poking him on the cheek. “I’m not really mainstream, am I?”

“No,” Jongin agrees, for she is anything but mainstream. She ran with a hip, rebellious group of friends, and didn’t really follow the crowd. “But I like that, you know? Everybody else might think you're insane, but no one sees you like I do.”

“I’m not insane,” she insists, bunching up her eyebrows in an adorable pout.

Jongin just chuckles.

“The fact that we’re currently illegally on the roof o

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Chapter 30: this would have been perfect if it emerged as a full-blown fic T_T
Chapter 24: "Maybe next time" lol ~ XD
Chapter 30: OH MY GOD you have really good taste in music!! >.< Its totally something I listen too and would. Plus all your drabbles are also really amazing. I loved the one where the girl BAekhyun liked was actually Jongins sister and all the Luhan and Lay ones.
Chapter 6: You know I really love your stories. Especially these "drabbles" though I kinda wish they were longer. They make me crave for more. Also your songs really fit your stories, like completely. I'm also really inspired with music, its the main reason I can actually do my work and it gives me a lot of inspiration to write.
Chapter 30: The ever so cute Zhang Yixing.
Chapter 30: Haha ! This is so true ! He'd totally be like, eyy, no way. And then wave it off :p
Chapter 2: This chapter reminds me of this chinese fic I read in Baidu... in which Kyungsoo meets Kai who likes to dance in the rain because Luhan dumped him or what not. Lulu comes back but K&K are already together. Just saying.
Chapter 6: This is soooooooo true
darkyoung #9
Chapter 29: Thank you! This was great! You never disappoint!