Chapter 6

Lycoris P

In the morning I woke up in Zico’s lap. I carefully sat up. He was sleeping. I looked around. No one had moved except Nana. She was sleeping with her head on Kyung’s shower. I had to clean up. I started with the receptacle and wrappings, after that with the fallen food and step by step the room started to look like people could live in it. Look- with the armchair I had problems. Suddenly I heard a chuckle and I turned around to look at Zico. When did he wake up?


‘Don’t mind me. Keep cleaning.’


‘Come help me with the sofa you !’ Why is he so annoying now? Last night everything was alright. After all he did come to help me.


‘You have nice legs.’ He said after we fixed the armchair. That made me blush but I quickly headed to the kitchen. How did he decide that I was wearing sweatpants! On the way I spotted something in the hallway mirror. There was a hickey on my neck. I am going to kill him! Wait, does he remember? I fixed my hair so that it was covering it. Suddenly one of my songs started playing loud.(


‘We listened to that last night?!’ yelled Zico. I guess I won’t need to wake everyone up one by one.


‘YAH! Shut up!’ I yelled over the song. Then the fast part started and he looked in disbelieve.


‘Chick can talk fast!’ he said as I went to him to lower the volume. ‘What is her name?’


‘“Off With Her Head” by Icon for Hire. Really L? You will scare the guys.’ Nana said starching. Didn’t she notice where had she slept? Becide her Kyung looked like a scared rabbit. Sohee stood up from B-bomb holding her head. ‘I think I got the most drunk yesterday. I don’t remember anything after eleven o’clock. What happened?’ she said.


‘You didn’t strip this time.’ I said. Jaehyo and Yuri walked in the room. He was hugging a pot and she was caring an orange.


‘Hyung why are you hugging tat pot?’ Zico asked and he shook his head.


When Joonhee and Taeil walked in I bursted out laughing. Joonhee was dressed with my winter jacket and had one boot on while dressed for bed with shorts and T- shirt. Actually everyone except Block B, me and Nana was dressed that way. Next came down the maknaes but Yoon and U-kwon were nowhere in sight. I went up to search for them with Zico not far behind me. By instinct I went to the bathroom. I nearly died. They both were still sleeping but they were in the bath tub. Yoon was hugging a shampoo and a sponge and U-kwon was holding the shower handset. Zico chuckled behind me and took picture with his phone.


‘Yah, Kitty-kwon what did the shower handset do to you?’ he asked. Yoon woke up and threw away the sponge.


‘Wise move, dear.’ I said and went to help her up. ‘What happened?’ she asked me. ‘I should be asking you this, girl. You disappeared with him.’ I pointed at U-kwon who was looking around like he had fallen from Mars.


‘Where am I?’ he asked and I and Zico bursted out laughing. Before we went down I went to check up on grandma. She was sleeping silently in her room with her cloths on and half on the floor.


‘So who wants me to drive him?’ I heard Joonhee yell over the noise in the living room. After this question the noise increased. My phone rang and I went in the kitchen. It was Taehyun. I still could hear the others so I yelled viciously. ‘Shut the hell up!’ I couldn’t hear them anymore so I answered the phone.


Remind Tammy and Yeonju that they need to go in the shop and L. Have you tried beating Zico up?


‘From where did that come from?’


Just try and after that bring him here.


‘You are not going to kill him, are you?’


Are you worried for him?


‘No. But if you kill him I will be the one cleaning the blood.’ Taehyun snorted. ‘Fine, I will bring him.’ I hung up. ‘YAH Tammy, Yeonju! You need to go to the shop!’ I yelled and they appeared on the kitchen door fully dressed.


‘We were just heading there.’ Tammy said and they disappeared.


‘We figured it out and we will be going now.’ Nana said appearing on the kitchen door too fully dressed while the others were sneaking out behind her. What did she tell them? I saw Zico going out too.


‘YAH! ZICO! Freeze!’ He stopped mid step while the others went out as quickly as they could. I was starting to get suspicious. ‘What happened? Did one of you break something or did Nana tell you something?’


‘We didn’t break anything. Why did you stop me? Want us to continue what we started yesterday?’


