What a Bad Day!

The Rain (Temporary)


The new semester began earlier that it supposed to.


“Oh, no…this can’t be happening!” You said.

It was raining out there…you don’t like rain; you hate it, so much…

I can’t go anywhere, don’t feel like want to, aish!


Bipp…some chat from kktalk.


Donghae Oppa:

Where are you now? You’re okay?


You smiled, he always ask the same thing, when its raining. Always. You touched by that. Aren’t you tired oppa? Asking the same thing all over again?


To: Donghae Oppa

I’m perfectly fine, I’m at the house now.


You attached a photo of you having a big smile on your face.

He replied with a photo of him making an ‘OK’ sign.


Yeah, you hate rain, so hate it. People only knew that you don’t like being wet because of rain, that’s why you avoid rain. But that’s not the real problem, not that simple at least, its way bigger than that. More dramatic and tearfull.

When the rain comes, your mood is going to be bad…you’re becoming very sensitive.


Bipp… Wait another chat? Who could this be?



Kris-thejackass: (Yeah, I know, a bit rude, but he is a jackass so I named his contact like that)



Should he capslock the letter -_- its kind of annoying…zzzz


To: Kris-thejackass

AT HOME! Whats up with the capslock T_T



Didn’t go to campus?

Nothing, I just want to see your reaction, HAHAHAHA


See, jackass!


To: Kris-thejackass

No. Not really.



I know, its raining. Can you please come out? Its kinda cold in here.


Wait, what? Come out? Where the heck is he? Omo…he can’t be… You run to the door and open it…there he is, standing in front of your door, shaking because of cold.

He’s fully wet, except the jeans. OMG! For godsakes he’s damn hot! *Use your imaginations girls!*

You grab a towel and handed it to him.

“Thanks,” he smiled, you nodded.


“You still hate it?” he ask,


“Hahaha, that’s the reason? Well yeah, I am hating it, until now~”


“I’ll drive you to campus, c’mon~”


“I don’t know, I don’t want to do anything,”


“Aigoo, we can use an umbrella, the rain is not gonna touch you. You still have to go to campus right?”


“Yeah, I know that, but still it can’t make the rain stop. Its not about the rain, it’s about the bad memories in it, you know that for sure…” you take a heavy breath.


“I know, I really know about that, but still…you-need-to-go-to-the-campus…”


“Aish! Okok.”




“Yo Blondie! Wait up!”


“Why being so mean, c’mon~” he drag you into his chest, and running with you to the car. Aish, does he have to so this? Your heart beating faster and faster. Not again…


In the Car,

“Aren’t you going to practice or something?” you ask.


“The new semester already started, so…”


“Ah~ you guys are now in collage~”


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