Waiting For Him || Key ||

WTF Story Time


You slumped your body onto the couch, pulling away your scarf from your neck and lazily tossed it away. Just a few more hours and Key will be home, you thought to yourself. You the television to kill some time before he came home, but your eyes grew heavy and you ended up falling asleep. Many hours passed, and a warm hand caressed your cheek. "Oppa?" you mindlessly asked. Your eyes slowly peeled opened and a green ogre smiling sultrily was all up in yo' grill. He opened his mouth wide and ate you whole. As you were getting chewed to pieces, this wushu panda came crashing through the window and began to break dance on your new Persian rug. NUU! NOT THE RUG!


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Huehuehue :3 I've been a silent reader.. and I totally forgot to comment OTL

Make more crack fic please.. Like I find it funny XD the first time I read it I cried cause I was laughing to much.. :3 hehe
Chapter 20: Ohhhh can I request a really awkward imagine with zelo?

Oh don't mind mee~ just unintentionally spamming youuu~
Chapter 20: NUUUUUUUUUUUUUU~ CHINGUU I LAFF YEW AND YOUR STORIES!!!! But, if it makes you happy *sniffle* I will be happy * wipes tear dramatically leaving emo like eyeliner smudges*
Chapter 19: Well.... That escalated quickly XD OMFG
Chapter 10: Well first of all I would go buy some pocky, eat the pocky, drive to Korea with my skateboard, befriend some dolphins, make it to Seoul, steal one of jay parks hats, eat sehun, make it to sment, in everyones cherrios, make out with Henry, fly to ygent, GD, roll to tsent, kidnap zelo, take him to a park, and shove ice ream in his god damnn mutha ing hot face then make out with a tree. That is what I would do with my bias (zelo btw.....)
Chapter 9: TaeMAAN is so manly!lol EYK references, love it XD
Chapter 12: wtf....... Chingu..... you REALLY REALLLY need a hobby....
Chapter 19: Noona! Do u know mehh? eheheh, I'm ur stalker. Uhm.. actually I wanna be ur secret admirer lol.
Okay so about ur crackfic, I've been reading ALL of ur crackfics and DANG! I really LARB UR CRACKFICS. IT'S TOTALLY CRACKING MA MIND. Laughing so hard and my cousin thinks I am really sane. Thanks doode. I'm subscribing to ur stories ehehe