I almost had a panic attack. ‘You remember that?’


‘How can I forget, Lijung?’ he stepped dangerously close to me and I acted by instinct. I swung my fist at him but he blocked so then I swung my foot and he again blocked. We went one like that for a while- me trying to hit him and he blocking. Finally I pushed him on the floor sitting on top of him.


He just smirked. ‘It is not like I don’t like this position but…’ Until I understand that I was actually sitting on top of him in a very embarrassing position he rolled me. ‘…I prefer this position.’ Now I was lying beneath him in an embarrassing position. ‘Is this why you wanted me to stay?’


‘Radiata wants to see you.’ He wasn’t standing up from me.


‘Is this a trap so you could kill me?’


‘I don’t know. You are enjoying this, aren’t you?’ He nodded and a glared at him. ‘Get off I need to dress up.’


‘No, I don’t feel like getting up.’ We were lying in the middle of the hallway and he was between my legs. ‘Can you imagine how awkward it will be if someone comes in?’ I asked. He snorted and got off. I went to my room to change. I put on random jeans, purple T-shirt and a sweatshirt. I took my pocket knife just so I would be prepared if something happens. I went out just in time to see Zico going for the closet door.


‘NO! Freeze!’ too late. He had opened the door.


‘What’s that?’ he waved one of my plush dolls.


‘That is Pucca!’ I grabbed the doll.


‘Why are those things here and why are they all with that thing?’


‘That thing is my favorite animated character!’ I nearly yelled closing the door.


‘Do you have like obsession with that thing?’


‘It’s Pucca!’ I yelled pushing him towards the stairs.


‘You do, don’t you?! You don’t look like the type of girl that would like something like that.’


‘Pucca is awesome! And if you call her that again I am going to take out my knife!’


‘Knife? For that… Pucca? What is she actually?’ We went out of the house. He finally started walking by himself.


‘She is a courier girl. How can you not know about her? The carton is Korean!’ He shrugged.


‘Why do you keep those things in there? Don’t your girls know about them?’


‘They know. It’s just embarrassing but I can’t throw them away.’ He nodded kind an understanding. Before I could ask anything more someone yelled behind us.


‘Oppa!’ It was a skinny brown-haired girl. I stared at her legs. They looked awfully long because of the high hells and the shorts she was wearing. ‘Where were you last night oppa? Why did you leave me alone in the club? Were you with her?’ she glared at me.


‘I was with the gang.’ He said. Is he trying to cover where he was? An evil idea popped in my mind.


‘Yeah at my house.’ I flipped over my hair purposely. The girl shrieked indignantly. Revenge is sweet.


‘Aren’t we a little bit too proud?’ He chuckled. What that didn’t work?


‘Yah! Isn’t she your girlfriend or something?’


‘Yes, I am his girlfriend. So you better get your hands off him!’ she yelled pushing Zico slightly away to get to me.


‘Ladies and gentleman in this corner we have Hyuna from 4 minute and in the other corner we have…’ Zico started like a boxing match judge but I interrupted him.


‘Dare to call me with my real name I am going to let Radiata kill you.’


‘… Crinum from Ly… what was it?’


‘Lycoris P for God’s sake. You don’t even know with who you made truce! And you.’ I looked at that Hyuna girl. ‘Don’t even try put up a fight with me I bet up Jessica the other day.’ She flinched but didn’t move. I shrugged and walked past her. ‘Whatever. I have work to do.’


‘See you later Hyuna!’ Zico yelled and followed me. ‘Did you get jealous?’ I laughed.


‘Why? I don’t like you. In fact my heart is already taken by someone else.’


‘Oh I feel hurt.’ He faked hurt and I just shook my head. ‘Do you want to know from where me and Hyuna know each other?’ I shook my head. ‘Then I will tell you.’ I groaned. ‘We are both rappers we met in a club and…’


‘I don’t care! I am not going to tell you my life story so don’t tell me yours!’ I powered stride. We soon reached the restaurant.


‘Oh! Hi L, go straight down she is waiting.’ Youngjae said when we walked in the restaurant. He and the rest of BAP worked there when they had time.


