Chapter 9

Lycoris P

My alarm rang and I turned it off. I didn’t want to get up so I hugged my pillow closer and it moaned. Wait what? I quickly opened my eyes and came face to face with Zico’s chest. I tried to pry myself away from his grip but couldn’t. ‘Zico wake up!’ I shook him. He mumbled something incoherent in my ear and rubbed his eyes with one hand.


‘Lijung are my eyes seeing what I think I am seeing? There is a boy in your room?’ I jumped from grandma’s words and I nearly pushed Zico out of the bed but in the last moment he grabbed my hand. ‘Do you finally have a boyfriend?’


‘No, halmeoni!’ ‘What no? Didn’t you agree yesterday?’ ‘I didn’t agree you blackmailed me!’


‘So you are dating?’ asked grandma and I groaned. ‘I suppose.’ I gave up. ‘Great! Get up I am going to make you pancakes!’


‘She is too excited about it.’ Is shook my head.


‘Do you have something for washing wounds?’ ‘Why?’ ‘Because you nearly skinned yourself and me last night. ’ He was right my thighs were in wounds. I took some cotton with medicine and tried to clean them but stopped. ‘Why did you stop?’ Zico asked.


‘Because it hurts like !’ he rolled his eyes and took the cotton from me. He made me to sit down on the bed and lightly pressed down the cotton. ‘Ouch! Stop! It hurts! YAH!’ I slapped his arm.


‘Bear it.’ I pulled his hair. ‘YAH! Are you determinate to kill me! I am done. It is your turn. Get new cotton.’ I made a face but obeyed. I felt a little guilty for scratching him. When I went back Zico had his back turned to me and was taking off his shirt. I felt myself blush.


‘You know if you have ripped my shirt you will own me a new one.’ I don’t know about a shirt but I will have to cut my nails. His back was in red lines. ’Your nightmares must be really bad because you kept crying and skinning me all night.’


‘I am sorry.’ I said while I was clearing the scratches. I finished and tried to not stare at him while he was putting his shirt.


‘Take a picture it will last longer.’


‘Shut up! Aish! Let’s go already!’ We went down to have breakfast. Grandma was way too happy this morning.


‘So what is this young boy’s name?’ she asked.


‘I am Woo Jiho your new neighbor. Nice to meet you.’ Did he just say his real name! Oh I should remember it!


‘Nice to meet you too dear. So sweetie.’ she turned to me with an innocent smile. This wouldn’t end well. ’I will be going back to the states today. Why don’t you call Nana, Sohee and Yoon to live with you?’ My fork fell from my hand.


‘What the hell? You are going where? You want me to call who?’ I was yelling.


‘I have some work to do so I don’t want you to be alone and I think that now when you again like boys it is safe for the girls to come.’


‘What?! When had I stopped liking boys! Is this about me having only girl friends?’ ‘I am not judging you…’ ‘Halmeoni! Why are you telling me this now?!’ She hugged me.


‘Don’t be mad sweetie. Eat up you will be late.’ With that she went out of the kitchen. I facepalmed.


‘I hate it when she throws those bombs.’ Zico bursted out laughing. ‘Go change for school.’ I ignored him and took the dishes to the sink. After that instead of walking out through the door like a normal person Zico followed me up to my room and went to his room through the window. I changed and went to meet up with the others.


Nana, Tammy, Zelo and Kyung were waiting in front the gate. Before I could say something Nana started yelling at me in Japanese. I couldn’t understand a word of what she was saying but I knew she was really angry because she rarely yells like that. ‘Subtitles please! ’ I tried to over yell her. She took a deep breath. ‘How could you allow your phone to go dead?! I was sick and worried for you!’ She hugged me and pointed to Tammy. ’I didn’t forget her this time!’


‘Hey what’s up? I thick heard someone yelling on Japanese.’ Said Zico and I pointed to Nana. ‘Seriously?’


‘I am half Japanese.’ She said and we started walking to school.


‘Yah Ahn Nayoung.’ I started. ‘Move back.’ fell open.


‘Seriously? You are asking me to move back? Yah, Lijung are you proposing me?’


‘Yes! Please take the kids and move back my love!’ I hugged her arm and we both bursted out laughing.


‘Ignore them. They think they are married and we are their kids.’ Said Tammy.


‘I will ask Sohee and Yoon, too.’ Nana nodded. Suddenly I was piled aside. ‘Talk about the wolf.’ I said smiling to Sohee.


‘You left us at the club!’ she yelled. ‘You left with that Zico! Yah Kim Lijung! Do you like him?!’


‘Are you crazy? No, of course!’ I yelled back.


‘Though, she is dating him.’ Nana said. ‘I told them to go on because we have gang business. I will write you the entire story trough the lesson.’ She said to Sohee patting her shoulder and gestured us to go. ‘So what did you two do that night?’


‘I danced with U-kwon all night! He is a great dancer and can keep up with me!’ Yoon was actually blushing while she said that. ‘I think I have something like a crush on him now.’ We looked at Sohee waiting for her story.


‘Noting really happened.’


‘You have the worst temper in the group and tend to do crazy stuff. Do you really think that we will buy the: nothing happened ?’ I asked.


‘Fine. I danced for a bit and then went to have a drink on the bar. I had to glasses of rum when some creepy dude at least ten years older than me started flirting with me. I was considering taking out my blade when B-Bomb came and put his hand around my shoulders. He said “Remember that you promised me to dance all night with me?” and pulled me to the dance floor.’


‘And you didn’t kick anyone’s ?’ asked Nana.


‘There was a nice moment but I was too drunk at that time. Yoon and U-kwon were at the supermarket and me and B-Bomb were outside. The whole world was spinning and I think B-Bomb was drunk too. Shinee were walking towards us but were too carried away to notice us. I don’t remember exactly what happened then but I think B-Bomb kissed me.’ I could practically see the couple comment coming from Nana but Sohee stopped her. ‘I can assure you that if something like that really happened, I am totally not sure it happened, it was only because if they had noticed us and started a fight we would have lost.’


‘You used too much if dear. But ok I get it. You are not couple. Yet.’ Said Nana and ran with full power to our classroom. I noticed that we were already in school and that Sohee looks like she is ready to snap somebody’s neck.


‘Soooo… It was a really nice story but I have to go to class so…’ I wisely walked away. When I reached the classroom I saw Nana waiting for me and laughing her off. ‘Don’t because even I am ready to kick your .’ I warned her and she just held her hands up like she was surrendering. Although I know she wouldn’t drop the question that easily. I put my hand on the already slightly opened door but stopped when I saw Block B coming. ‘Weren’t they ahead of us?’ Nana looked at them and shuddered. She was barely holding her laugh. Aish that girl! I viciously pushed open the door and stepped in the classroom.


I was met by a cold shower and a metal bucket on my head. I heard Hyuna’s laugh. I wasn’t angry at that point. I was pissed! ‘You little ! Who the hell do you think you are you !’ I yelled as I took the bucket off my head and was ready to swing it at her but my arm got caught. ‘Let go or else…’


‘Or else what, L?’ Zico asked me. I tried to pull my arm away but his grip got tighter.


‘I knew oppa didn’t dump me for that little monotone .’ Hyuna said making cute face. ‘Oppa let’s go out somewhere we don’t need to stay in class.’ She took hold of his arm and tried pulling him away. Instead of going with her Zico pushed her arm away. After that he pointedly threw me on his shoulder and walked out of the room.


‘Let go! Where do you think you are taking me?! Let go! Is this some kind of a habit of yours? YAH! You let go!’ I kept cursing and hitting his back. I was wet, cold and angry and the fact that he was caring me like a potato sack, again, didn’t help at all. He put me down at the nurse’s office.


‘L what happened?! ’ Dara asked worriedly. She pushed me behind a curtain and I started explaining why I am wet while she helped me get out of the wet clothes. After I was stripped down to my underwear she pushed me under a blanket and told me not to move. ‘Stupid little . You should teach her a lesson. You shouldn’t listen to Taehyun. Kick her like your oppa taught you.’ She was murmuring under her breath while putting on sun my cloths to dry.


‘Noona I was this close to strangle her but he stopped me.’ I pointed to Zico who was still in the room.


‘Act like a girl L.’ she gave me the warning tone. I spend the morning there with Zico. For first time he wasn’t teasing me. In fact if didn’t know him I would say he looked kind a guilty but then again we are talking about Zico here so probably he wasn’t. I practically jumped the rest of the day. I wasn’t in a mood for anything so I only did scratches in my notebook.


After school I made plans with the girls for them to come over for dinner. ‘Make more food girls we will be invading.’ Kyung said throwing arm around mine and Nana’s shoulders. ‘What do you want to eat?’ asked him Nana and from then on I stopped listening. Kyung walked me and Nana home and after that went in Zico’s house. The rest of Block B had been walking in front us and were already in the house.


‘You do know that I will have to move back all my stuff, right?’ Nana asked.


‘I know. That is why I am wondering why did you come here?’


‘I want to see your fridge.’ She said. ‘You realize that halmeoni haven’t even left?’ she nodded and went to the kitchen. I sighed and went to grandma’s room. ‘Halmeoni are you ready?’ she has just packed her baggage.


‘Yes, dear. My taxi should arrive any moment.’


‘Do you want me to come with you?’


‘No, I will be fine. You stay here and have fun with your boyfriend.’ She smiled sweetly and I sighed. Me and Nana helped grandma carry her baggage to the taxi. ‘I will miss you girls. You and your random drunk nights.’ Grandma said while hugging us. ‘I will be back soon. Love you.’