‘Wasn’t that guy from school?’ asked Zico and I nodded. I led him to the secret door in the kitchen. Whit the opening of it I could already hear Alba and Tara.


‘You're legs so fat that I took a picture of you last Christmas and it's still printing!"


‘Well yo mamma so fat that she leaves foot prints on concrete."


’Yo mama is so fat that she goes in the house through the garage!’


‘Yo mama so fat, when she fell in love, she BROKE it!’


‘Yah! Both your mums are fat! Shut up now we have a guest.’ Taehyun yelled at them when we stepped in sight. The room was big with seven couches and five tables spread around the room. One of the walls was covered with screens- that was Tara’s work place. She was always there sitting in her spinning chair. By her side was sitting Alba laughing like a maniac at their wired jocks. The walls were covered with my graffiti- lilies, bunnies and “South Park” characters. I heard Zico gasp behind me. I don’t know why though. The place was just a little bit too comfortable den.


Taehyun stood up from one of the couches. She stepped towards us with her impressive whole 1,55 meters height and glared at Zico. ‘Just dare to hurt her and I will hang you on your guts!’ she said with a low dangerous voice. Instilling fear- in that Taehyun was the best.


‘Go easy on the kid, will you? He might get in use.’ That was Yongguk coming down the stairs. ‘Oh Woo Jiho!’ ‘Hyung?’


‘You two know each other?’ asked Taehyun and they nodded.


‘We both are rappers in the same underground club.’ Yongguk explained. I raised my hand and Taehyun nodded giving me permission to talk.


‘Why did you call me?’ In this exact moment the door limed open and I heard Himchan and Yona yelling at each other. Taehyun only pointed at the coming duo and threw herself on the couch tiredly. I tried to make out about what they were arguing. ‘YAH HIMNA!’ I yelled over the noise. They froze and turned their heads to me while Alba and Tara bursted out laughing. ‘Why do you need me?’ I said blinking innocently with eyes. Yona shook her head and pushed the bridge of her nose.


‘We are going to need some of your paintings and help from Lycoris P. Restaurant is booked for a spring ball.’ She said.


‘They will help alright but I am not sure I want my paintings to hang in the restaurant.’ I said and I felt Yongguk’s hand on my shoulders conspiratorial. ‘Take that as an advertisement. Some of the guests would spend thousands on them if we say the right things.’ I laughed the idea of someone liking and eventually buying my art sounded ridiculous but still I said yes. I made plans with Himchan and Yona about when should I and the girls come to help and which paintings to bring. Meanwhile Yongguk was chatting happily with Zico.


After half hour me and Zico finally left. ‘I like those Alba and Tara.’ He said.


‘No wonder you three like to tease me.’ It was still early around five in the afternoon. Hum when did we fall asleep last night? Just when I thought that someone hit me on the head.

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Chapter 14: Awww I love this! Something about her being forced to be with him & then eventually falling for him is so romantic to me, like Beauty & the Beast, lol. I love it!
WatashinoOrenji #2
Chapter 14: I just love this story SO MUCH!
I almost cry again when The Z-I-C-O got shot.
But then there's a happy ending!Yay! :D
WatashinoOrenji #3
Chapter 12: I almost cry T.T
I don't think Zico's the one who post the video.It must be Hyuna!
I hope they get back together.
WatashinoOrenji #4
Chapter 9: OH my gosh that was SO intense! >////<
Chapter 11: Asdfghjk. I really do love this story. ;A; It's simply awesome orz. I read all the chapters at once and now I'm craving for more and more. T^T Especially when the ending of the newest chapter is so uncertain and somehow keeping the reader in suspense. ouo If Hyuna really have done something that concerns Lijung, Zico or whoever else, I promise I'll slit without hesitation. xD /takes her forks out/ Aww, so curious what's gonna happen. ;~; Please update soon~! <333


And seriously, why does this story have just only two subscribers and two comments including mine? DX It deserves a lot better! ;A; You're really amazing writer, aww. Now I feel like doing some promotions on other people's walls. xD
Zeal95 #6
Chapter 9: Woooooiw! That was so intense LOL. I Really Like the Story line Update soon plzz" :D