‘Love you too halmeoni!’ me and Nana yelled while she was getting in the taxi. ‘We won’t cry right?’ Nana asked while weaving good bye after the taxi.


‘I will go take a shower and cry there. You can cry in the kitchen if you want.’ opposite to all expectations we started laughing. ‘She promised to call when she arrives. We don’t need to worry for here. She will be back.’ I said in English and we laughed again. ‘I have a badass grandma that can break a thief’s arm. She is used to gangs, carries a gun and doesn’t get scared easily. I really don’t think we should be worried.’ Nana nodded and we went inside the house.


I did take a shower but didn’t cry. Even if I wanted I couldn’t simply because I had none left. Everything went out when the panic attack kicked in. I was feeling refreshed after the shower so I decided to do my homework. Not that I actually needed to do it. No one expects the kids from our class to do it but still. I dressed up in the bathroom. I had a black v-neck shirt and sweatpants on. The shirt and pants were actually for a guy and were a little too big for me but I liked that type of cloths. That is why my home cloths were all guy cloths. I went out of the bathroom drying my hair with a towel.


Suddenly I was pushed against the wall. ‘Feeling better?’ I heard Zico’s voice in my ear. He took the towel off my head so now I was facing his conspiratorial smirk. Something was off so I tried to free myself from his grip but he pressed his body against mine and put my hands over my head. We were so close that our lips were nearly touching. I could feel his hot breath on my lips. I think I started blushing! Then he closed the little distance between our lips and kissed me. The kiss was sweet like the first one in the club. It started slowly and softly but got more hungry and passionate. When he liked my lips to ask for permission I realized that I had answered his kiss and that now my hands were free.


I pushed him off me and tried to get away from him but without success. ‘Don’t try to get away. What do you think you could do? Try hide in the bathroom? I am faster than you. You wouldn’t have closed the door when I catch you.’ Zico whispered in my ear and liked it. I shuddered in response and he chuckled darkly in my ear. ’But that is fine actually. That way I could take your clothes off and push you under the shower.’ This made me blush hundred shades of red. ‘When I come to think of it, are you ?’ If I was red before I don’t know what color I was now. ‘You are unbelievably cute when you are blushing.’ I think I died out of embarrassment now. Zico kissed me again but this time didn’t ask for permission. He ran his hand over my stomach under my shirt and that made me grasp. He used this exact moment to push his tongue in my mouth.


 Instinctively I pushed my hands in his hair and pulled him closer answering the kiss. Obviously I had no experience with kissing but Zico was a great kisser. Our tongues battled for dominance and he of course won. When Zico explored all corners of my mouth he broke the kiss. While I was catching my breath he moved to my neck. I have no idea how he found so fast that one spot on which he once before made a hickey. Zico nibbled and on that spot and I could barely hold my moans. When he my neck I gave up. I moaned loudly and I felt him smirk against my skin. ‘! Now I have to cover a new hickey.’ He chuckled and kept kissing, biting and liking every centimeter of my skin he got hold of. His hands were running up and down my waist. All his actions were making me moan like crazy. Zico has just reached my bra when we heard Kyung call him. He stopped and slowly stepped away from me. Kyung yelled again. Zico gave me one last quick kiss and run out of the room trough the balcony.


I slowly slid down the wall. My legs weren’t holding me up and I was panting. How could I even let him touch me?! Where the hell was my mind?!



Please comment! I feel like I am not doing well. By the way I will be happy if you leave suggestions on how to meet L and tattoo girl from the nightmare.

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Chapter 14: Awww I love this! Something about her being forced to be with him & then eventually falling for him is so romantic to me, like Beauty & the Beast, lol. I love it!
WatashinoOrenji #2
Chapter 14: I just love this story SO MUCH!
I almost cry again when The Z-I-C-O got shot.
But then there's a happy ending!Yay! :D
WatashinoOrenji #3
Chapter 12: I almost cry T.T
I don't think Zico's the one who post the video.It must be Hyuna!
I hope they get back together.
WatashinoOrenji #4
Chapter 9: OH my gosh that was SO intense! >////<
Chapter 11: Asdfghjk. I really do love this story. ;A; It's simply awesome orz. I read all the chapters at once and now I'm craving for more and more. T^T Especially when the ending of the newest chapter is so uncertain and somehow keeping the reader in suspense. ouo If Hyuna really have done something that concerns Lijung, Zico or whoever else, I promise I'll slit without hesitation. xD /takes her forks out/ Aww, so curious what's gonna happen. ;~; Please update soon~! <333


And seriously, why does this story have just only two subscribers and two comments including mine? DX It deserves a lot better! ;A; You're really amazing writer, aww. Now I feel like doing some promotions on other people's walls. xD
Zeal95 #6
Chapter 9: Woooooiw! That was so intense LOL. I Really Like the Story line Update soon plzz" :D